I ingested a drug, I failed a drug test for meth and got sentenced to 30% of 5 years behind bars and 75% on parole.

Moral of the story, If you're gonna use drugs don't use them in the state of South Dakota.

They are one of the only states in the United States that carries prison sentences for merely ingesting a drug.

Laws that tell you what you can and can't do to your own body. topkek

America, the land of the free? I don't think so.
The problem is the support system getting the drug users the illegal drugs. And how many of the users that steal or do other illegal things to get the drugs they use. It is not just the drug use itself. One has to think of the entire drug system.

Just as one has to look as prostitution as not being illegal. But some of those women are literal sex slaves.
A huge sex slave ring was broke up on the East side of Houston in 2016. Another in Minnesota in 2015. It happens more often than you think with our sanctuary city policies.

Sex slaves are illegal even if prostitution is legal.

Ally you're being dumb again, c'mon buddy.

Edited; Reworded.
Now now MVP, you are digressing from the main topic again.

When people link Buzzfeed as a source of information.

It was not cited as a source of information merely a source of photos. And it did just that, gave photos.

Sex slaves are illegal even if prostitution is legal.

Ally you're being dumb again, c'mon buddy.

Edited; Reworded.

As usual, you must resort to insults.

Open prostitution is illegal in every state jurisdictions of the US. Only in Nevada can a brothel or a house of ill repute get a license. And that is only in a few counties in Nevada. Not every county meets eligibility criteria.

That was the jist of my statement. Prostitution begets the sex slave industry. Just as drug use begets theivery(in order to feed the habit). And the drug industry ultimately begets murder( all one needs to do is look at how many people have been killed in Columbia)

Ever back to topic...
@Riptides When will you be back in game?
Now now MVP, you are digressing from the main topic again.

It was not cited as a source of information merely a source of photos. And it did just that, gave photos.

As usual, you must resort to insults.

Open prostitution is illegal in every state jurisdictions of the US. Only in Nevada can a brothel or a house of ill repute get a license. And that is only in a few counties in Nevada. Not every county meets eligibility criteria.

That was the jist of my statement. Prostitution begets the sex slave industry. Just as drug use begets theivery(in order to feed the habit). And the drug industry ultimately begets murder( all one needs to do is look at how many people have been killed in Columbia)

Ever back to topic...
@Riptides When will you be back in game?

I'm already back in game, for the next 45 days I am on a ERP (Early Release Program) I've been strapped up with a handy dandy ankle monitor for 4$ a day.

The prisons are overcrowded because of all of the non violent drug offenders with only 1 or 2 felonies in prison, so if you behave long enough you have the opportunity to be released early.

Once I hit my actual parole date in 45 days I can start parole where I have no restrictions besides standard parole rules.

See ya in the gulch :)
As usual, you must resort to insults.

Open prostitution is illegal in every state jurisdictions of the US. Only in Nevada can a brothel or a house of ill repute get a license. And that is only in a few counties in Nevada. Not every county meets eligibility criteria.

That was the jist of my statement. Prostitution begets the sex slave industry. Just as drug use begets theivery(in order to feed the habit). And the drug industry ultimately begets murder( all one needs to do is look at how many people have been killed in Columbia)

Ever back to topic...

Now now MVP, you are digressing from the main topic again.

I didn't digress from the main topic. Digress by definition is avoiding the main topic or subject. I never engaged in the topic of the Thread.

I'll use an analogy.
If you stand on the street discussing with a group of people about racism in America and I walk by and talk to someone next to the discussion, am I avoiding the main topic? Of course not. If I don't engage in a topic then it's not my main topic.

As usual, you must resort to insults.

Open prostitution is illegal in every state jurisdictions of the US. Only in Nevada can a brothel or a house of ill repute get a license. And that is only in a few counties in Nevada. Not every county meets eligibility criteria.

You're strawmanning. Nowhere did I state that prostitution is legal everywhere in the U.S. You're argueing as if I did. What I said was that Sex Slaves would be illegal even if you made prostitution legal.

That was the jist of my statement. Prostitution begets the sex slave industry. Just as drug use begets theivery(in order to feed the habit). And the drug industry ultimately begets murder( all one needs to do is look at how many people have been killed in Columbia)

If you wanna stop water from leaking through the ceiling due to holes in the roof, the best course of action would be to fix the holes in the roof rather than stopping water from hitting the roof.

Let's see if you can figure that one out. I have a feeling you'll fall flat.
Prostitution begets the sex slave industry. Just as drug use begets theivery(in order to feed the habit). And the drug industry ultimately begets murder( all one needs to do is look at how many people have been killed in Columbia)

It can be argued that it is the prohibition of these that result in crime and exploitation, not the activities themselves which have been around for as long as human civilization has existed.
It can be argued that it is the prohibition of these that result in crime and exploitation, not the activities themselves which have been around for as long as human civilization has existed.

Some drug use is legal in parts of the world and people are still killed to produce/control those drugs.
Prostitution is not illegal in other parts of the world, yet the sex slave industry exists there.
The same can be said with just about any valuable commodity.

Ever back to topic...

@Riptides I presume you are playing out of BH at the moment.
Some drug use is legal in parts of the world and people are still killed to produce/control those drugs.
Prostitution is not illegal in other parts of the world, yet the sex slave industry exists there.
The same can be said with just about any valuable commodity.

I am not arguing that legalization eliminates the criminal element, but it has drastically reduced it in nations that have adopted more liberal policies. While contrarily, strict prohibition strengthens the black market and violence associated with it.

Let's be real; unfortunately, the world will never be rid of drug cartels/gangs/etc or the sex slave industry. It will also never be rid of people getting intoxicated or paying for sex. To think otherwise is quite naive.

I would contend that the issue(s) have two elements that should be considered: Firstly, the ideological side of whether or not a person, persons or government has the right to tell a citizen what they can or cannot do with their own body. And, following from that, the pragmatic side of what methodology (if at all, depending on your stance on the first element) would be the most successful way of curbing these activities.

Your point regarding crime and other valuable commodities is spot on. Counterfeit products have been found to have direct financial ties to organized crime, terrorist groups and other shady characters. But I don't see many people, citizens or government officials, demanding that consumers of these products be incarcerated. Instead, the focus is on the criminal element.

Similarly, this is my viewpoint regarding the methodology of curbing our initial topics. The drug war and locking up prostitutes and/or their Johns is ineffectual. It is a waste of taxpayer's dollars that focuses on punishing the users at a much higher rate than the producers.
From here on out I will only answer your posts with ellipses since you refuse to stay on topic.

You almost got through without a jab. Almost... That is why I insisted on you taking that EQ(empathy quotient) test. You may just learn something about yourself. I am trying to help you.

Oh lord... please stay on topic. Otherwise you are digressing. Using analogies are a terrible tool for a in a debate. As they tend to get the debate off track if the other opponent are not "good". We were just discussing drug use and all of a sudden you are discussing being impolite to people in the street and leaky roofs.

Ever back to topic...

Only one or two felonies. Those people can't vote(some states allow it but with a lot of trouble), join military, bear arms, get a passport, government assistance and certain jobs.
Having a felony conviction is serious business.
It's not all doom and gloom though. I have a good family friend, her son at 19 was DWI and he killed someone. He got 10 years for manslaughter. He had to do all 10 years. When he got out, he finished his petroleum engineering degree and got a good career.

You're actually an idiot. Even @telle realize this. I won't argue with you since you're too stupid to understand my arguments.
You're actually an idiot. Even @telle realize this. I won't argue with you since you're too stupid to understand my arguments.


I don't think Ally is an idiot, although it can come across that way sometimes. He just poorly attempts to play some sort of gadfly role on these forums and baits people looking for rational discourse with vague responses and cherry-picking their arguments (as he did with my lengthier reply to him) for his own sadistic pleasure. Nothing to get worked up over.

I don't think Ally is an idiot, although it can come across that way sometimes. He just poorly attempts to play some sort of gadfly role on these forums and baits people looking for rational discourse with vague responses and cherry-picking their arguments (as he did with my lengthier reply to him) for his own sadistic pleasure. Nothing to get worked up over.

Being unable to understand that analogies is a great way of simplifying complicated concepts means he's an idiot.

Valueing your intellectuality is crucial for my arguments. It's a way of explaining why you don't understand my logical arguments from time to time due to a gap of intellectuality between you and I.
The problem is the support system getting the drug users the illegal drugs. And how many of the users that steal or do other illegal things to get the drugs they use. It is not just the drug use itself. One has to think of the entire drug system.

if one has to think of the “entire drug system” why not include the multi-decade multi-trillion dollar war on drugs which, along with illegalization, guarantees a higher prices and the associated criminal activity. The mechanisms we use to control drug use and distribution actually promotes greater criminality at enormous monetary cost.

Then comes big pharma, pushing out their own high-end drug brands, creating oxy addicts in droves that will eventually find their way to (cheaper) illegal alternatives.

Combine these two elements, throw in the “for profit” prison systems we have springing up and you’ve got a perfect storm of fucked-upness.

Just as one has to look as prostitution as not being illegal. But some of those women are literal sex slaves.
A huge sex slave ring was broke up on the East side of Houston in 2016. Another in Minnesota in 2015. It happens more often than you think with our sanctuary city policies.

i’m not going to touch this train wreck, maybe nudge it into the water.
if one has to think of the “entire drug system” why not include the multi-decade multi-trillion dollar war on drugs which, along with illegalization, guarantees a higher prices and the associated criminal activity. The mechanisms we use to control drug use and distribution actually promotes greater criminality at enormous monetary cost.

Then comes big pharma, pushing out their own high-end drug brands, creating oxy addicts in droves that will eventually find their way to (cheaper) illegal alternatives.

Combine these two elements, throw in the “for profit” prison systems we have springing up and you’ve got a perfect storm of fucked-upness.

So what you are stating is that by making some drugs illegal is just another way for "the man" to keep some people down? And for RX companies to make money. You may be surprised to know that some of the illegal drug king pins are some of the richest men in the world. Pablo Escobar was smuggling over half a BILLION dollars per day into the US alone at his height. That is per day. He was spending over $1,000 per week on just rubber bands to wrap the incoming cash.
Not that I am total disagreement with you about drug companies though.

Personally, I have never felt the need to use recreational drugs, legal or otherwise. Some people do have that urge. And those that do have that urge, some can't fight it or choose not to fight it, and they have to deal with the consequences of that use as do their families.
We must not prejudge those people though. For their business is their own and not ours. At least until they make it ours.

So what you are stating is that by making some drugs illegal is just another way for "the man" to keep some people down? And for RX companies to make money. You may be surprised to know that some of the illegal drug king pins are some of the richest men in the world. Pablo Escobar was smuggling over half a BILLION dollars per day into the US alone at his height. That is per day. He was spending over $1,000 per week on just rubber bands to wrap the incoming cash.
Not that I am total disagreement with you about drug companies though.

i stated nothing of the sort. if you want to know what i said you would need to actually refer to what i said. what you’re doing is referring to what you said.

you may be surprised to know that one of the reasons drug king pins get so rich is because the US drug policy artificially increases the value of said drugs. how many pablo excobars were out there when coke was made with coke?

Personally, I have never felt the need to use recreational drugs, legal or otherwise. Some people do have that urge. And those that do have that urge, some can't fight it or choose not to fight it, and they have to deal with the consequences of that use as do their families.
We must not prejudge those people though. For their business is their own and not ours. At least until they make it ours.


replace "recreational drug" with "wine" and then read it.

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