Free our people!

The only thing I gathered from this that was mildly interesting is that the OP of that link is from my home realm. Who knew?
this is a movement to get our wsg pops back 24 7 spread as much attention as possible
Blacklist AV and queue it second.

I get 10 minuet pops all day doing this. Expecting faster than 10-15 minuets is just impatient. As it is, this bracket has faster queues than 90% of the others.
Maybe if you weren't petitioning for it on trial account's blizzard might actually give a shit.

Well, those are technically p2p or vet accounts. Can't post on Forums with trial accounts.
I think you can bypass it if you have a diablo or starcraft account and just post from those accounts :p

I should do that with my f2p. Or not. Too much effort.
from a purely selfish standpoint, I only need 15k more AV rep for conq.. there's a reason I've been going online each worknight for an hour just to sit in AV q(last time I got it to pop was early August)

but yeah I'd be happy if AV were removed.

WAY happier if skirms were removed. what's worse, the occasional, now-legendary 80man pop or the CONSTANT 24/7 4man pops? if three skirms pop, that's an entire WSG lineup gone. And since they're more often sporadic, one after the other, you get a third of your team gone for the first two minutes, a second third gone for the next two minutes, by the time they're out the first four are in another skirmish, so on so forth..

I just think skirms are way worse or at LEAST as bad as AV for the bracket
I'd like to see them fix the random battleground queue system, I don't think I should have to wait 10x longer in random q compared to specific's that pop sometimes instantly... not sure why they set it up how they did but it should put you in for each q simultaneously, and give you the same priority as people q'ing specifics.
none exp locked av pops well at 20. so no one care.
Also, no, because knowing that 29s sit in q fo days makes me abit warm and fuzzy.

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