Adventure quest worlds skulls huhit's ur boy
Adventure quest worlds skulls huhit's ur boy
Okay, this might sound crazy so I'll understand if you can't do it :O
I want a signature of your toon making my signature and in the signature that you're making to be my toon Rhaellia (http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/aerie-peak/Rhaellia/simple) having an epic wand duel with Fry (keep it safe!) with Swoops making a chocolate cake in the background. @Swoops, where's the cake, yo?!
Feel free to include anything else you feel is apart of your artistic expression!
I literally couldn't stop laughing at this. Love it.
Make my druid as fluffy as you can and make it at a picnic :O But heres the tricky part . Make him sitting in bear form with the doge face from my signature. Throw in some dank memes too.
Can you do swaglordmeme from my signature below thxgimme ur char and what u want we'll see what we can do
Its perfect !
I love all of these so much..
I want an arena full of ßurgs clapping while Akribøs (@Zayle) is kneeling before Clapforßurg while saying "You're my alpha."