Forum Game: Count

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1 time i got like 0 damage in a arena #1

whops +2
This is what popped up in Photobucket when i searched for 105, idk why. But i do know, that 105 is my new favorite number.

th1s thread is s0 annoying

I guess I need to add this: 8
abouI tIme I posted.
Bumper Sticker #112

My girlfriend can't wrestle, but you oughta see her box!

Courtesy of Http://

I didn't think it was funny, it was just the first link that came up when I typed in "112 Jokes" in Google.
post # 1,113
Pokemon #115: Kangaskhan


Kangaskhan, the kangaroo Pokémon. These Pokémon carry their babies in a pouch. I have a Pokémon calendar, and I have just discovered that at three years old, the babies are ready to leave the pouch. Even so, Kangaskhan are still aggressive attackers who possess a hard calloused skin.

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