<for the BOYS>

Name(s) : Ferla
[1]Age : 18 year old
WoW Experience :
- General Twinking Experience
: Played since late WOLTK A drood who unfortunately is level 20 now, I play a fire mage called frozendead at 29.
- 19 Twinking Experience : Here is some cool arena match I did with nick : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i-A8f1Z6No8 (even if I failed to avoid some polymorph) , I also play alot of 3.3.5 Server Under various name (mainly rogue and mage) and on official server on my drood.
- Endgame PvP Experience : I've never played endgame.
Class(es) :
[2]Current Twinks :
Armory Links I newly start a elem sham : Ferlä @ Al'Akir - Communauté - World of Warcraft Not bis yet
UI Screenshot : Imgur
[3]Relevant Macros : I use focus macro with a mouseover macro to set my focus (allow me to focus kick really quickly) , and a lot of mouseover macro like this :
#showtooltip Purge
/use [@mouseover,harm][harm][@targettarget,harm][@focustarget,harm][@targettargettarg­et]Purge

And same mouseover macro for heal spell to be really efficient on speed

Microphone : Yes
Why should we pick you? : I correspond to this guild I always want to improve and I always want to improve. I like challenge this is why I play elem sham, to take this no-op class to this best possibility.
Other Information : If you really want another class, I can play another one. I will xfer my character to draenor
hey guys im daniel or danny whichever get called both haha.

basically its been a long time since ive twinked haha i mean a long time im talking wrath of the lich king long but i wanna get back into it.

atm im trying to make the perfect lvl 19 rogue im lvl 10 atm trying to figure best in slot stuff to get for gear and enchants ect and gunna work on everything get myself back into it.

was wondering if i could come in as a future recruit or something like i wanna join a twink guild but right now i cnt exactly say im an expert but ive played wow on and off since vanilla and
i played a lvl 19 rogue basically all the way thru bc and wotlk rogues have changed a bit since but im used to them i lvled up a rogue to 100 did a bit of pvp on that but honestly miss twinking.

just wanna join a guild and get as good as i can and have fun with it.

i have mic and teamspeak 3 ect for when we go wsg as a group.

in game name is fivepoundbj (blood elf ) if you feel like u wanna let me tag along and when i get all my gear together honestly shudnt take that long really come join u properly
I never whrite in forums. Dont hate me.

Application Form:

Name(s) : Jonathan
[SUP][1][/SUP]Age : 20
WoW Experience : played since wrath
- General Twinking Experience : had a 70 twink in wrath
- 19 Twinking Experience : got my first 19 in cata
- Endgame PvP Experience : 2k in 3v3 with warrior in cata and 1800 i rated bg played flagcarryer
Class(es) : hmm.. warrior?
[SUP][2][/SUP]Current Twinks : Armory Links Ripinpeace @ Draenor - Community - World of Warcraft
UI Screenshot : View attachment 5962
[SUP][3][/SUP]Relevant Macros : can do focus macros and heal harm macros and other shit. dont have any macros on the twink now but i make soon so i can charge and use warstomp
Microphone : Yes
Why should we pick you? : im active and got bis
Other Information : smoke weed


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