Fondest moments in 19s

This is something fun that maybe you guys will not QQ about lol.

Post anything thats memorable from BG's arenas or duels.
I'll start with a BG on my now 29 druid, the pally bubbled himself against me and i downed him w/ moonfire... i Laughed for about 15m, this happens to me in 29s alot too lol >.<
Back in the day we used to have a skilled FC named Martyrious, who was always able to keep running the flag solo in pugs forever basically.

Managing to keep up with him, and very rarely solo kill him would be one of my more fond moments at 19.
I'll always remember my first PTR as one of the awesome experiences in my WoW career. I was pretty much a self-taught pvper, with the helping hands of a few great twinks (Vegansown, Salt, Pepper, Kidneypopper, etc.) Anyway, over time I got better - a lot better. Suddenly I heard about the magical "PTR" and how all the best players in the world could come together into one realm. It was like, oh I don't know, discovering the 'major leagues' and 'professionals' of a sport and suddenly going from thinking you were The Hot Stuff - being the star player in your kiddie team - to realizing that there's a whole layered network of players a lot better than you.

Anyway...Finally seeing all of the fabled "legends" of the bracket up close was a big treat for me. Looking back now I'm sure I sucked, but I remember getting a lot of constructive criticism and a lot of encouragement; I was the Rookie. It was awesome to discover all of this theory and strategy that had been passed down through the 'ages'. It's these kinds of experiences that have really made this game enjoyable for me - the self-improvement, the competition, the community, and of course the ever-changing strategy.

Wall of Text Out.

EDIT: for tldr readers:

Back in vengeance I had a great time queueing with a partner for 3s and winning pretty much all the matches 2v3. We also had a blast doing 3v5s. Yeah, that's when we knew it was time to transfer...
mm, i remember back 2 years ago when i started twinking, ran with a guild called <Battle Lord>, the gm was a orc warrior and we were inseperable until he had to quit to focus on school (*sad panda*)

My favorite battle was running a 8 man team against <The Chosen Few> from aggramar in a unplanned premade, we were practicing to get the 3 fast cap acivement and ran into them. Really long game, my team went down 2-0 and some were wanting to let them win >.< i told em to fuck themselves, i rolled horde for the sole reason that i didnt want to be some pussy alliance and i wasnt going to roll over and lose just because we the odds were bad.

I guess that struck a chord with some people, because we went on to win that game 3-2 after an hour and a half :D Still talk to people about that game.

Good times.
Crilicilyn said:
This is something fun that maybe you guys will not QQ about lol.

Post anything thats memorable from BG's arenas or duels.

When stuff like

WoWScrnShot_062809_000916.jpg picture by gotrekorfelix - Photobucket

WoWScrnShot_061509_211202.jpg picture by gotrekorfelix - Photobucket

Happened and confirmed my hunch that I am infact, amazing. :p

But nahh seriously I can't think of any games that I cared too much about or found to be that epic. Maybe some of my sexy 1v1 wins or somethin :D
First premade, first ptr and the ptr's after that were all filled with fondness.
Running around with +25 Agility on a Searing Blade for two years. Ahh gear trolling.

Building a wanding Mage with all +Agility and +Crit gear.
My most memorable moment was when a 19 "twink" rogue asked me where to get LFH. I said STV and he was all like "is taht in durotar", then I said "YES! Go there and fish everyday and you'll get it" and 2 weeks later he asked me again how long I fished for it because he didn't get it yet

And ofc first premades and 5v5 arenas
roguedubb said:
Building a wanding Mage with all +Agility and +Crit gear.

lol, will that work? and do you know if haste helps wands?
Doffe said:
My most memorable moment was when a 19 "twink" rogue asked me where to get LFH. I said STV and he was all like "is taht in durotar", then I said "YES! Go there and fish everyday and you'll get it" and 2 weeks later he asked me again how long I fished for it because he didn't get it yet

Those moments are probably the greatest:p

Maybe we norwegian people tend to mess with people like that, I know I like to fool newbies.
Grunge, yes Haste helps wanding. It's pretty badass if you ask me.
Finally getting accepted into DYFL, i was pretty noobified when i started out on my very first twink :) ah the days of wondering how much agi my FC set should have and whether nethecleft was really worth it ^^
Shazzrah said:
Back in the day we used to have a skilled FC named Martyrious, who was always able to keep running the flag solo in pugs forever basically.

Managing to keep up with him, and very rarely solo kill him would be one of my more fond moments at 19.

Word. Martyrious <3
Mayhem vs. Dominate, Twinks in Pink vs. Dominate premades.

good times
I was playing my lock with my soulstone on me, i had the flag it was 2-2 game and some hunters where chasing me across the mid. I make it up to the flagroom and DIE about 1 yard away from capping:mad:, then i realized i had my soulstone and BAM, i rezzed grabbed the flag and capped.:D It was awesome.
My moments, are quite a few.

Firstly it was when you got the fishing hat while it was still rare, and you would be so happy. Can't seriously say I've had more adrenaline rush in my veins as that day I saw keefer in my loot-table.

And of course I remember fighting those great people in 1v1's and realicing that I had the lead, and that I could win, and then stressing and end up fucking up. Time after time....

Then making my druid, meet allot of cool people, get good gear. And suddenly be that druid with so much hp.

Then my transfer to AYGAT, with my shit skills and sorta uncomplete gear. Being tought by Moonfirespam so I could beat other people in 1v1, and then me slowly becoming better, and better. And being main FC in the A-team of the guild. The first 10v10 victory tasted so good, capping the last flag, damn never had such a proud moment in a WSG.

Also remember the PTR's and first time I saw my name pronounced with OMFG IT'S (BRAGH) in front of the name :D

Also when I was on kidneypopper's priest on the US PTR and beating a rogue who I've known the name of since I started twinking. (and while duelling having the big BOSS! (that MYT troll priest) "giving advice" and at the end say, ah nvm seems to know what ur doin)

But what I miss the most, is talking childish and trashtalking Resisted (and his mum).

Some of my stuff.
Best memory must have been when ToT, THE hunter back in the days(along with everstride) commented on how well I was playing and said that the guild would be braindead if they didn't pick me for the next pree. I was so proud:D

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