Fixing level 80s

Im going to give it an attempt friday, i have a lockout, my plan, take my level 80 twink mage friend who is fire, with adds he can get around 700-800k dps, hoping that will push LK quickly and hoping he can get some major DPS in before valks in which case he will die. At that point hope to have enough vengance to survive/kill LK. I know its duo but still will allow us to farm mount xD
You realise you can probably free him from the valks with huge vengeance right?

Yea im going to try but getting him out of 3 valks might be challenge. Im also hoping that Glyph of the Battle Healer is enough to keep him alive through infest and that i can dispell the disease.
THEY FIXED THE MAGE T10 2PC!!!!1111oneoneoneone.

I am now officially excited for 5.2...
THEY FIXED THE MAGE T10 2PC!!!!1111oneoneoneone.

I am now officially excited for 5.2...

Fixed as in reinstated it for the proper "Hot Streak" proc, or fixed as in "It's too OP so we just got rid of it"? If they got it working again for Hot Streak, then timing couldn't have been better for me to start that multibox level 80 mage team.
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Yeah the combustion nerf was a huge hit. Very huge! I'm still sad I can't do 750k burst dps now lol

12% haste is good for extra combustion ticks (not sure if 12% actually grants more ticks at such a high level of haste with procs) and also pretty awesome after cd's and procs have worn off. Every bit of extra dps helps, especially if you don't get a haste windsong proc
Yeah the combustion nerf was a huge hit. Very huge! I'm still sad I can't do 750k burst dps now lol

12% haste is good for extra combustion ticks (not sure if 12% actually grants more ticks at such a high level of haste with procs) and also pretty awesome after cd's and procs have worn off. Every bit of extra dps helps, especially if you don't get a haste windsong proc

Have you calculated max haste and added the 12% to see if its worthwhile? It should still adds ticks if it is over the threshold for the next tick.
Have you calculated max haste and added the 12% to see if its worthwhile? It should still adds ticks if it is over the threshold for the next tick.

Doesn't really matter if it adds anything or not, you'll have the buff regardless. Reapplies after every Pyro and if people do the same thing as me, which is the 3 pyro's in a row before a combustion they'll have it.
Well haste is already so stupidly high that it won't be a significant increase, could allow you to move stats around so you're sitting right as a tick threshold and have more mastery.
Well haste is already so stupidly high that it won't be a significant increase, could allow you to move stats around so you're sitting right as a tick threshold and have more mastery.

I'm not sure how other mages reforge, but I'm full mastery. I go for mastery > crit > haste and I let the herbalism bonus, haste proc from trinket and sometimes windsong haste proc do the job for me. Seems to work pretty well. :D

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