Fishing hat

Hey im Epicshot ... Many from reckoning might now me:) im new here and just wanted to say HELLO!:D ! enywayz now the damn hat ! i have been fishing since september 2008 for it! and im going almost every sunday.... Got alot of boots/lines but no hat :< Eny Tips?:D(got 450 fishing aswell)
Welcome, only thing that your missing is a little thing called luck dude =[ just keep at it and eventually you will get it :)

There is a few very tiny islands off the coast somewhat behind the Gurubashi Arena, seems to drop better around those islands.
fearthelock said:
There is a few very tiny islands off the coast somewhat behind the Gurubashi Arena, seems to drop better around those islands.

I doubt that... probably the place you can catch most in 2 hours is the best place to fish.
Epicshot said:
Hey im Epicshot ... Many from reckoning might now me:) im new here and just wanted to say HELLO!:D ! enywayz now the damn hat ! i have been fishing since september 2008 for it! and im going almost every sunday.... Got alot of boots/lines but no hat :< Eny Tips?:D(got 450 fishing aswell)

The only reason some people know you in Reckoning is cause of your QQing in /BG Chat from Bg's i've been in.

Also most of us know about you from your begging of CM to invite you back in before you rolled a new guild <Ownage Gankers>, which claims to be better in 2v2/3v3, But somehow i doubt you've looked at CM's Youtube channel lately and noticed they ganked you in a 3v3 match without losing a member.

/Rage Over


EDIT: The best place to fish is where there is alot of pools and where you feel you will not aggro a mob from close range, I'd suggest running round STV With an escort, Also would suggest having more than 20 free spaces in your bag for picking up random fish, Also suggest you carry round lures and just relax you'll get it soon, It takes alot of luck, Hence the name: Lucky Fishing Hat
I seem to have a lucky pool. For some reason I have caught 10+ rares from the exact same pool.

Edit: Got a hat on my ally priest in the making Sunday. From the same pool I was talking about!!!
Cptheals said:
I seem to have a lucky pool. For some reason I have caught 10+ rares from the exact same pool.

Edit: Got a hat on my ally priest in the making Sunday. From the same pool I was talking about!!!

Tell us :p I have been at this too and am not lucky it seems
Rayu said:
I doubt that... probably the place you can catch most in 2 hours is the best place to fish.

I've fished at this tourney for over a year on different twinks. So far that has had the highest success rate. You can doubt all you want, but that dose't stop that for working for me.
[quote name='Doyoulikedot']The only reason some people know you in Reckoning is cause of your QQing in /BG Chat from Bg's i've been in.

Also most of us know about you from your begging of CM to invite you back in before you rolled a new guild <Ownage Gankers>, which claims to be better in 2v2/3v3, But somehow i doubt you've looked at CM's Youtube channel lately and noticed they ganked you in a 3v3 match without losing a member.

/Rage Over

ermm that was offtopic also thats not the story .... and in the video i was i and 2 semi twinks .... also got some prints of 3v3 2v2s where og beats cm ! but enywayz ! who cares about em No1 i know likes em so.../care=O ty for the tip aswell:p
I know you also from reckoning.. You kind of like to piss off a bit when you dont get your kill, or when us horde dont bend over for you when you want to attack us.

But oh well, you can go back to the BG forums and talk there about your feelings.
Twinkzruz said:
I know you also from reckoning.. You kind of like to piss off a bit when you dont get your kill, or when us horde dont bend over for you when you want to attack us.

But oh well, you can go back to the BG forums and talk there about your feelings.

At least we can say Epicshot is a true hunter, annoying others in every possible way.
fearthelock said:
I've fished at this tourney for over a year on different twinks. So far that has had the highest success rate. You can doubt all you want, but that dose't stop that for working for me.

Oh I do believe you; I just think there are probably so many stories about this that can't be verified that best plan is to just fish where you catch the most fish and don't waste another week on a fisherman's story. It's nothing personal but if you'd follow everyone's advice on something that is so dependant on luck you end up being more and more frustrated every week.

PS sorry for double-post, forgot to multi-quote.
Twinkzruz said:
I know you also from reckoning.. You kind of like to piss off a bit when you dont get your kill, or when us horde dont bend over for you when you want to attack us.

But oh well, you can go back to the BG forums and talk there about your feelings.

Ok so u play horde!.. plz tell me the name and the realm so i could shot a couple of arrows at u when i see u! oh ya and its true i like annoying ppl
Hey im Epicshot ... Many from reckoning might now me im new here and just wanted to say HELLO! ! enywayz now the damn hat ! i have been fishing since september 2008 for it! and im going almost every sunday.... Got alot of boots/lines but no hat :< Eny Tips?(got 450 fishing aswell)

Oh I do believe you; I just think there are probably so many stories about this that can't be verified that best plan is to just fish where you catch the most fish and don't waste another week on a fisherman's story. It's nothing personal but if you'd follow everyone's advice on something that is so dependant on luck you end up being more and more frustrated every week.

I just find what you are saying to be counterproductive. He's asking people here for tips which means he is looking for a specific answer. He is telling everyone here that he has been "wasting his time" since '08. And telling the guy to "fish where you can get the most fish" without even giving a location on where is'nt helping anyone.
When I fish I usually go to the East Coast in Stranglethorn Vale and I can catch 110-130 fish each contest, without a guard. There're two nice groups of pools and when you fish those you can head up North past Gorlash and there're 1-3 pools you can get, and usually swim/run back to find those two groups of pools have respawned. It's a nice route I take most of the time. Now, on the rare occasion I have a guard, I go to the West Coast, making my way North then heading back South. There're more pools on the West Coast, but also more monsters that you will aggro attempting to get them. If it helps, I caught my one and only Keefer's Angelfish on the East Coast and a Dezian Queenfish on the North West Coast. I'll try to get a picture of my route soon.

Some people say go to Yojamba Isle; I wouldn't do this. I fished all the pools there then ended up waiting 10 minutes for a pool to respawn but none did, so I left. Plus, depending on the server, it's often populated with other twinks trying to get a rare as well.
I've tried fishing different places. The first time I was fishing, I was fishing @ the west coast. 15 mins before it was over, I caught my Keefer's Angelfish :D I've also tried Yojomba Isle... before someone wins, it's great. But after that, you should go to the west coast. (First Yojomba, then West Coast works pretty good) Tried east coast once too, but west coast is best imo
Epicshot said:
Ok so u play horde!.. plz tell me the name and the realm so i could shot a couple of arrows at u when i see u! oh ya and its true i like annoying ppl

He's US. So most likely he didnt meet you at all.

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