It doesn't have to be if you just leave it there and speak no further of it
I'm sorry i just came to here to tell you somthing awesome.
I'm just a twink like you.
We almost have the same limits.
The new gear looks pretty awesome but is somtimes not bether then the blue PvP gear.
I didn't came here to harm people, i only tried to be nice and tell you there was a way to transmog your twinks in the fel gear.
Ofc it's on your own risk, and if i release the bug in public the risk is higher then just to PM a couple of hardcore twinks.
Its pretty much the same as the toy hack, i like toy, and i like twinks.
So i hacked the items in order to use it on my level 20 twinks, also the cooldown was bored so removed that to

I got caught in a banweave, my programme got detected by blizzard and warden and it became totaly unsafe.
So i tought, lets releas it to some trusted people here in the form, that realy want to try it.
The risk was realy low until now, If you tell blizzard about it then i will be perm banned in the next banweave.
If i did harm someone, sorry, just tried to be nice.
Edit: this doesn't mean i leave, i just arrived.
Edit2: Remogged everyting: