First few hours/days of WoW?

Random shit from BC:

One of my first toons was a nelf warrior. At level fifteen I died to hogger about a dozen times before deleting it. Figured I was terrible at that class and didnt wanna bother.

On another toon I wore white gear because it said it was a higher level than the other piece I had, so I assumed it was better.

It took me like 2-3 weeks to go from level 40-50 because I had no clue where to go.

Bought like 350 gold for 15 bucks or something like that. I wanted to buy a staff of jordan, but it was 400 gold and I couldnt get the rest of it I needed.

A friend paid a company like 20 bucks to get one of my first toons from like, I cant remember, level 10 to level 20. I logged in and my shit had been stripped completely.

I had two 70s during BC; a mage and a warrior. I got like a 2-3k (or something like that) crit pyroblast in H Underbog and thought I was the most badass mage ever.

While in an Auchindoun instance on the warr, I got trolled to hell because I was apparently doing trash dps, and someone was unhappy. I started reading about how to play after that.

Someone asked in an instance if anyone had a damage meter, I asked how you got one, someone told me the party leader gets it when you enter the instance; I believed them.

I was really dumb for a long time, but thats all I can really think of right now.

Oh, and I don't remember if it was my epic ground mount, or reg flying mount, but I spent days farming motes of shadows in hfp to buy the training.

I know it says first few hours/days, but I kept thinking of things to say.
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I remember first time leveling an undead warlock and getting lost and killed. I didnt find the map and didn't know how to zoom out. I had headaches ever since when I look at tirisfal. I also remember picking House Wrynn's Polerarm instead of House Wrynn's Claymore when I was leveling my ret pally. I thought agility was a good stat for pallies and it looked cooler anyway.
The first character I actually got anywhere with was a Human Pally. I specced Ret because I liked the name of the tree and the idea of dealing damage back to attackers (RIP Retribution Aura), but I still used a one hander and shield because I thought that armor was the most important stat to have. When my brother finally convinced me to try using a two handed weapon, the DPS blew my mind (which doesn't say much, considering how subpar Ret damage was in Vanilla).

I also remember it taking hours just to hit level 6, and what a big accomplishment I thought it was just to get to double digits. I think I rerolled about 8 times before getting to level 10.

I also never got an epic mount until TBC... Still a little sour about that.
I think I wanted to explore so I remember running a level 1 troll pretty much everywhere in northern Kalimdor. It was horrible. I thought WoW sucked.
First time I played WoW, I had no idea there were battlegrounds, talents, or dungeons. I did not even know that you could shapeshift (I was obviously leveling a druid). So my whole time leveling, I would just stay in normal form and spam Wrath.
My first few hours of WoW back in the day, I was 8ish years old on my first character, a Tauren Warrior on the Trollbane server named Unio.

As an 8 year old, I've never experienced or even heard of an MMO game, so when my father bought it for me, I was oblivious, even though I did understand from him, I'd be playing with hundreds of other players.

So here I was at level 1 in Camp Narache, for 2 hours, asking NPCs to give me a guide of the 'whole' game... /lol. When the NPCs didn't respond, since I thought they were players, I cried IRL. Also remember taking 20 minutes to realize how to talk.

After my father told me they were NPCs, I ran off into the wild, not knowing what a quest was. I grinded up until level 3 until some random person came up to me, we talked, and we both ran to Bloodhoof Village...

When I walked out of that valley, into the rest of Mulgore, omfg... My first time ever, I just realized this game is bigger than I thought it was. So my friend taught me how to dive in the lake, and not knowing how to swim back up, I died for the first time. Scared and confused, I ran in some wild direction, out into the Barrens, looping into Stonetalon Mountains, into Desolace, into Feralas, into Thousand Needles, into Tanaris, into Un'Goro, and got lost for almost an entire day until I found my way back to Mulgore.

After that, I still didn't know what questing was, or that you could even train new abilities, so I grinded all the way to level 40ish, with no talents, no questing, no spec, only the abilities you get at level 1, with only like, 40 silver, and crappy vendor whites, greys, and green gear that was level 10ish.


In Mulgore, I saw people speaking in something called General chat... Not sure what it meant, I really wanted to be a 'general', so I whispered these people, "how do i become a general?"

Got ridiculed, but they shown me how to get into the chat. xD

I also remember my first experience in Barrens Chat, and I didn't know what Chuck Norris was, didn't know what Mankrik's Wife was, etc. Got into some argument about Gremlins over what is better, 1 or 2.

I remember my first dungeon, Razorfen Kraul. Corpsemaker dropped, and it was my first time ever seeing a blue item, I looked at the stats and I screamed IRL. xD

So from level 26ish-40ish, I was a warrior in crappy whites, greys, crappy greens, cloth and leather, no spec, no talents, no abilities past level 1, with a badass blue axe with awesome stats.

I still have that warrior if you want to look him up, but I spruced him up A LOT. Unio @ Trollbane - Community - World of Warcraft (No longer in crappy gear.)

During my first day of WoW, oh god... When I left the valley as said earlier, Mulgore's music started playing while I looked in awe at how big 'Azeroth' is, thinking it was giant even though it was just Mulgore. xD

That music will always be my favourite...

I still have a hunter from BC who's level 54ish with some intel/agil gear and a quiver. :D
I have some noob stories too...

My first character was a Tauren Hunter (first trial) and she died a million times in the starting area. I was completely lost. I thought the NPCs were people and the idle animations were emote-type things people were making at me. I died another million more times trying to make it to 10 to get a pet. It was beyond frustrating to say the least.

To make matters worse, I thought you had to eat and drink separately... but before that I would just wait for mana/health to regen. Literally wait. I hated the game.

For some reason I gave it another shot...

My second character was an Undead Priest (and second trial). Deathknell probably kicked my ass as well, thankfully that part is hazy. ^_^ I do remember my first BG. It was WSG and I thought it was the greatest thing ever when everyone became my entourage when I attempted to heal them. It gave the warm and fuzzies.
Since the thread is so funny, i thought i will pass my stories too:

My 1st character was a human paladin at the beginning of cataclysm, made on a trial account. After i made her i called my friend that im gonna probably make my account paid, so he came to congratulate me blah blah and when i went to the toilet he logged in at my char and sold my weapon. Without knowing that he did it, i thought its normal and fisted through first few quests till the quest with a weapon. After i got a weapon it was like a new beginning and I was killing mobs because of pure happines of killing and grinded my pal up to lvl 15. Because I was deeply into roleplaying + i thought i am super epic i thought i will be better if i make Holy (wanted my pal to be holy) but i used 2h weapon and i was thinking im god. at lvl 15 it was night and my parents forced me to go to sleep but the next day i chose to go to games store and buy Battle chest. Then I was playing for the whole next day, and i couldnt finish even 1 dungeon because all the ppl tried to kick me cuz i tanked as a holy with 2h.

That is the one i remember for now, maybe i will remember something more.
When I started playing I was obsessed with gnomes... all my characters were gnomes. I got like to level 14 on my main character and then quit the game for a few months. I came back for BC and made a draenei that I got to lvl 40. Quit the game again. Made an orc warrior that I got to lvl 39... I farmed copper ore for a millions years to get enough money to try twinking at 19. I got most of the gear for my 19 pally, but never finished the character. After that I quit again for like 8 millions years and waited for WOTLK which is when I became decent at the game. I leveled a hunter to 80 and I started raiding and doing PvP. Later in WOTLK I really discovered my passion of tinkage and I stopped playing end-game just to tink at 19 which is pretty much what I did during cata aswell. I made a F2P druid a few months before MoP prepatch and when MoP came out I made a 20 panda wurriar. Story of my life

Edit: Not exactly my first days of WoW... but whatever...
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During BC, I was watching my older sister level her warrior when an undead rogue started to attack her. After a while, an elemental shaman came to her aid and dropped totems to take out the rogue. Those totems made me want to make a shaman. I was saddened that I couldn't make an alliance shaman on trial version because it was exclusive to draenei only, which was unplayable in trials at that time.
I thought all the flight masters were flying mount vendors, and I had no business with them until level 60.

I had no idea what "Equipping this item will bind it to you." meant. I thought maybe you could never remove armor once bound to you. So I just equipped whites for a long time.

Having spent time in Second Life, I thought other players would be friendlier, even to a newbie. Oops.
Going into Stratholme and wondering why I was dying:

"Ooh, what's that fancy portal thing :O"

*walks into Stratholme*

"Pfft, I can handle this..."

*aggros a pack of skeletons*

"Ohmeegawds, skeletons, swarm- ing- me, on my face D:"


"B-But they're the same level as me!"

...and not knowing how to drop the flag in WSG.

my first toon was a tauren warrior. i thought plainsrunner was cool but i got to that one quest where you had to get the harpy feathers. those drop rates were so piss poor that i gave up and rerolled a gnome mage, figuring i might have more fun having a completely opposite toon
Guys, these stories are epic XD Keep on posting them, because I think everyone likes to know they weren't the only one that had no idea what to do for their first few hours! I remember my first dungeon on my rogue, I had no idea what the separate roles were, and I'd just ambush all the mobs. I also just rolled need on every single item, regardless of the stats, I think I might have annoyed a couple of people. I also remember that it took me for ever to get any money at all in the game, I thought the 10 gold cap was huge, and that I'd never even get near it :p I though I must be the richest player of my level when I hit 1 gold, then I realised I needed like three gold for a mount :p. And that reminds me of my last story for now, when I first got my mount, I thought they helped out in battle, so when people hit me I'd just run over to them on my mount, and expected it to do a crap load of damage to them, I died...a lot :p

Anyway, keep the stories coming guys, they're all fantastically funny so far :)
Here's another one, trying to use a hearthstone for the first time:

In just about any other program, you activate an icon by a left-click, so naturally that is what I try. I don't teleport. Instead the icon is moving around with my cursor. I click again and get "Do you want to destroy Hearthstone?" Ah, finally getting somewhere. I guess you have destroy a hearthstone in the process of using it. OK, it's worth it. I really want to get home, so I'll sacrifice it.

After that it was a long run home.
Around the time of BC launch, I bought one of those $2 trial CDs.

I made a male, night elf hunter; I had a panther pet.

And I had no idea who Drizzt Do'Urden was.
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