First f2p twink to reach 50k HK

I doubt he killed everything in bg but if he did, gj

edit: ohwait, he got chausses of westfall, he is not f2p...
Wow... Gratz Kale! My combined is like 20000 max between my trials.

Edit: Lol of course he wouldn't have killed all 50,000 people by himself :p I don't think anyone's HK count is solely their own kills.
Grats on first alliance with 50k

I've got vid evidence of him finishing a bg ;p
Oh yeah I love it when I join a BG and seconds later it closes and I get a loss. Loads o' fun.
I'm not sure this deserved a thread, but anyway... Yes, just to clarify, I made my account four years ago, before achievements came in, and before Cat took some of the gear I have out of the game. Any trial account that you remember the login information for is still there. You just need to create a account for it because you can no longer log in using usernames.

I got my first HK after I came back. I never bothered doing PvP with this guy when he was trial. I got the 500k HKs achieve the second day I activated this account. Feel free to inpsect in game for proof. Armory doesn't seem to show it. At the time of typing Kale has completed 600 BGs. I have obviously quit quite a few too, although Blizz doesn't track statistics on that, so I have no idea how many. I will leave any BG that I don't like. My primary reason is my team's lack of compatibility with my playstyle. In WSG especially, if my entire team run single file in to the EFR, ignoring mid, then the fastest one there runs out of the FR as FC while the rest of the team trail behind, I'm not interested in playing. Control mid and win. I find turtling boring, and have no interest in the kind of games where people avoid combat. So, if I leave in the first few mins, that's why.

I don't care about winning or losing, especially in WSG. I'm there for HKs and fun. If I'm not getting either of those, I'm leaving it really is as simple as that. Multiple rogues, hunters, 24s, healers on the other side, lack of healers on our side, noobs on our side, the list of things that I would leave for is pretty long. I'm sure I'm not alone in my lack of interest in games with randoms, as many threads from users of both factions on these forums attest. Many of my most enjoyable games have been close games, some of which were losses. I'm also more inclined to stay if I'm playing with people I enjoy playing with.

One of my long term goals for this character is 250k HKs. Look out for Kale, The Bloodthirsty in a BG near you, some time in the future.
Is Kale the General from Willow? If so I approve.
Aradiel said:
I'm not sure this deserved a thread, but anyway... Yes, just to clarify, I made my account four years ago, before achievements came in, and before Cat took some of the gear I have out of the game. Any trial account that you remember the login information for is still there. You just need to create a account for it because you can no longer log in using usernames.

I got my first HK after I came back. I never bothered doing PvP with this guy when he was trial. I got the 500k HKs achieve the second day I activated this account. Feel free to inpsect in game for proof. Armory doesn't seem to show it. At the time of typing Kale has completed 600 BGs. I have obviously quit quite a few too, although Blizz doesn't track statistics on that, so I have no idea how many. I will leave any BG that I don't like. My primary reason is my team's lack of compatibility with my playstyle. In WSG especially, if my entire team run single file in to the EFR, ignoring mid, then the fastest one there runs out of the FR as FC while the rest of the team trail behind, I'm not interested in playing. Control mid and win. I find turtling boring, and have no interest in the kind of games where people avoid combat. So, if I leave in the first few mins, that's why.

I don't care about winning or losing, especially in WSG. I'm there for HKs and fun. If I'm not getting either of those, I'm leaving it really is as simple as that. Multiple rogues, hunters, 24s, healers on the other side, lack of healers on our side, noobs on our side, the list of things that I would leave for is pretty long. I'm sure I'm not alone in my lack of interest in games with randoms, as many threads from users of both factions on these forums attest. Many of my most enjoyable games have been close games, some of which were losses. I'm also more inclined to stay if I'm playing with people I enjoy playing with.

One of my long term goals for this character is 250k HKs. Look out for Kale, The Bloodthirsty in a BG near you, some time in the future.

Grats on 50k HKs. That's quite the feat at this stage in the life of f2p. I'd challenge you to consider others when you quit BGs though because WSG isn't just about you. There's 20 other people involved (yes 20 considering the person that sits in the queue and gets the pop after you leave; giving them a wasted queue). And before you say "I do consider other people", look how many times you said the word "I" above...that's a lot man. Be a good sportsman whether you win, lose, or "the team doesn't fit my play style."

You're absolutely right, I am a solo player. Occasionally I will encounter people that play in a similar way to me, and I enjoy playing with them, so will continue, even if the game isn't really to my tastes. As for randoms, and just people generally, moreso if I don't like them, I put my own interests above theirs.
While waiting for the gates to open, if Kale is in the game, someone is sure to tell everyone to train him so he rage quits.

Sure enough this happens 90% of the time. :p

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