First BG in 6 months! :O

Been around 6 months since I've played the 19 bracket. I finally played it again last night and was amazed at how retarted the majority of the players in this bracket are now.

Throughout a whole WSG, 2 alliance "backpeddling" hunters where pocket heal'd, they both topped the charts due to their OPness. I can now understand why there is such a rant about 19 hunters after playing this bracket again! it made me want to get a baseball bat and destroy a small down syndrome childs lego set.

Alliance had about 3-4 what looked like BiS healers and NONE of them juked any of my interupts!, sad really to see a BiS gear'd Holy Pally and Priest get Interupted by kick on basically every cast.

What I find Ironic... is regardless of who I attack first I will almost allways die.. I attack the hunter, he get's pocket heal's and he 3 shots me whilst backpedling, I attack the healer, then the hunter 2 shots me.

So pretty much FU 19's /endrant
comes from a priest who always protect his retarded hunter who is one of the biggest backp... and gy farmer i´ve every seen. You and your friends are defintely one of those ppl no one needs in this bracket
Grody1 said:
Sounds like you were trying to 4v1 two hunters and two healers and you lost. Probably shouldn't do that.

You're such a sad person, PLEASE, PLEASE stop defending your stupid FotM class, and re-roll - for the sake of the 19's bracket.
Splenda said:
You're such a sad person, PLEASE, PLEASE stop defending your stupid FotM class, and re-roll - for the sake of the 19's bracket.

THIS THIS THIS, Grody1 you are sad.
based on the scenario given.....what really was OP?

the priests or the hunters?

heals that exceed your DPS?

kites, and 2-3 shots that can wipe your HP?

hunters in 19 bracket are not new, back in 2007 they were the FOTM class big time. they where destroying rogues back then

paladins need a nerf

hunters....aimshot needs a nerf

btw 6 months ago rogues were 1-3 shotting near everthing and needed a nerf and were nerfed while you was gone
lets just face it, there will ALWAYS be an OP class blizz refuses to listen to us, suck it up! im a frickin warrior i get raped so hard my ass hurts after every game and guess what i go back for more :p
Cloud said:
Paladin. The anti-hunter since 2004.

It is fun when one of these 1k-fotm-huntards runs up to you thinking he can faceroll a holy pally and then gets Exo-spammed to death.
shanker said:
based on the scenario given.....what really was OP?

the priests or the hunters?

heals that exceed your DPS?

kites, and 2-3 shots that can wipe your HP?

hunters in 19 bracket are not new, back in 2007 they were the FOTM class big time. they where destroying rogues back then

paladins need a nerf

hunters....aimshot needs a nerf

btw 6 months ago rogues were 1-3 shotting near everthing and needed a nerf and were nerfed while you was gone

Hunters, clearly Hunters.

Cloud said:
Paladin. The anti-hunter since 2004.

Yea... horribly overpowered meets horrible overpowered.
Holyashley said:
It is fun when one of these 1k-fotm-huntards runs up to you thinking he can faceroll a holy pally and then gets Exo-spammed to death.

They're like "Oh a pally, let me just aim shot. Damn, stunned. What?...Dead!?! How!?! Oh. Oh yeah. Exorcism. THATS SO OP!! FUUUU" (commence rage)
19 warrior adeus said:
...suck it up....i get raped so hard my ass hurts...and... i go back for more

I don't know what to say to this...

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