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Why the fuck did Revo get banned for this explanation now.
Ore, your not even worth taking the time to reply with a thought out message.
All cursing will earn you an automatic 7 day ban. The bans will just get worse in length if you cannot learn your lesson.
We are trying to clean up the site and you guys keep trashing it. Great work trying to help the community.
What are you talking about you made it because of my absence and you begged me to come back and remake it
pretty sure around 8/10 if not your whole A team was BtB
If you think it's fkn easy to make a guild then you should have went to another server and You'd be put to the real test, And you think your the tough guy on the block cause you can take my "Already established idea" and run with it.
Tbh if i felt a need to run BtB for life we would have surpassed everything you've done by 10 fold.
Okay ore just to make you look stupid(er) i'll pick your OP apart one section at a time.
I haven't talked to you since i left you and beau's awful guild 7-8 months ago. beau was the smart one and got out early lmao.
3 people are on my A team from btb discluding myself. I took who I thought had potential, sorry that you were not included.
I don't think it is easy, but I am pretty sure I have done a whole lot better at creating something that you simply could not, and I also think its safe to say that everyone in the bracket would agree. TBH ore, no one on this planet could predict what your "established idea" was, So I don't know how I took that and ran with it..but nice try.
Ore, you've ran 3 guilds (maybe more) that have all disband after losing their first premade in god-awful fashion, keep the dreams inside your head.
You must be failing your math class kitten- you,works,discover, citrium that's 4 to my knowledge. And obviously cause the other A teamers either Denied your reuqest or had already went on a break from 19's. Not sure who you're trying to make sound stupid cause you have some pretty awful statements but let move on. You Kinetic and i were in vent when you mouthed the words please come back Ore we need you to run the guild so not sure about your excuse about that when you should just man up and say you said them. For the third quote you must be illiterate cause "Already established idea" refers to the guild clearly. And lastly unless i run every guild i'm "A part of" then i'm pretty sure i've only ran 1 guild.
I new right as my index finger clicked on this i'd be reading through a bunch of invalid statements, but hey i guess you can't argue correctly when you really don't have any argument.
I planted the seed now it's up to you to run with my idea and team kitten. Represent that BtB for meafter all that's what made you
But Kitn was mine first Ore
Actually if you knew anything, I made this guild to be a one man guild after BTB was complete garbage, and has proved to be garbage yet again with their latest premade, But with many peoples interest in joining I started to recruit. I took in who I thought were some of the best players out there at the time who were looking to premade. sorry for trying to make a successful guild. (which is clearly working cause you seem upset about losing [more than once to us])
You call us trash yet alot of us have been invited to the almighty WT guild, and rejected joining.
Also, If you've been talking about locks for so long, then why did slique all of the sudden make one say two or so weeks ago hmm? what happened to the double mage. hmmm?
P.S if you haven't noticed the guild has been up and running for awhile. stay laf