US FIFTY - Classic Raiding done right - We need YOU!

Not sure about enhance, but ele shamans pull decent DPS IIRC when we tested Loveus.

Also, raid in an hour. I believe our healers said they were unavailable tonight as well so it remains to be seen if it will happen.

Lets get back into full swing Friday night guys, I want to start MC trash this week if possible. We have the tanks for it now.
i gave up on my enhance shaman doubt it will be able to pull numbers anywhere close to a rogue or even 1/2 of a hunter, enhance shamans need to much hit since half of their dps is spell based. and have been thinking about canceling my 2nd account, which has my 50s on it

If money is a problem talk to me about it. I'll set you up with cheap wow time per month.


Friday, May 18, 2012
Starting at 6PM Eastern Standard Time
Calling all 50s! Lets start making this happen.

Scheduled is only trash, but we're going to clear as much as we can with who we can get online. I need every 50, regardless of gear, to be online. ESPECIALLY tanks and haelers!
Are you going to put a cap on level? Is it still going to be strictly 50's or will you let an undergeared 51-53 join?

Also, I was looking at the instance by level on WoWwiki and apparently Tier 4 has an entry level of 65. Maybe a next step to consider after beating level 60 content is to have everyone level to 65 then do tier 4 content? You could cover a lot more specs that way (more socket gear = more chance for casters to gear hit).
Another forum of recruitment you might consider is OpenRaid. Has several thousand users who create cross realm raid groups. Maybe you could find more people there?

Friday, May 18, 2012
Starting at 6PM Eastern Standard Time
Calling all 50s! Lets start making this happen.

Scheduled is only trash, but we're going to clear as much as we can with who we can get online. I need
every 50, regardless of gear
, to be online. ESPECIALLY
tanks and haelers!

I have a druid at 49 i'd be interested in doing this with (Boomkin dps).

I made a chardev for it, feel free to critique as i don't know much about what stats take priority @ 50.

Would you take a boomkin dps?

I would take rocket boots and put level 60 enchants on them (14 spirit 14 stam), 20 spell penetration on cloak epic bracers from ashenvale vendor and Alanna's Embrace epic chest with 6 stats. and 59 spirit googles.(with 10 stam) maybe soulkeeper staff with 30 intellect.
Come on guys, get online. We're gathering up the raid now.
Get online! Geared or not, we need you!
Good work guys involved with the raid today.
Also to people elveling and gearing up at the moment there is still pelnty of space in the raids for you and we will need your help for the harder bosses later on in MC.
Id also like to point out that expecialy in Molten Core were going to require a forth role, not only is there Tanking, Healing and DPS roles avalible but also the Dispeling role. Its crucial that we get enough Dispelers for later boss encounters, so if you are new to 50 and havent got all your gear together it is a safe bet to get a Dispel spec together to play a vital part in the raid.

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