Since with Cata I feel that we left it too late to start shouting about the impact of ability levels on low levels I think we should start collecting feedback now. I have managed to get Bashiok to privately recognise my emails on feedback before, so hopefully we can do it again. So, post your feedback on the MoP talents here. To have another look at them, check here.
I do realise that these talents are subject to absolute change, but they were posted to create feedback, so lets give them feedback. I'll start then shall I?
Also, If I don't get round to making a similar thread for other brackets (I'm certainly not best qualified in every bracket) then please go ahead and do it yourself.
If you have any fears over potential balance of the game make them known here, just keep it constructive. "I like my class but Blizz hates it so it should be buffed" is a little unhelpful.
Balance: Getting Moonkin Form is badass, as is Insect Swarm. Without Regrowth and Lunar Shower I am a little worried about their survivability and mobility, but these guys look pretty balanced. Their self peels look decent enough with Bash, Roots and speed kitty.
Feral: Shred, Savage Roar, Bash, Tireless Pursuit and Tiger's Fury should make this previously lacklustre class exciting. Top stuff. I still wonder though whether the lack of opener will make it uncompelling. It would be good imo if they could have Pounce.
Guardian: As an FC class it looks pretty solid. Their mobility looks in line with other melee and I am excited by Savage Defense and Lacerate
Resto: Oh I am very excited by resto, my favourite class/spec. The new Swiftmend with out consumption and the new HoT is very exciting indeed and having the 4.X resto talents built in will fix the dire problems this spec has been having with Regrowth so that is good by me. I think this spec might have the potential to have HoTs that are too strong and be too good at kiting, but without numbers I can't really comment. I am loving the design though.
Losing Disengage and Wingclip puts their gap making and mobility in the same region as their opponents. Assuming that pets do not get abilities at this level I am very happy with how hunters are looking. As long as their damage is scaled correctly they should be a well enough balanced class, as far as I can tell at this stage anyway. I am not worried about Frozen Arrows, in fact I welcome it. It shouldn't be a problem since it shares the role of conc shot and it will increase the skill cap of hunters if they choose this.
First problem class here. Blink, Nova, CoC, CSpell, Sheep, Probably pet Nova, frostbolt/frostfire bolt and the choice of talents puts this class deep into overpowered territory. I think there is also a good chance that their damage will be substantial too. Mages need to lose a good portion of their crowd control in this bracket otherwise they will be a major problem in MoP.
Holy: Holy looks a little sad here I think. Without Protector of the Innocent and other utility they fall behind other healers. Compared to a Druid, WoG and HS don't stack up to the various HoTs and their superior Flash Heal doesn't quite compensate. They also really lack utility. They have oh shit buttons, HoJ and mediocre mobility talents, but without dispels or HoF they will struggle to stand up to other healers.
Prot: I sincerely hope Prot damage will be relatively low, because having Avengers Shield and FoL in the same format as cata will make them pretty strong.
Ret: I again hope that good thought will go into damage balancing for ret. We don't want TV to be oneshotting again.
General: I haven't put a great deal of thought into it, but perhaps introducing HoF and/or swapping tier 1 talents with tier 2 might make them more balanced.
Disc: No atonement? Hopefully this was missed out in error. It would be fun to have this in the bracket. Compared to other healers they seem to lack utility, but the talents look fun, so hopefully numbers will help balance them. FH and PW:S look quite strong though.
Holy: As with disc. Not too much change from 4.X
Shadow: Hopefully their numbers will be better than 4.X. I'm a little worried about their surv. Maybe Dispersion would be good.
Another problem class. Rogue mobility looks poor, yet their openers look too strong. They lose sprint and SStep and yet gain many opener buffs. If you remember how much QQ there has been this xpac about ambush you might agree with me that this is a problem. As a start I think the level 15 talents and the level 60 talents should be swapped.
We do not get FrostShock or Earthbind Totem at level 19 so 2/3 of the talents available are useless in this format.
Ele: Thundershock and Repulsion Totem make this an intriguing turret sort of class. They should be pretty useful, especially with Surge. I am excited for my shaman again.
Enhance: Pretty poor mobilty if I'm honest. Without Imp GW they do not have a reliable gap closer and repulsion totem is less than useful for keeping their enemies close when they do get there. They need much better mobility. FShock and Frozen Power might help.
Resto: I think Improved Cleanse is the thing everyone is shouting about. This will make them a very desirable team member, especially with the diabolically controlling mage about. There is potential for their healing ability to be relatively low, but maybe this is a good thing since they have such power with imp cleanse spirit. Their mobility is low without imp GW, but again, repulsion totem should make for compelling gameplay
Demonology: Oh my god! Metamorphosis and Demonic Leap look awesome! Please don't change them, just gimp demo damage or something, but keep thing, just balanced!!
General: I am slightly worried about Curse of Enfeeblement. It looks pretty powerful in this bracket and it looks like just Shaman will be able to remove it. I think perhaps swapping it for Exhaustion might be better for balance and Warlock mobility.
Despite its buff to charge this class is still in trouble. Barring MS and charge the class has no utility and their mobility is lacking without a snare. Sunder Armour looks like its set to be just as useful as it was during cata (not very) and they look like they're going to be spending a lot of time floundering without a target. At the very least they need hamstring and perhaps exchange Sunder for something more useful.
Prot: With Shield Slam losing its dispel there isn't any reason to take a prot over any other FC in this bracket or to go prot at all really. Maybe Shield Wall is the utility this class needs to compete.
I do realise that these talents are subject to absolute change, but they were posted to create feedback, so lets give them feedback. I'll start then shall I?
Also, If I don't get round to making a similar thread for other brackets (I'm certainly not best qualified in every bracket) then please go ahead and do it yourself.
If you have any fears over potential balance of the game make them known here, just keep it constructive. "I like my class but Blizz hates it so it should be buffed" is a little unhelpful.
Balance: Getting Moonkin Form is badass, as is Insect Swarm. Without Regrowth and Lunar Shower I am a little worried about their survivability and mobility, but these guys look pretty balanced. Their self peels look decent enough with Bash, Roots and speed kitty.
Feral: Shred, Savage Roar, Bash, Tireless Pursuit and Tiger's Fury should make this previously lacklustre class exciting. Top stuff. I still wonder though whether the lack of opener will make it uncompelling. It would be good imo if they could have Pounce.
Guardian: As an FC class it looks pretty solid. Their mobility looks in line with other melee and I am excited by Savage Defense and Lacerate
Resto: Oh I am very excited by resto, my favourite class/spec. The new Swiftmend with out consumption and the new HoT is very exciting indeed and having the 4.X resto talents built in will fix the dire problems this spec has been having with Regrowth so that is good by me. I think this spec might have the potential to have HoTs that are too strong and be too good at kiting, but without numbers I can't really comment. I am loving the design though.
Losing Disengage and Wingclip puts their gap making and mobility in the same region as their opponents. Assuming that pets do not get abilities at this level I am very happy with how hunters are looking. As long as their damage is scaled correctly they should be a well enough balanced class, as far as I can tell at this stage anyway. I am not worried about Frozen Arrows, in fact I welcome it. It shouldn't be a problem since it shares the role of conc shot and it will increase the skill cap of hunters if they choose this.
First problem class here. Blink, Nova, CoC, CSpell, Sheep, Probably pet Nova, frostbolt/frostfire bolt and the choice of talents puts this class deep into overpowered territory. I think there is also a good chance that their damage will be substantial too. Mages need to lose a good portion of their crowd control in this bracket otherwise they will be a major problem in MoP.
Holy: Holy looks a little sad here I think. Without Protector of the Innocent and other utility they fall behind other healers. Compared to a Druid, WoG and HS don't stack up to the various HoTs and their superior Flash Heal doesn't quite compensate. They also really lack utility. They have oh shit buttons, HoJ and mediocre mobility talents, but without dispels or HoF they will struggle to stand up to other healers.
Prot: I sincerely hope Prot damage will be relatively low, because having Avengers Shield and FoL in the same format as cata will make them pretty strong.
Ret: I again hope that good thought will go into damage balancing for ret. We don't want TV to be oneshotting again.
General: I haven't put a great deal of thought into it, but perhaps introducing HoF and/or swapping tier 1 talents with tier 2 might make them more balanced.
Disc: No atonement? Hopefully this was missed out in error. It would be fun to have this in the bracket. Compared to other healers they seem to lack utility, but the talents look fun, so hopefully numbers will help balance them. FH and PW:S look quite strong though.
Holy: As with disc. Not too much change from 4.X
Shadow: Hopefully their numbers will be better than 4.X. I'm a little worried about their surv. Maybe Dispersion would be good.
Another problem class. Rogue mobility looks poor, yet their openers look too strong. They lose sprint and SStep and yet gain many opener buffs. If you remember how much QQ there has been this xpac about ambush you might agree with me that this is a problem. As a start I think the level 15 talents and the level 60 talents should be swapped.
We do not get FrostShock or Earthbind Totem at level 19 so 2/3 of the talents available are useless in this format.
Ele: Thundershock and Repulsion Totem make this an intriguing turret sort of class. They should be pretty useful, especially with Surge. I am excited for my shaman again.
Enhance: Pretty poor mobilty if I'm honest. Without Imp GW they do not have a reliable gap closer and repulsion totem is less than useful for keeping their enemies close when they do get there. They need much better mobility. FShock and Frozen Power might help.
Resto: I think Improved Cleanse is the thing everyone is shouting about. This will make them a very desirable team member, especially with the diabolically controlling mage about. There is potential for their healing ability to be relatively low, but maybe this is a good thing since they have such power with imp cleanse spirit. Their mobility is low without imp GW, but again, repulsion totem should make for compelling gameplay
Demonology: Oh my god! Metamorphosis and Demonic Leap look awesome! Please don't change them, just gimp demo damage or something, but keep thing, just balanced!!
General: I am slightly worried about Curse of Enfeeblement. It looks pretty powerful in this bracket and it looks like just Shaman will be able to remove it. I think perhaps swapping it for Exhaustion might be better for balance and Warlock mobility.
Despite its buff to charge this class is still in trouble. Barring MS and charge the class has no utility and their mobility is lacking without a snare. Sunder Armour looks like its set to be just as useful as it was during cata (not very) and they look like they're going to be spending a lot of time floundering without a target. At the very least they need hamstring and perhaps exchange Sunder for something more useful.
Prot: With Shield Slam losing its dispel there isn't any reason to take a prot over any other FC in this bracket or to go prot at all really. Maybe Shield Wall is the utility this class needs to compete.