Feedback on MoP talents 19

Does this mean shapeshifting only removes things like hamstring, frostbolt effect, etc but not frost nova, tangling roots, etc?

this is exactly what it means.. :\
bringing dispell back to the backet would be a BIG boost for the 19 community and i hope priests get dispell back and not just shamans.

I really don't like priest changes atm Loosing fort and renew is pretty lame - having to spec into our only cc (If disc) is pretty lame. I might just end up going shadow for MoP at this rate and hope I do big damage.
I reckon shadow will be pretty snazzy in MoP. They will have much better off healing potential than other off healers; PW:S and FH compared to either Fol, Rejuv or HSurge. They might not be quite as good as other casters though, but probably ahead of most melee.

On topic: I think casters are too far ahead of melee and hunters. I've been playing around with 3v3 comps and almost all of the ones I thought might be effective were wizard cleaves. Rogues and warriors are only really effective if burst is effective (then they're really effective) whereas enhancement and rets are perhaps only effective on the long term. Its difficult to tell without numbers.

Comparing casters, Mages and Affliction locks seem immensely powerful, with Shadow, Elemental, other Locks and Moonkin somewhere behind them.

Mages has inexplicably high melee CC with Nova, CoC, pet Nova, Blink and frostbolt and they also have very very substantial anti caster abilities with Frostjaw and Counter Spell. This is substantially higher control than any other class and higher than any class can counter.

Affliction Locks will have substantial survivability with Dark Regeneration, soulburn Drain Health, Healthstone and Fel Armour. They also have great anti caster utility in Curse of Enfeeblement (almost all casters will have casting as a substantial part of their throughput and utility) and Unstable Affliction. UA is a great mechanic and I also approve of CoEnf, but this is the only class with them in this bracket and it has not been balanced around it making Afflic very OP.

On top of this Affliction and Mages have two separate DR CCs (sheep and fear) so they complement each other too well. In fact they are the only classes in the bracket with CCs of this calibre.

I think Moonkin will possibly suffer the most out of the casters since after looking at them more deeply I can see that they will suffer a lot from CoEnf and Mages' silences since a great amount of their damage will come from hard casts. Insect Swarm is no longer a DoT, it merely buffs these hard casts damage. I don't think Moonfire on its own is enough to compensate, I think that Lunar Shower will be necessary. Next you will notice that Moonkin do not have as much as other casters in the way of selfhealing (excluding the mage). The only healing spells he has access to are HT and Rejuv, neither of which are usable in Moonkin Form. To be fair, Moonkin Morm does reduce damage taken by a fair amount and their mobility is quite substantial, but it's worth mentioning, especially compared to the Shadow Priest. Utilitywise Moonkin aren't too bad, but compared to a mage, lock or ele they are not quite up to the same standard. Maybe consider Solar Beam.

Elemental are pretty snazzy. I think that they might be the best balanced caster; their gap makers are well matched to the gap closers of melee' they have to hardcast a reasonable amount, their healing seems fair (probably) and their anti caster utility seems well balanced. I am slightly worried that in general caster offhealing might be too high, but we'll see.

Shadow look good (I assume Mind Blast missing is an error and that it will exist in game and the bracket). Mindflay + talent looks good, but other than that their anti caster utility looks low. They have very good offhealing though compared to other casters. Overall I don't think they look OP or UP, but they do loo a bit unbalanced. Maybe Psychic Horror would be something to consider (but not if disarm would be 10 seconds and weapon chains were unaccessable).

Ima leave it here because my laptop is low on juice.

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