Favorite Race/Class/Sex?

I like the look of female Night Elves the most, followed by female humans, who have awesome movement.

Monks are my favorite class right now, but I've always been a fan of rogues.
Probably night elf, I like dwarves and blood elves also.
I like blood elf females because they're pretty, have a cool casting animation and have my favourite dance in the game.
I like blood elf females because they're pretty, have a cool casting animation and have my favourite dance in the game.

I agree. I used to like the looks of female BE a lot, however upon the entire bracket all factioning to female BE that severely diminished. Now I very much despise the looks of a female BE.

I miss seeing Undead (M/F), Trolls (F), Orcs (M/F), Gnomes (M), Dwarves (M), Tauren (M), Dranei (F).

Seems like everyone on Horde is all BE which is really getting old ;D
belf female/ ud male or human female.

Worgan any class is f'ing awful animations.
I very much dislike worgen anythings as well as goblin anythings...

omg just had an idea, Worgen WW FC.... Trillium can cap a flag in about 30 seconds lol, but with Worgen sprint and a speed pot... I don't even want to think about it.... their movement is so ridiculous... In under 10 seconds they can grab a flag and be halfway through mid field.
Undead Male for rogue/mage/hunter/warrior/DK/priest.
Orc female for shamans/warriors/hunters.
Tauren male for dudu.
Belf female for pala ;D
Male Draenei.

Mine would probably be either female gnomes or male humans.
I've always liked Rogues and hunters from the start ;D

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