Fastest FC?

Which Is Faster

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interesting, i reckon tauren(druid) is jut as good - at high stacks war stomp still functions, whereas the worgen racial is only useful for quick caps (at low stacks)
a worgen druid with speed pots and run speed boot and cape enchants with feline swiftness talent
So if using speed pots isn't a crutch why don't the best players in the bracket use them?

Ill be honest here my bags are full of speed pots, leper gnome Rays, engi bombs, anti venoms, health pots, goblin gliders, and sharpening stones. I don't need or want to use any of them. one game last night I went full buffs vs neap just because I was in Skype with him, I hit his Mage for a 1.7k ambush+efProcs+400 melee it was funny as hell and we had a good laugh about it. I don't want to become used to hitting harder, having a 1min sprint, being able to lepper gnome people sonce I won't be able to in a premade so I chose not to use any
Why make such a big deal about darkflight lol? Yes it's soo OP cus none of the other races can get it. Stoneform is also OP for dwarves because of the same thing, and warstomp, and smeld, and extra trinket, and blanket aoe silence... EVERY RACIAL SO OP! No other race can use them :(

I'd pick druid because it can shift roots/snares/polys.
If you're getting steamrolled all day by the same 5 kids in Skype on fotm classes, why wouldn't you chug some pots looking for some quick caps?
the people youre trying to take a shot at for the most part solo queue anyway, sorry this bracket is so tight knit now the same people get in every single game regardless of if they group queued or not

did you ever consider maybe said group were in skype with each other because they actually enjoy conversing with their fellow twinks?
the people youre trying to take a shot at for the most part solo queue anyway, sorry this bracket is so tight knit now the same people get in every single game regardless of if they group queued or not

did you ever consider maybe said group were in skype with each other because they actually enjoy conversing with their fellow twinks?

thats gey
This Thread has served it's purpose and completely gone off course from the OP's original intent of the poll, closing thread.... Oh wait awkward...
You're completely missing the point by like 3000 miles....

Even Worgen Druid still speed pot.

Anyone can speed pot.

You can speed pot.

Worgen druids already have an insane sprint nobody else has.

Anyone can buy a speed pot where as not everyone can instantly gain a sprint.

It's not unfair if anyone can spend 3g to get a speed pot.

I'd say it's more unfair that worgen druids on top of everything ALSO get an ADDITIONAL speed bonus that NOBODY ELSE HAS.

You're like that immature guy outside of Durotar that complains about someone using divine shield in a duel, even though it is an ability they receive for being a paladin. If you don't like a racial being used, it doesn't give you the right to use consumables. One that has been frowned upon since the beginning of time. By being Tauren you can trinket warstomp a feral opener, whilst having considerably more HP. By being troll you could have a burst of haste for regrowth on the run, along with 15% less time in CC. There are trade offs all the way around; Speed pots are used to make up for a lack of awareness and proper positioning, as well as poor use of talents / racials / Trinket.
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If you don't like a racial being used, it doesn't give you the right to use consumables.

Lol what

And for anyone to say that war stomp at high stacks is as gamebreakinig as worgen sprint, that's rather silly as if anything touches you at high stacks or gets in melee range, you're pretty much dead, and most games are won and played long before darkflight even becomes useless.

I'm going to bind speed pot to space bar from now on and break this stigma that people don't have the right (apparently) to use consumables. I'm very much the paladin using bubble, waiting 1 minute and then using LOH as well.

If you don't like a consumable being used, either use it yourself which completely negates the effect of someone else using it, or don't complain and understand that you're gimping yourself.

If me using speed pots makes me "bad" in your eyes, by god as if I cared about other twinks judging me?!? Lol okay cool, I'm still going to use them whenever I feel like it. Why? Oh because yes, I actually do have the right to use them and no I don't give a flying fire truck if some twinks on TI think of me as bad just because I used a consumable that's sitting in their bags as well.

Wait, you're telling me, if I use speed pots, I can never be in best of 19s lists ever again? Lmao oh god what ever will I do?! It's funny when people really feel the need to impress others on twinks and live to seek the approval of others.
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Lol what

And for anyone to say that war stomp at high stacks is as gamebreakinig as worgen sprint, that's rather silly as if anything touches you at high stacks or gets in melee range, you're pretty much dead, and most games are won and played long before darkflight even becomes useless.

I'm going to bring speed pot to space bar from now on and break this stigma that people don't have the right (apparently) to use consumables.

If you don't like a consumable being used, either use it yourself which completely negates the effect, or don't complain.

If me using speed pots makes me "bad" in your eyes, by god as if I cared about other twinks judging me?!? Lol okay cool, I'm still going to use them whenever I feel like it. Why? Oh because yes, I actually do have the right to use them.

First off, any "skilled" player can win games without the use of any consumable. Secondly, you completely contradicted yourself by saying that warstomp isn't as game-breaking as darkflight at high stacks. Seeing as darkflight is useless at high stacks and warstomp can actually give you time you need in certain circumstances to get topped off or get some distance from your attackers whilst your dps kill them off.
to be honest i dont mind u or nasti using them. ill start worrying once a good fc uses them.

I've been fcing for 1 day. If this is supposed to be an insult, please make it more obvious because I'm not taking it as such.

[MENTION=11761]Hunnybuns19[/MENTION] you sir are taking forum life too seriously. If I close this thread, [MENTION=1651]Saxxon[/MENTION] will be making "Mocha killed 19 twinking" threads again xD <3
it wasnt meant to be an insult. i was just stating that as long as fcs who i dont have problems with regardless of speed pots use them it doesnt affect me. once the people who actually cause me trouble start using them ill consider if i feel like complaining.

Gotcha, I hear you.

I just feel like the 1% of FCs who are terribly impressive FCs don't need to use them because they're already minutes ahead of the enemy offense. Here's the thing, I don't use them on a serious basis, I use them when I'm going for a broken quick cap and our faction has lost like 4+ games in a row. But in an actually even game I'm not interested in using them.

I'm a weird person. Like when horde wins 2-3 games in a row, I really hope that ally wins the next game and I back off of a particular class or I switch to more survivability gear. It's not about throwing games or whatever, but it's the fact that our community thrives most when Horde and Ally win consistently trading wins. Nobody likes to lose 4+ times and they usually either log to the other faction (sadly) or they log off for the night (sadly). So nights where we're stomping, I play a different role and nights where we're getting stomped, I'll try to insane run some quick caps, possibly speed pot and probably I'll still die.

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