youre in the wrong section mejt
the people youre trying to take a shot at for the most part solo queue anyway, sorry this bracket is so tight knit now the same people get in every single game regardless of if they group queued or notIf you're getting steamrolled all day by the same 5 kids in Skype on fotm classes, why wouldn't you chug some pots looking for some quick caps?
the people youre trying to take a shot at for the most part solo queue anyway, sorry this bracket is so tight knit now the same people get in every single game regardless of if they group queued or not
did you ever consider maybe said group were in skype with each other because they actually enjoy conversing with their fellow twinks?
thats gey
Talking to friends on skype is gay... damnthats gey
Talking to friends on skype is gay... damn
okay sorry i had to do some research on this to find that it is "origin" to skype with ur friends, my badI didn't say that
okay sorry i had to do some research on this to find that it is "origin" to skype with ur friends, my bad
Gyazo - 58e996aeea56627483b3f81cdeef61e3.png <-- english dictionary opwtflol
You're completely missing the point by like 3000 miles....
Even Worgen Druid still speed pot.
Anyone can speed pot.
You can speed pot.
Worgen druids already have an insane sprint nobody else has.
Anyone can buy a speed pot where as not everyone can instantly gain a sprint.
It's not unfair if anyone can spend 3g to get a speed pot.
I'd say it's more unfair that worgen druids on top of everything ALSO get an ADDITIONAL speed bonus that NOBODY ELSE HAS.
If you don't like a racial being used, it doesn't give you the right to use consumables.
Lol what
And for anyone to say that war stomp at high stacks is as gamebreakinig as worgen sprint, that's rather silly as if anything touches you at high stacks or gets in melee range, you're pretty much dead, and most games are won and played long before darkflight even becomes useless.
I'm going to bring speed pot to space bar from now on and break this stigma that people don't have the right (apparently) to use consumables.
If you don't like a consumable being used, either use it yourself which completely negates the effect, or don't complain.
If me using speed pots makes me "bad" in your eyes, by god as if I cared about other twinks judging me?!? Lol okay cool, I'm still going to use them whenever I feel like it. Why? Oh because yes, I actually do have the right to use them.
to be honest i dont mind u or nasti using them. ill start worrying once a good fc uses them.
it wasnt meant to be an insult. i was just stating that as long as fcs who i dont have problems with regardless of speed pots use them it doesnt affect me. once the people who actually cause me trouble start using them ill consider if i feel like complaining.