Farming The Defiler's exalted

I can help getting que pops sometimes, wont farm the tabard though, too much effort
will we do like 7 hrs at a time or like schedule for instance every thrusday from 19-22?
As many hours as possible at a time. I'm pretty sure that a bot or even keyspam can join and leave the ABs for you guys, so you can afk meanwhile if you set it up. Keyspam is easy and free downloaded on google.
You do realize that you wont gain anything from joining on ally side, right? :)

This is a good plan, tho 7 hours in a row is a lot...
ye I told him ingame :).
Yes it is, but you don't really have to play and concentrate at all, just queue up and join/leave. Watch movies, read, do whatever meanwhile.
finding horde isn't exaclty the problem tho :)

alright cool, what faction?

Either horde or alliance, depending on whats needed, will only be when my brother aren't useing his account though
You're not gonna be the first with that tabard. I've already seen a few 19s with all AB achievements prior to MoP's shared achievements, including exalted AB.

If you ever got in an AB and saw all orc warlocks on horde...
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You're not gonna be the first with that tabard. I've already seen a few 19s with all AB achievements prior to MoP's shared achievements, including exalted AB.

If you ever got in an AB and saw all orc warlocks on horde...
link some 19 with the tabard please :>
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Don't even think Secclusion has the tabard, think I read that he quitted even^^ might still be hope that we will be first.

Was Xâar EU? I think he/she was doing it too.

EDIT: Just checked, he doesn't have it either.

Keep your hopes up, I must have been trippin out. I thought Xâar had it.
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