Farming Graveyard

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Lol never fought of that :D but can't make a nice twink, unless i got a main on the server. + im playing pvp-realm :I
Ã￾ude said:
Lol never fought of that :D but can't make a nice twink, unless i got a main on the server. + im playing pvp-realm :I

if X = horde, Y = alliance

if Y = alliance, X = horde

1. have your X faction twink put up a grey item on the neutral auction house for 20000g buyout (or w/e).

2. have your Y faction main buy it for 20000g (or w/e).

3. profit

4. ????

5. profit
Naturaltalnt said:
Druiddoid, he said hes on a pvp can't make a character for both sides, unless you have 2 accounts, 1 horde, 1 alliance.

what? that's bs :(

deleted my post, sry thought you could just freely create horde/allis on any server
Naturaltalnt said:
Warsong Gulch..the objective is capturing the flag while protecting yours...

Theres a very fine line between pinning horde/alliance in there gy, and just plain farming.

1) if you let carriers go right by you, your farming

2) if you care more about killing lowbies than helping your team mates your farming

3) if you don't assist with getting the flag when they have a full on turtle and your killing the same 2 horde, are farming.


Farming = Bad.

Pinning/Distracting = Good.

Grave Yard Camping requires definition before you decide to light the torches and grab the pitchforks. I think Naturaltalnt provides some strong points. However, just because you are "in" the graveyard does not mean you are farming or a bad player.

When we are running a flag back, often our FC will take ramp or tunnel but if the situation is right I will head off to the GY (lots of people are dead/recently killed) - I dot everything I can to attract attention, damage, cc, and cause general havoc.

If the Alliance decide to pile on me and chase me then I have done my job. I can get enough dots up and running to get most twinks to 50% without a heal and kill most scrubs all the while our FC is running merrily down the Gulch skipping and singing. If they ignore me and take off after the FC, well then I simply follow along and keep doing what I was doing before - havoc.
Welcome to TwinkInfo Manguy!

I hope you enjoy your stay here, btw is this the havoc from reckoning?, or was that a mention of you causing havoc?? lol if so I failed...

And yes, it very much amuses me to watch the mass amount of enemeys attack that 1 dps instead of killing the flag carrier who will make you lose.
Naturaltalnt said:
btw is this the havoc from reckoning?, or was that a mention of you causing havoc?? lol if so I failed...

That would be me causing havoc, not a particular character (so a "Fail" to you is in order I suppose.)

Havoc may include the following:

  • Apply full sets of dots for lots of damage
  • Getting a Big Bronze Bomb when you are trying to buff
  • Fearing a Rogue with sprint up

That's what I would be referring too.
does anyone think that farming gy is just plain boring anyway?
Wow... I can't believed I completely missed this thread. Seems like a touchy topic for some.

So it looks like every yahoo is posting his take on farming the graveyard, so I might as well jump on the bandwagon.

Simple answer:


More convoluted answer:

Unless there is some specific game winning tactic behind it, no.


Cause you're "rly ub3r n pwn nubs al d time!!1!one!11!", no.

If you're using it so that your FC can get away to cap the flag due to you being a distraction or using crowd control, yes. Notice I said cap the flag, not "hold onto it for half an hour until the other side afk's out".

And that's about it really.

Just a quick note, if anyone wants to jump up and down and scream angry words at me because of my post, get over it. It's my opinion, not a personal attack against you.

If you've already posted your thoughts, thanks. I've read through the comments and don't need you're opinion... again.
in wsg i've gotten caught up fighting in the GY, but not camping it on purpose. i'm usually grabbing flags or D'ing the runner if we're at the point of GY camping. i dont knock anyone who does it as long as i'm not the only one defending our carrier and he's not being attacked by people that managed to get away from the GY. as soon as it starts affecting us and the flag is when i'll mention to knock it off, but other than that i'm more concerned with getting the flag. get as many kills in as you can before i cap the flag 3 times. i'm not a holder lol

same happens in AB on my 29 too, get rushed right to farm and then get caught up fighting them back to their GY. of course after i come to my senses i come back for d, as i have seen more games than i want lose to dummies camping the AB graveyard and some horde have snuck out and capped LM, GM and Stables.

THAT is the exact reason i dont do it. and its just douchebaggish to the lowbies / new people that are playing, and i'm not like that =)
In response to the "it's not fair to camp the lowbie/non twinks at the GY" talk.

1) boohoo, they got killed, i suppose we should all just live forever in every BG instead of this cruel killing of one another :p

2) they rolled the dice the moment their un-twink mouse clicked join first available or w/e, again, it's PVP, no one lives forever

and finally, if someone wants to go sit in one spot and try to kill anything they see move, let em, if it really bugs you so much to the point of anger, then you've lost sight of what i'd hope the main reason you made a twink in the first place, TO GO HAVE FUN, nuts to winning or losing, just go run out there blow someone up, shoot em, stab em, heal a partner as they kill someone, as long as you get a kick outta it XD

and yes, winning is more fun then losing, and yes I do try to win w/e I play, but i make sure i'm enjoying myself in the process, if i lose, /shrug, oh well, next game plz :D

now you may go ahead and ignore my statement as i kno many will out of pure stubbornness, but i had to get that off my chest:cool:
This is indeed an epic thread, which I'm glad I took the time to read through: I'll obviously come with my opinion: Win fast, face bigger challenges.
Vinta said:
and finally, if someone wants to go sit in one spot and try to kill anything they see move, let em, if it really bugs you so much to the point of anger, then you've lost sight of what i'd hope the main reason you made a twink in the first place, TO GO HAVE FUN, nuts to winning or losing, just go run out there blow someone up, shoot em, stab em, heal a partner as they kill someone, as long as you get a kick outta it XD

don't get me wrong, i understand twinks are made to have fun, but most of us twink for 'fun' in a different manner. you see, high level pvp is filled with people who want to farm honor. it's all about honor. how do you get honor? lose ASAP or win and kill as much stuff as possible.

many of us make twinks not to farm, but to enjoy games where there is no 'let them win.' it's much nicer when at least a few people are in the games for the wins, not for honor.

i can't stop anyone from farming, that's their 15 bucks, it's their choice. but people must understand that if they do end up farming, it's going to be taken negatively by the majority of the forum twinking community, both here and at the battlegroup forums.
camping is fine to do in the first 10 minutes of the game, in order to keep the opponent locked in the GY while u cap...that is a viable strategy

anything past that is pure noobishness...u dont get honor faster by camping (8 minute wins is more honor if u have <2 min queues) and when u camp u give twinks a bad name (ever wonder why end gamers hate us?) and camping isnt even a challenge....why bother doing something that a 6 yr old with down syndrome could do?
I think that graveyard farming is great. It gives you a lot of honor, and who cares if you win anyway.. Pvp is obviously made for killing other players, not stupid minigames.

omg wtF amdin nercro!11??+0=
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