Farming as a twink to stockpile for resub


New Member
Hey, so with tokens being 250-300K/month on NA, I've thought about allowing my sub to lapse so that I feel less pressure to farm as much as I do, and so I thought about building a powerful twink to stockpile items that I can sell when I later resub. The key with these farms is, I want this twink to be close to, or as efficient as a subbed toon would be. So obviously stuff like mining and herbalism are out since those usually are flying oriented. Skinning is a possibility and I've also considered battlepet farming. If anyone has any interesting ideas on locations, let me know, but that is not the main point of this thread.

My question is, for the purposes of farming for items to sell for when I later resub, what is the best class to accomplish this? My instinct says druid, but twinking is an entirely different ballgame and so I could be completely wrong on that. I'm brand new to twinking and I tried to find a similar thread as this but didn't have much luck. Thanks.
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Most efficient way would be to farm Rare Pets/Transmogs. Don't have any expertise in that field, and AH prices vary wildly from server to server so it might be rough. If you were thinking about stacking gold, the best item to stack would probably be , since a stack is about 31k, so maybe about 9-10 stacks would be about 310k gold. Be warned though, farming gold on a Twink is not efficient, and you are much better off doing endgame activities to get gold. Boosting and playing the AH are probably the most profitable things to do at a lower level, and both are probably better done while subbed anyways. Maybe someone knows a trick or two, but if you were just straight up farming greys to vendor for raw gold on a twink, it would probably take you a better part of a year to get a token. At that point, you'd probably be better off forking up the $15 USD
not a fan of intentional gold capping to buy vendor items for stacking and losing like 70% of your gold. i would look at reps to work on for pets to sell on AH when you resub.
What I used to do was farm battle pets on my linked f2p account then cage and sell them on my main acct once I resubbed. This was at least 10 years ago now not sure how viable it is anymore
gold value now vs $$ cash has changed the game drastically and has negated time farming. blizzard has set up many phone game mechanics into WOW, paid instant max level character, BMAH, and token was the precursor to what start what we see today since predominantly Legion. imo their mission was to create systems you see today causing huge gold sinks. the excuse of QOL and people don't have the time imo is a poor one.

today a US wow token is 241K gold or $20. that's 12K gold per $1. years ago there was no token . 12K gold depending on your server could cost hundreds to a easy thousand of $. just a month or so back the token was over 400K gold briefly.

alot of items on the AH have not kept up with the ratio change, for example 10+ years ago a F2P (linked) could cycle many players thru a DMF event turn in items from BGs and dungeons to acquire pets. a darkmoon zeppelin (@ lvl-1) would bring like 2-3K gold on AHs, that was big back then, now i see them on various servers 2-5k, now may not be worth the time even for a F2P.

pets that tend to bring in larger amounts are at some quarter masters and like island expedition vendor. the time vs gains based on AH
Personally, I'm skeptical about farming for tokens. 300k = 10k/day. Would take a lot of time/effort daily to achieve that.
Would suck the spirit out of me, making the game less enjoyable.

But, If I were to do it, I would gather a list of target items to farm.
Undermine Exchange site is great for F2P to look up AH prices.

I would use a lvl 20 Druid and a lvl 10/11 Arcane Mage as farmers.

Draenor Garrison with 20 followers at pLvl 675 has frequent missions that reward items of significant value in AH:
Huge Ogre Cache, Medallion of the Legion, Coalfist Gronnling, etc.

Love is in the Air event next month has a farmable, high value mount: Swift Lovebird (I farmed 9 of them last year. 3-4 hrs/day with lvl 11 mage)

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