I don't mind the level cap so much as the gold and profession caps. One level is as good as another as far as I'm concerned, but the profession cap at 100 really is the thing that keeps us from being on par with 24s in terms of gear. If they removed the 100 skill point limit and just let it be capped by our level, we would be in a much better place.
Raising the gold limit to were we could buy more level appropriate stuff would be nice, but they need to keep that low so that farmers aren't tempted to make an army of f2p gold farming bots, and then upgrade an account for $5 once they are all gold capped. The trade restriction makes sense for that reason as well. F2p needs to stay out of the economy, but raising it to say, 100g, wouldn't kill anybody, I don't think.
Easing the profession limit and gold cap at the current level would be my dream. If they simply moved the f2p level higher, and still had draconian profession and gold penalties, we would still be in the same place.