F2P's and P2P's


Im posting this thread because after reading a few posts in this forum about f2p twinks i became realy excited because i thought twinking would come back to life, i created my f2p account and start playing wow again. Although now after a few months playing im starting to think that 24's are more popular each time, as they just get into a bg and pwn all those lvl 20's. Is there any EU server with mostly f2p's or p2p which restrict their accounts to f2p equipment? those 24 premades realy fuck up the games.
(forgive me if my english isnt perfect, aint my first language)
Im posting this thread because after reading a few posts in this forum about f2p twinks i became realy excited because i thought twinking would come back to life, i created my f2p account and start playing wow again. Although now after a few months playing im starting to think that 24's are more popular each time, as they just get into a bg and pwn all those lvl 20's. Is there any EU server with mostly f2p's or p2p which restrict their accounts to f2p equipment? those 24 premades realy fuck up the games.
(forgive me if my english isnt perfect, aint my first language)

twinking never died, so it never had to "come back to life".some players stopped twinking when they coudnt sit in bg's all day farming nubs. the 20-24 bracket isnt a special little snowflake. anyone who refuses to buy expansions is placed into xp off at their level cap. that means 70's and 80's without expansions play against 74's and 84's who do. funny how little amount of crying comes those players.
i make 24's to carry players like you to wins. if it wasnt for me, and players like me, your "fun" would still be games full of hunters..but with nobody to save you from them.

you're welcome.
twinking never died, so it never had to "come back to life".some players stopped twinking when they coudnt sit in bg's all day farming nubs. the 20-24 bracket isnt a special little snowflake. anyone who refuses to buy expansions is placed into xp off at their level cap. that means 70's and 80's without expansions play against 74's and 84's who do. funny how little amount of crying comes those players.
i make 24's to carry players like you to wins. if it wasnt for me, and players like me, your "fun" would still be games full of hunters..but with nobody to save you from them.
you're welcome.

twinking never died, so it never had to "come back to life".some players stopped twinking when they coudnt sit in bg's all day farming nubs. the 20-24 bracket isnt a special little snowflake. anyone who refuses to buy expansions is placed into xp off at their level cap. that means 70's and 80's without expansions play against 74's and 84's who do. funny how little amount of crying comes those players.
i make 24's to carry players like you to wins. if it wasnt for me, and players like me, your "fun" would still be games full of hunters..but with nobody to save you from them.

you're welcome.

so we would be terribly bored if there are no 24's?!
yea, right...
DEPECHE MODE - Dream On - YouTube
I usually see 2-3 horde 24's in most BG's... We still roll over them.

Four levels do not invincibility make...
dont missunderstand me, the thread was asking for sugestions of EU servers with high 20's population and low 24's population.
im not crying over leaving my bracket.

No matter what server you play on you will find the same 24s in a bg.
i play for massive killing streaks
and killing noob lvl 24s (pro lvl 24s arent really killable)
i make 24's to carry players like you to wins. if it wasnt for me, and players like me, your "fun" would still be games full of hunters..but with nobody to save you from them.

you're welcome.
That's a good way of justifying why i have a 24 in this bracket. I often tell to myself that being a 24 horde serves the greater good. I help horde win, because horde is the underdog. 1300 flag returns so far on my rogue, but the true thing is that i have rolled a 24 to squash others easily and feel myself POWERFUL. Let's be honest with each other, and not make up some BS. I have a 24 , you have a 24. I see you through, you see me through too.Perhaps, this bracket will be better after we do admit why we are all here.Will i quit playing my 24 rogue? probably not.I am having fun after all
If you join the Alliance, you will very often face 1-3 24s.
If you join Horde, you will very often face 3-5 1500+ hp hunters.
Also I think Horde has slightly more healers.

French/German realms opponents on Alliance usually have a very strong group with many 24s.
I forgot how it is on Horde, havent play on Alliance for long time.

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