F2P Twinking - Extras Guide

Tooh87 said:
I'm a bit confused. I've heard of people fishing up the sea turtle, and it's listed here, but fishing in pools out in Uldum I receive no loot. The pool still goes away after so many, and I can get skill-ups, but that's it. Is this normal, and I'm guessing the turtle would show up or w/e?

Yes, this is completely normal, the game basically deletes this fish from your loot window since you do not have cata, the sea turtle should show up like it normally would, just not alongside a fishy. I myself have not had much luck
Withers (Alliance only) this is false

horde can do to darkshore and purchase this pet, vendor is in a cave...yes in alliance territory
Shfthappens said:
Yes, this is completely normal, the game basically deletes this fish from your loot window since you do not have cata, the sea turtle should show up like it normally would, just not alongside a fishy. I myself have not had much luck

wouldn't the mount be deleted from your loot window as well, since it's part of the WotLK/cata xpac's? Is there any F2P account that can confirm that this is, in fact, obtainable?
Mikian, the quest achievements that you mentioned are listed in wowhead as doable by both Horde and Alliance. That looked weird to me as well, but wowhead is usually right about everything, so I didn't dare to contradict them until I could check it by myself. If you are impatient you can check it by yourself as well, that'd be a good help :D

As for Shanker, perhaps my meaning wasn't clear enough. If you check Withers under "Vendor", you'll see that it is also listed there, but there it says "Horde only". What I wanted to make clear (and probably didn't) is that Withers can only be obtained through a quest by the Alliance, and can only be bought from a vendor by the Horde.
Nice list, I thought I'd add some notes.

Some achievements that are obtainable but missing from the list:

  • 5 Dungeon Quests Completed
  • 20 Dungeon Quests Completed - Only obtainable by Horde players, Alliance maxes out at 16.
  • Stood in the Fire
  • Let's Do Lunch: …
  • A Bunch of Lunch
  • Captain Rumsey's Lager
  • Cooking Award
  • 10 Cooking Awards

The following are in the list but are unobtainable by F2P characters:

  • To All The Squirrels I've Loved Before - Some critters are only present in Northrend (such as the Borean Frog).
  • Explore Cataclysm - Deepholme is unavailable to BC-level accounts, see Tooh87's posts below.

The following are only possible with help from a subscriber:

  • Explore Kalimdor - Isle of Quel'Danas is only accessible through a level-restricted portal.
  • Explore Outland - Flying mount required for Hellfire Peninsula (Throne of Kil'jaeden) and Netherstorm (Socrethar's Seat).
  • Outland Angler - Flying mount required for Highland Mixed School.
  • To All the Squirrels Who Cared for Me - Tol Barad (for Baradin Fox Kit and Sassy Cat) is only accessible through a level-restricted portal. Getting to Mount Hyjal (for Grotto Vole) requires a flying mount.

The "Glutton for … Punishment" ones require external help for Alliance characters, otherwise they can't get to the trial areas.


Added "Explore Cataclysm" to list of unobtainable achievements, thanks to Tooh87.

Removed Sous Chef from list of unobtainable achievements, thanks to Aradiel.
Id like to point out that you have listed Whithers as Alliance only, After cataclysm came out I got him on my horde. I doubt it has changed since then.


Alliance Balloon

Mr. Wiggles (MAY)

Scooter the Snail (MAY)

Singing Sunflower

Speedy (MAY)

Westfall Chicken

Whiskers the Rat (MAY)

Withers (Alliance only)

WoW Anniversary Pet (NOVEMBER)
Captain Sanders' Shirt

Red Linen Shirt

White Tuxedo Shirt

Common Gray Shirt

Common White Shirt

Bold Yellow Shirt

Stylish Black Shirt

Brown Linen Shirt

White Linen Shirt

Blue Linen Shirt

Green Linen Shirt

Gray Woolen Shirt

Deckhand's Shirt
Hm, actually, I'll do it now. Ill log an 85 and try to summon. Be back with results soon.

Update: Just as I assumed, you can't.


There are level 20-24 mobs that have a .1% chance of dropping the bags. Or if you had a lot of hit rating you could try pick pocketing the level 55's. Now that you've mentioned it, in a week or so everyone will have one.

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