They may not have the mitigation but especially at high levels they have tons of utility. My main is a prot pally![]()
If you'd have read some of the previous messages/pages, you'd see there was a pun intended D:
They may not have the mitigation but especially at high levels they have tons of utility. My main is a prot pally![]()
If you'd have read some of the previous messages/pages, you'd see there was a pun intended D:
most new players who roll war or pally use prot for the stam buff.
best f2p tank was cata survival hunter. they could do it all: grab flag 'cause most hp, backpeadal to gy while taking no damage because everything just explodes like it was filled out of hydrogen, prevent other team from capping flag by pinning down graveyard singlehandly. otherteam /afks. 3 min left, backpedal across mid (because more less damage while facing opponent). and 1 cap FTW.
best f2p tank was cata survival hunter. they could do it all: grab flag 'cause most hp, backpeadal to gy while taking no damage because everything just explodes like it was filled out of hydrogen, prevent other team from capping flag by pinning down graveyard singlehandly. otherteam /afks. 3 min left, backpedal across mid (because more less damage while facing opponent). and 1 cap FTW.
Guardian Druid for Pugs, Holy Paladin>Prot Warrior for premades IMO.
Guardian Druid has the mobility and mitigation that makes it a better choice for pug carrying and it always will. In an environment where you can't depend on anyone, a Guardian Druid can depend on him/herself.
Holy Paladin over Protection Warrior for pre-mades because in the worst case scenario, a Protection Warrior can be out sustained every time, where as a Holy Paladin would have a better chance in making it to safety.
Synergy also has a lot to do with it.
If you have a dedicated healer, Protection Warrior has the highest damage mitigation in the bracket, and you can't die in a pre-made situation, it just doesn't happen.
If you don't have a dedicated healer, you can play Holy Paladin to carry and heal your defenders. If they ignore you, you can free-cast to keep your D up, if they ignore your defenders, you can out-sustain almost anything thrown at you while your defenders whale on your would-be attackers.
Knowing what class is "better" is irrelevant. Knowing what class to play under what circumstances is, and a lot of it depends more on your Pre-Made's set up, than the enemy team's. Know your strengths and weaknesses.
In net patch say goodbyye to Hpallys , 250 holy shock is too bad -_- , +25% of arms reduction 150 holy shock !(Heal) . 55% bfatigue. , GO get some REAL tank , not a healer spec! We are talking about tanks not hpallys here -__ !
For FC my choice for pugging is a stam stacked holy paladin. Not sure about premade vs premade right now would have to think about it.
Please tell me what this means, genuinely curious. Googled it but figured I'd get a more precise answer from you.
(unless you were referring to a certain genus of moth insects)
Billy Bob Jimmy Johnson says: Hey, you shouldn't play Enhancement Shaman, It's not optimal. If you want to DPS play a hunter or a rogue.
Jerkmeoffmylittleponymeatloaf12 says: That's according to the Pseudo-Meta, see you in mid, you suave mother***ker, you.
pseudo - definition of pseudo by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
Urban Dictionary: metagame
People think there's an optimum way to play WoW, an imbalanced game to it's core and by it's very design. This is false. False Meta-Game = Pseudo-Meta. I used Pseudo-Meta do describe the way Flavor of the Month effects how people think any bracket works at every stage of this game.
I come from Smogon, an Online Competitive Pokemon Battle Simulator community where we put too much thought into nonsensical terms like that. Sorry for any confusion.
Assuming there are dedicated healers, guardian druid using wild charge is still the best. In 5.4, even more-so.
I've taken 2 24 rogues as a prot warrior with 1 healer because they were too dumb to get behind me, thus all their attacks were mitigated to some degree.
It's also worth mentioning that in a fight a warrior can pretty much keep up shield block while druids usually cannot keep up savage defense indefinitely.