F2P Subtlety Rogue


Please check my rogue and tell me your opinion what gear should i get/change.
Also profession tips would be great ;)

When darkmoon faire begins im taking Stained Shadowcraft Tunic and Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders + already farming for hogger trouses. I heard about some kind of speed boots that are best for sub but can't remember the name.

Fidelgru @ Burning Legion - Community - World of Warcraft

Thanks in advance!
are those threads even needed? everyone is facerolling the same gear anyway
Cant you just look at the armory thread to figure out whats BiS for youself without having to seek approval of the bracket?

these threads pop up everyday.
Use wicked daggers and smelting pants

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Cant you just look at the armory thread to figure out whats BiS for youself without having to seek approval of the bracket?

these threads pop up everyday.

If TI didnt want this then the section wouldnt be there.

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^The armory linked by Goesid is ideal for a rogue stacking agility (which is stronger for sub rogues due to this passive.)

Some players may forgive the OP for not having the absurdly rare BoE drops like Ring of Precision or Doomspikes (and perhaps feet of the lynx. Yes that's BiS due to scalings in bgs)...

But items like Bands of Serra'kis, Hogger's Trousers, Glowing Lizardscale cloak, and perhaps a 2nd wicked dagger are relatively "easy" to obtain. Almost all BiS rogue armories will at least have those.

And while others mention professions, don't forget to get this recipe (to make these); it's just one npc vendor visit away.
There aren't any speed boots, they might have been referring to this, which is a must.

Edit: There's speed boots in the tunnels of WSG?... That might be it. But go alch/herb and farm the recipe for the speed pot.

Yes maybe i heard it wrong and that was boost.

Thanks everyone. I have more info than I thought I would get.

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