F2P Shadow Priest Project.

Mind linking it, btw, HI!, we used to play on Moonguard together, I was Amillion. Didn't know you were Meisesauger.
You play 19s too, cool.
Yeah dude, you can find me on thrall horde, if you ever want to chill or something.

ill probably make a toon over there this weekend

I made a chardev for a stam set that has 2036 hp unbuffed, CC machine :p only problem is getting all the greenweave peices

make a skype so we can simul again
Hipsters just aren't hip if they don't roll on bwl .( you have no idea how much I love pocketing locks fire mages refs and warriors and assas rogues !

god we have 0 rogues on bwl lol

I saw like 3 rogues the other day in bgs, all from BWL horde.
Not in full crit gear but, a nice balance of crit.
It's bis set imo after the item scaling came, Conspirator's Slippers would be good but sadly it doesnt scale in bgs.
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Shadow is shit, you probably do more dmg as disc, gl.

Probably most would view it like that, but, Not many targets can get away while being Mindflayed, while being focused by your teammates. Also I would heal just like a healing spec.

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