F2P Rankings: PVE & PVP

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Special congrats go to Mooraine @ Laughing Skull, the first European player to reach 2500 achievement points!

Also, congrats to both Araraquara @ Gurubashi and Clawedfang @ Skywall for reaching 2000 achievements points!

Nope ... The first europeam with 2500 Ahievement Points is a belf biach ... I don't remenber the name.. It's Silvania or Sorelia.. something like this..She's not posted here..

Very impressive Achievement Points, Komrad. Ties you for second place, I think?

Yes... Impre.....Impre..... just half... mate... You are a hunter... :p..


Double grats to Eetuonparas @ Dragonmaw - Game Guide - World of Warcraft for skyrocketing past 2500 achievement points and also getting to 25K honorable kills!

Triple Grats... The Smexiest undead rogue ALIVE... ... Hmmm Undead Rogue ALive... Ain't that an oxymoron... ? Hmm :confused: ..... Noope ... It's not...
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Special congratulations to Kale @ Dreadmaul for being the world-first F2P player to reach 3000 achievement points, notable enough to deserve its own thread.

Congrats to Salfir @ Aerie Peak for reaching 2000 achievement points!

On the pvp front, congrats go out to three players who have reached 50K kills: Arcah @ Bloodhoof, Krakatau @ Vashj, and Baradin @ Ragnaros - EU

As a special aside, I would like to point out that not only have I had the pleasure of running many battlegrounds with Arcah, but that she has two additional F2P alts in the rankings: Mòroró and Mörörö. These three toons have a combined HK total over 114K, which would be good enough for #2 overall on the US list (presuming, of course, no one else splits their pvp time so dramatically).

Sadly, Rehook @ Frostmane has been unlisted due to inactivity. Come back soon!
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I personally suggest to not include hunters' hks in PVP rankings.Considering their undoubted OPness it takes them much lower time and skill to accumulate hks, which constitutes "cheating". I believe the vast majority of the community thinks the same thing but doesnt't want to express their voices openly. This would be the first step towards making this bracket healthier and better than 19s and 29s
I personally suggest to not include hunters' hks in PVP rankings.Considering their undoubted OPness it takes them much lower time and skill to accumulate hks, which constitutes "cheating". I believe the vast majority of the community thinks the same thing but doesnt't want to express their voices openly. This would be the first step towards making this bracket healthier and better than 19s and 29s
I personally suggest not to include hordes hks in PVP rankings. They have faster queue times, meaning that they accumulate more hks in a shorter amount of time.

This shit obviously isn't supposed to be 'fair'.
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I personally suggest not to include hordes hks in PVP rankings. They have faster queue times, meaning that they accumulate more hks in a shorter amount of time.

This shit obviously isn't supposed to be 'fair'.

"Huntard owner detected". Aren't you tired of huntards' OPness, but can't do anything about it? Blizzard will not listen to us, but at least the f2p community can do smth to alleviate the problem. The first step would be officially frowning on them.

On an unrelated note, Let me tell you smth, because hordies don't crutch heavily on hunters to carry them, hordies lose more, much more, much much more games. So your words are total nonsense. Keep on playing on your huntard, btw
"Huntard owner detected". Aren't you tired of huntards' OPness, but can't do anything about it? Blizzard will not listen to us, but at least the f2p community can do smth to alleviate the problem. The first step would be officially frowning on them.

On an unrelated note, Let me tell you smth, because hordies don't crutch heavily on hunters to carry them, hordies lose more, much more, much much more games. So your words are total nonsense. Keep on playing on your huntard, btw
Blah nonsense.

If we altered this ranking list to accommodate to people like you then we wouldn't be left with much of a list.
Blah nonsense.

If we altered this ranking list to accommodate to people like you then we wouldn't be left with much of a list.

I am not naive, I know that the list will never be changed. But at least, I am expressing what I think, and I am saying that the community is able to do at least smth to resolve this problem. Nothing will be done, but at least I tried to do smth, I would be sad to see this bracket die out like 29s and 19s because of huntards.
And we live in a free speech country now, right?, not in Zimbabwe or Uganda, so stop acting as if only your viewpoints are right, and different ones should be kept in silence.
Anyway, huntard owner, gluck in your endeavours
I am not naive, I know that the list will never be changed. But at least, I am expressing what I think, and I am saying that the community is able to do at least smth to resolve this problem. Nothing will be done, but at least I tried to do smth, I would be sad to see this bracket die out like 29s and 19s because of huntards.
And we live in a free speech country now, right?, not in Zimbabwe or Uganda, so stop acting as if only your viewpoints are right, and different ones should be kept in silence.
Anyway, huntard owner, gluck in your endeavours
You are trying to deny hunters their right to be on this list based on your own viewpoint. You don't find your post to be the least bit hypocritical?
If anyone wants to put forth the effort to make a better list, be my guest. Otherwise, arguments about the lack of fairness in BGs belongs in another thread.

I only exclude bots and inactive players. With regards to hunters, I will point out that the top 3 players in HKs are not hunters.
GZ to Flipz and Ligo :) ,

now roll a warrior so i can get some more fun out of the game :)
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