F2P PvE Challenges!


(I hate F2P Battlegrounds. I hate them because nothing really new ever happens; yea sure, on occasion it can be fun to do premades, but its only fun then because 99% of the time you will then be wiping the floor with the enemy's face.
So after 1 random dungeon me and a friend found a alternative to what F2P has always been about (Mindlessly grinding Battlegrounds) and wanted to explore if PvE was a possibility for F2P's.
The following thread is about random 'Achievements' (feats) that me and my friend/ fellow Mok'Nathalian :p Bop came up with.
They are divided up into two 'modes' Normal difficulty, and Heroic, with obviously normal being the base experience and Heroic being... well... a BIT more challenging.)

Would you like some DoT's with that AoE?
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Instance: Shadowfang Keep

Normal: Kill all the mobs in SFK including boss’s up until the second boss, Commander Springvale. Pull Commander Springvale, and head to the next boss, Lord Walden. (On the way to Lord Walden you may kill any mob in your path BUT Wailing Gaurdsmen). Upon arrival at Lord Walden, proceed to attempt to kill both boss’s, and during the fight, whenever Commander Springvale casts Desecration or Shield of the Perfidious, all players must stand in it. Both must also be killed within 30 seconds of each other.

Heroic: Kill all the mobs in SFK including boss’s up until the third boss, Commander Springvale. Pull Commander Springvale, and head to the next boss, Lord Walden. (On the way to Lord Walden you may kill any mob in your path BUT Wailing Gaurdsmen and Stone Sleeper's). Upon arrival at Lord Walden, proceed to attempt to kill both boss’s, and during the fight, whenever Commander Springvale casts Desecration or Shield of the Perfidious, all players must stand in it. Both must also be killed within 30 seconds of each other. This time you also may not kill any Stone Sleeper's.

Was fun and 'doable' on Normal, but got to be difficult on Heroic. On our first try with Heroic we did not even make it to Walden; the problem was Bop continued to get feared before he could fully heal me.


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10 Things I hate about Nelfs.
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Instance: Wailing Caverns

Normal: Lady Anacondra, Skum, Lord Cobrahn, Lord Pythas, and Kresh must all be killed within 30 seconds of each other.

Heroic: No mob may be slain until after all 5 bosses have been killed.

Basically you need to go through the instance pulling all the boss's from the left side and the right that are listed above. If you are doing it on normal that means that you are going to be running around first to kill all of the mobs before you start the pull.
This one was extremely difficult on heroic. On normal it was fun but not very difficult, as me and Bop got it on the first try, but it took about 3 attempts to get down what really needed to happen for Heroic to be possible.


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Dont Drop the Soap.
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Instance: Stormwind Stockades

Normal: Pull every mob in Hogger’s room as well as surrounding prison cells including Hogger. Hogger’s Maddening Call may not be interrupted during the encounter.

Heroic: Hogger must be reduced to below 30% health before any mob is killed. Then, every other mob must be killed before Hogger is slain.

Like WC it took me and Bop about 3 runs to get down what we needed to do, because I was loosing about 1k hp every second, and during Maddening Call Bop just couldn't out heal the damage. (Not to mention that during his Enrage with all the other mobs stringed along I was getting hit like a truck.)

See below, I hit the 5 file limit :p

TBH: I really hate PvE, but I had alot of fun 2 manning these instance 'achievements' with Bop. If anyone has any ideas for things we could do, feel free to post it below, I will be checking the comments and updating this thread with new achievements we have completed. More info as well about Mok'Nathal.

Side Note:

Part of the reason we are also running these instances is for rare drops and Darkmoon artifacts, which are just bonus's. In the time we did this thread these rare items droped. Witching Stave, Prospector Axe, Mysterious Grimoire x2, Ornate Weapon x2, Imbued Crystal x1.


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Screenshot for Stockades:

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I Got 99 Problems... But a Food Buff Ain't One.
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Instance: The Deadmines

Normal: Finish every boss and mob in the instance up until the final boss on the boat. (not Admiral Ripsnarl but Cookie). 1 player must receive 99 buffs of Cookie's Rotten Aura debuff (received by eating the food thrown by Cookie that emanates a vile green), whiel the healer may only gain a maximum of 10 stacks of the beneficial debuff. (Increases haste)

Heroic: Finish every boss and mob in the instance up until the final boss on the boat. (not Admiral Ripsnarl but Cookie). 1 player must receive 99 buffs of Cookie's Rotten Aura debuff (received by eating the food thrown by Cookie that emanates a vile green), whiel the healer may only gain a maximum of 1 stack of the beneficial debuff. (Increases haste)

We both thought that Cookie would be a joke no matter what we did... we where wrong xD. At 99 stacks I was taking 1.5k damage from the debuff every tick, and it was becoming a problem for Bop (healer) because he was starting to run low on mana at 80+ stacks. We ended up killing Cookie... then about 3 seconds later I died from the debuff...

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Greed for Speed! (Ragefire Pursuit)
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Instance: Ragefire Chasm

Bronze: Finish (kill all 4 boss's) Ragefire Chasm in 6 minutes or less.

Silver: Finish (kill all 4 boss's) Ragefire Chasm in 5 minutes or less.

Gold: Finish (kill all 4 boss's) Ragefire Chasm in 4 minutes or less.

We have tried speed clears of RFC before, and during a pug group even got 3:30 something for a full clear. During the speed run that we did for this screenshot we got 4 minutes, we are thinking for our next attempt Bop will be on hit prot paladin rather then his resto druid for more DPS.


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Auto-Necrotic Asphyxiation...
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Instance: Shadowfang Keep

Normal: Kill Baron Ashbury without receiving heals from your healer. (You cannot DPS Ashbury until he casts Asphyxiate)

Heroic: You must pull all of the mobs up to Baron Ashbury before you start the encounter. (You may attack the Baron before his Asphyxiate)

Normal is slightly difficult but possible if you know what you are doing. Heroic however is alot more difficult, becuase if even one extra mob is left on the tank after the start of the Asphyiate, the tank will get 1 shoted.

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ooo throw the devilsaur in there and maybe the giant bug in unguro as well !

Well the idea wasn't supposed to be that the Boss fight was simply strong. There was supposed to be some sort of mechanic to it that made the fight hard.

For [Don't Drop The Soap], Maddening Call can make the fight nearly impossible to heal through, for instance.

For [Would You Like Some DoTs With That AoE?], the interrupts and fears make the AoE damage pretty formidable.

Etc, etc. But always there are ways to overcome the obstacles, no matter how difficult (granted, some heroic achievements have only been achieved on paper)
Also, to expound a bit and to give people here on TI an idea of what we were talking about, I'd like to go over a few things.

First, we have other achievements worked out in addition to these. Many of them are very fun and challenging, as well. However, these three were the only ones we posted due to brevity and the amount of time we spent play testing.

We currently have achievements for BFD as well. We are developing ones for RFC and DM, but those are difficult to accomplish due to the simplicity of the mobs and fight mechanics in general.

Second, We love suggestions! Just keep in mind that we've considered pretty much every boss mechanic for a dungeon that a F2P can participate in.

Third, we know that the temptation to just go straight to the Heroic achievement is strong, but we recommend trying the normal achievement first. It gives you a sense of what you'll be dealing with in the Heroic. In my personal opinion, none of the heroics are easy to accomplish. All of them require some sort of forward thinking to complete.

Fourth, there currently isn't any /real/ way to present proof that you completed a certain heroic or normal achievement. Oftentimes a Screenshot is not enough. We're brainstorming possible ways, and any suggestions would be welcome. Videos just seems kind of extreme to me.

Fifth, we have bounced around the idea of having a 3 man version for each achievement that would require you to only have 1 healer specialized class. I.E., balance druids would be allowed on a team with a healer, but not a Restoration druid. So your team would consist of a tank, a dps, and a healer. This would allow classes such as rogues, hunters, mages, and warlocks who have no tanking or healing specializations to earn the achievements as well. This has not currently been tested, however. It may be simply too easy.


1. More Achievements to come

2. Suggestions please

3. Normal, then Heroic.

4. No real way to show proof of completion

5. Possible 3 man PvE challenge teams.
SFK, all mobs including first boss. Means you have to kill all the mobs before he drains your life or you all die.
SFK, all mobs including first boss. Means you have to kill all the mobs before he drains your life or you all die.

Yea we where trying to work on that one and actually. We pulled everyone up to the first boss and got all the mobs to roughly half health before we did the boss pull... then we had only a little time to kill all the mobs before he did his Asphyxiation... one of the big problems is just getting 1 shoted after the Asphyxiation, me and Bop survived it but only because I got a lucky parry on the last mob left attacking me.

P.S. DM achievement Inc.
This is a great idea for a thread. Once upon a time Rhae and I (hpala and fury at the time, Cata) duo'ed all of Stockades, and thought that was a neat accomplishment. It's neat that you're setting up some cool scenarios for people.

I've also been interested in PvE feats with timed runs. The simplest version being to clear an instance in less than X time, but I'm sure you could combine straight time runs with some of the other more clever ideas you're coming up with. I hope this idea sticks around!
5 man gnomers would be hella fun. Also videos wouldent be that hard to do just fraps it like we did 39s, i say we should have 5man gnomers, then normal 2 mans and heroic 3mans for DM, RFC,WC, SFK, BFD, and SWS. The heroic 3mans could be adjusted to fit 3 players as well.
I've also been interested in PvE feats with timed runs. The simplest version being to clear an instance in less than X time, but I'm sure you could combine straight time runs with some of the other more clever ideas you're coming up with. I hope this idea sticks around!

Im glad that you liked it, and what do you know... we just started working on fast clears!. The lower level instances are perfect for fast clear times, RFC in particular because in DM you get slowed down to much during the boss fights. For RFC (next post) we will be doing speed clears, which is part if you can run the entire time (keep aggro off the healer for all the mobs) and part how much you can dps down the boss's (timer stops when the boss's drop); we are going to do a Gold Silver Bronze for how fast it is possible... currently we (Bop and I) are trying to get it at or under 3:30.

Do timed gnomer runs

crushing blow is a huge challenge, and so are the 8k hp trash mobs

+you get loads of actually useful Silk Cloth - Item - World of Warcraft

and you can fully impress your hatred for 24s(like isac/others) by having Hotshot Pilot's Gloves - Item - World of Warcraft or Caverndeep Trudgers - Item - World of Warcraft in your obtained tab

if they drop that is. I had the legs drop on my trial twink when i was leveling first aid and farming the scope in gnomer

Bop and I already did a clear of gnomer... but it was by no means a speed clear. We want to try to work the instance in in some way, but we currently arent sure if it is going to be about speed or about just doing a effective 5 man clear with obstacles.

5 man gnomers would be hella fun. Also videos wouldent be that hard to do just fraps it like we did 39s, i say we should have 5man gnomers, then normal 2 mans and heroic 3mans for DM, RFC,WC, SFK, BFD, and SWS. The heroic 3mans could be adjusted to fit 3 players as well.

Yea, I would really like to get a fraps up of one of these, particularl Heroic WC, which Bop and I are STILL trying to accomplish (close).
5 man gnomers would be hella fun. Also videos wouldent be that hard to do just fraps it like we did 39s, i say we should have 5man gnomers, then normal 2 mans and heroic 3mans for DM, RFC,WC, SFK, BFD, and SWS. The heroic 3mans could be adjusted to fit 3 players as well.

These Heroic achievements can be completed with 2 people (theoretically), it would just be very very difficult. I agree, that 3 man heroic achievements would be fun, but I'm not sure if it would make them too easy. Hard to say without play testing.
You could have to pull all the side rooms in hoggers wing with a 3man, then you gotta dps them down before you get to hogger, tank cant stop pulling. Idk just throwing that out there, just cause a 3man set of instances opens oppurtunities for hunters, rogues, mages, and locks, as well as introduces more CC options. You could also make it so that the dps cant be something with offheals like a boomy or ele shamm to make it harder. Just throwing it out there that with the heroics slightly modified into 3mans, it would open up more oppurtunities to things besides prot warrs, resto druids, and pallies :p Did hogger yesterday with reflex on his warr, only way we could do it was when i was on my rdruid, rsham couldent handle it ;( great idea though, was a lot of fun

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