You could have to pull all the side rooms in hoggers wing with a 3man, then you gotta dps them down before you get to hogger, tank cant stop pulling. Idk just throwing that out there, just cause a 3man set of instances opens oppurtunities for hunters, rogues, mages, and locks, as well as introduces more CC options. You could also make it so that the dps cant be something with offheals like a boomy or ele shamm to make it harder. Just throwing it out there that with the heroics slightly modified into 3mans, it would open up more oppurtunities to things besides prot warrs, resto druids, and palliesDid hogger yesterday with reflex on his warr, only way we could do it was when i was on my rdruid, rsham couldent handle it ;( great idea though, was a lot of fun
Flex, Izbuzz, and I could probably do some 3man testing if you set 3 man requirements for a instance(s)
Soloing stuff tends to be quite fun and challenging, add in your restrictions and it's even more so. I used to solo on my 20 druid, and started changing out gear to see how low gear i can have before i hit the wall when i can't continue.
All pretty much about using more than or less than 2 man so ill just answer them all here. I agree with all of it, it would be nice to do different group number achievements, only problem is it is only really atm me and Bop that have expressed interest in doing the achieve's right now (our 3rd and 4th members are both currently taking some time off). 1 man is possible but you cant do more of the obstacle part, because it would pretty much then entirely be about if you can solo the instance without dieing/ how long would it take. (Could do some/most of the instances on my warrior). Once we get some of the last 2 man run achievements down on here that we have been working on we will start putting down three mans that people can try now if they want and we can try later.