F2P players refuse to pay subscription fees because their druids can't fly 'those sick planes.'
Themes like complaining about Arcane missile damage and Discipline Priests utilizing Shadow Mend have created coalitions among elite circles of WOW players with minimal game content. Recent changes to battleground queues alleviated many concerns among F2P players until Saturday morning when a new discord was formed under the name "Don't Buy Until Our Druids Can Fly." Six members strong after 8 hours of advertising has resulted in a passionate stance against game developers impeding their ability to cap flags with minimal effort on Eye of the Storm. "Our druids can do everything that the others can. I only made this toon because I wanted access to everything that ALL other toons could do. It makes me sad when I can't fly Russian Prostitutes from Goldshire Inn on my back like the P2P (pay to play) druids can," said Houston city slicker Howard Forsythe, who had many Amens signalling other players' approval. He continues, "My understanding of the game only extends so far, as I've only played one epic battleground in four years and only have access to three dungeons but that shouldn't stop me from flying those fucking sick planes."
Renowned American psychologist, Abraham Maslow (111) has long been an advocate allowing all living beings the right to fly. When asked for a comment, he said, "Humans need this shit. There are three different groups of things that humans need to live their best possible lives and this is one of the early basic needs next to food and water. It is surprising to me that game companies are willing to deprive individuals of experiences such as hopping on one of those bad boys."
When contacted Blizzard refused to comment.