WSG jumps / glitches 3.3.5a
How to jump on wow woltk 3.3.5 a WSG glitches.
How to jump on wow woltk 3.3.5 a WSG glitches.
Added [MENTION=21896]Crayonla[/MENTION] video. Heyth's videos went private again.
I will start preparing the thread for WoD videos and hoping for new exciting footage real soon =)
requesting videos without interface (test yourself! it's fun and challenging and the game is far more beautiful than that carefully crafted interface u've been staring at so intently)
Finally, after 3 months break caused by graphic card burn I'm back in business with loss in quality but increase in ideas! Watch it, enjoy it, see my pretty face looking retarded.
What recording software are you using now?