F2P Movies Thread

Nice videos [MENTION=18390]Alkazar[/MENTION] and [MENTION=17375]LennywBoreanTundra[/MENTION].
Nice feral damage routes and nice crits to both .
Added [MENTION=18390]Alkazar[/MENTION], [MENTION=22434]Scorpio[/MENTION] and [MENTION=23202]Resto[/MENTION] videos.

Thanks and keep it up!
luve ur movies alkazaar :)
the only twink movies, that i dont quit after 20 sec.
but....play ur lock, no 1 got more entertainment.

heya alpha,björke,cripz,pole,killwill and my one and only mysterios

maybe see u for skirmish
the sexyest paly eu!
WOW F2P My warlock's macros and some arathi basin PVP
here are all my macros while playing my f2p warlock

/castsequence reset=8 metamorphosis,Shadow Bolt,Shadow Bolt
/use !Summon Succubus
/CAST Lash of Pain

/cast [target=mouseover,exists]fear
/cast [modifier:alt,target=focus] fear;fear

/use Demonic Leap
/use !metamorphosis
/cancelaura metamorphosis

#showtooltip Summon Succubus
/CAST Soulburn
/use Summon Succubus
/use !metamorphosis
/cancelaura metamorphosis

#showtooltip Summon Voidwalker
/CAST Soulburn
/use metamorphosis
/use !Summon Voidwalker
/cancelaura metamorphosis
/CAST Voidwalker: Disarm

/console SET targetNearestDistance "45"
/script SetCVar("cameradistanceMax",60)

#showtooltip Drain Life
/CAST Soulburn
/CAST !Drain Life

/CAST Dark Regeneration
/cast Lifeblood(rank 2)
/CAST Healthstone
/CAST inherited mark of tyranny
/CAST alliance battle standard
/cast arena grand master
/cast Incinerate
/CAST Shadow Bolt

/cast Conglagrate
/cast Lash of Pain

#showtooltip Drain Life
/CAST !Drain Life
/CAST Lash of Pain

#showtooltip Corruption
/targetenemy [harm][nodead]
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Corruption

#showtooltip Curse of Weaknes
/targetenemy [harm][nodead]
/targetenemy [noharm][dead]
/cast Curse of Weaknes

/CAST Dark Regeneration
/cast Lifeblood(rank 2)
/CAST Healthstone
/CAST inherited mark of tyranny
/CAST alliance battle standard
/cast arena grand master
/cast [target=mouseover,exists]fear
/cast [modifier:alt,target=focus] fear;fear

cast [target=mouseover,exists]Immolate
/cast [modifier:alt,target=focus] Immolate;Immolate

/CAST Lash of Pain
/cast Voidwalker: Disarm

#showtooltip hand of guldan
/use !hand of guldan
/cancelaura metamorphosis

/castsequence reset=5 metamorphosis,Drain Life,Summon Succubus,Drain Life
/CAST Lash of Pain

#showtooltip Every Man for Himself
/cast Every Man for Himself
/cast fear

Addon: tMorph
Mod Macro
.item 1 14263
.item 3 22983
.item 5 23069
.item 10 19407
.item 19 20131
.item 15 19378
.race 5
.piercings 1
.hair 25

Nice video dude. Though if you don't mind critique I'd like to tell you to make your videos shorter.
This shouldn't be seen as an insult, because while I'd like them to be shorter I'd very much appreciate seeing them more often instead.

Shorter videos have to be more action packed though so you might have to cut out bits of content.

part 2 to my first crits video:) hope you enjoy

Your videos are also great dude. I hope you don't mind critique either because I'd like to say that you on the other hand should make your videos longer.
I personally prefer videos of 5-10 minutes in length, but 3+ minutes should be seen as a bare minimum in any compilation.

I'm looking forward to more videos of both of you two though! :)

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