nice vid, at begging i was like wtf "why cant i put this in 720p HD"
Doomflamer is trialmop right? if so, he will probably TRY to make video where he beats you.
i have more clips also ill pit them in doomflamer 2. Atm im working on Hunter Videos. Nevminf is fun to duel/play with.nice vid, at begging i was like wtf "why cant i put this in 720p HD"
Doomflamer is trialmop right? if so, he will probably TRY to make video where he beats you.
I have dueled nevmind on hunter and raped em but my lock has no gear but heres a clip ive been had. Neevmind targeted me becuase he knew i had no gearand ran to win and vs my hunter he got raped becuase he couldnt run enjoy the first clip of this i know nevmind has saw this and this is why he put me in first clip. Doomflamer 1 - YouTube
It wasnt 1vs1, and beating mage with hunter is nothing special.
With hunter:
Try to beat lolipop and nevmind, i tried but we both died, if i remenber correctly i think it was in AB at BS.
Ik i killed nevmind and then lolipop ended up dead after my death cuz of serpent sting, i think.
I dont remenber exactly, i wish i had opportunity to go vs them 2 again.
sounds fun ill start BGing with my hunter to try to get em both in a instance but i dont think it will be hard for me becuase the hunter i beat nevmind with is very undergeared and my alliance hunter is very geared so it will be fun. I really hope to see u in more bgs on hunter bgs suck wit u flip and cana gone lol - we werer team leaders. I also got a new video called how to get reckin ball coming out where i did that 30-0
F2P WoW Paladin Blackfathom Deeps solo - YouTube my second solo video, again if you dont like the music, its ok, but i would appreciate if you watched![]()
So, I will most likely be uploading some things to Youtube in the near future, figured I might as well post something here, this is my first attempt at any "video-making", so don't expect it to be great. Also, this is an uncut 10 minutes, showing all the nitty-gritty work that comes with getting a win, rather than small snippets of fights that some people upload.
Some context for anybody who does choose to watch it, though I'm not sure why you would...
This is a game I solo-queued into with Axia and a couple of other people I knew, up against Tgod and some of his scummy goons.
Enjoy ^.^
World of Warcraft Elemental Shaman PvP - F2P PvP Video #1 - YouTube
I started to watch and skipped it after 10 sec. The video quality is unfortunately too bad.
Do you have the option post it in a better qualitiy?