F2P Movies Thread

It's Lil' Wayne? didn't notice, my bad. Changing it to something else :p
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Hi, I was thinking of recording some F2P videos to upload to youtube, and i was wondering what video recording software should i use for it?
Pointless info however my first warlock vid has 10k+ views :O

anyways back to work... Damn why does TI have to be so distracting..
Welcome to the F2P Movies Thread, here you can feature your own video by just posting a reply and then I will edit it into this post or just watch this awesome collection of videos =)


Swagcleavic III - YouTube

His last video, Swagcleavic II, is probably the most viewed and famous F2P video in World of Warcraft. The long awaited Swagcleavic III, which is the third video in its series is finally here! According to Swag himself, 172 games were recorded to nominate and release the twelve best ones of the arenas. Therefore the level of dedication is very high and really live up his standards. With several classes being played you get to see from many different perspectives and the skill level throughout the movie is nothing you hesitate about. Last but not least I really liked the music for the video. I think he has the perfect taste of music for impressive arenas to make them more exciting.

I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and I would like to thank Swag for making these awesome movie (it's 17 min afterall) for the community!

Original thread and source: http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f43/swagcleavic-iii-aerie-peak-arena-video-43197/

Movies made by Atychiphobia/Hiidden/Palaund

PVP series


F2P Arena Game 3v3 Resto Shaman POV - NEW Patch 4.3 - YouTube

F2P Arena Game 3v3 Resto Shaman POV - YouTube

bonus: F2P Arena Game 3v3 Resto Shaman POV - Patch 4.3 - YouTube


Movies made by Dubbs/Dubbsbegins


Druid series


Rogue series

Druid series

Warlock series

F2P Trial lvl 20 PvP. New WoW By DubbsBegins - World of Warcraft Movies

[F2P WoW] Introduction to Free To Play World of Warcraft - YouTube

[F2P WoW] AP premade vs 4man Norgannon + PuG [BONUS] - YouTube

[F2P WoW] Dubbs 5.0.4 Resto Feral Hybrid Test - YouTube

[F2P WoW] Cataclysm OP Hunter lvl 20 PvP - YouTube

[F2P WoW] Happy New Year! 2012 Recap! - YouTube

Movies made by Deadvulcano

AP Events series

Aerie Peak Hellfire PvP Event - YouTube
-An Aerie Peak F2P PvP event in Hellfire

Naked series

F2P Naked IronMan? (livevulcano) - YouTube
-Naked mage running flags in wsg.

F2P Naked Mage with AP Horde - YouTube
-Very close AB game with many AP horde players.

PUG series

F2P PUG WSG Mage Fire 1 - YouTube
- General fire game play (~10 games)

F2P PUG WSG Mage Frost 1 - YouTube
- Standard play in pug (~10 games)

F2P PUG WSG Standard Games 1 Mage pov - YouTube
- This is pretty much how pick up groups go when 24s are involved. (~5 games)

DV montage part 1 (F2P WoW) - YouTube
- Awesome montage from Deadvulcano with rough copper bombs, terrain jumps and control.

PVE series

Wailing Caverns - solo lvl 20 trial Warlock - YouTube

Shadowfang Keep - solo lvl 20 trial Shaman - YouTube

Ragefire Chasm - solo lvl 20 trial Mage - YouTube

Wailing Caverns - solo lvl 20 trial Mage - YouTube

Horde Premade series

F2P WSG game 1 Mage pov - YouTube
AP 5 man: Çer(druid), Deadvulcano(mage), Gunstig(rogue), Hamcake(hunter), Shockahontas(shaman)

F2P WSG game 2 Mage pov - YouTube
AP 5 man: Çer(druid), Deadvulcano(mage), Gunstig(rogue), Hamcake(hunter), Shockahontas(shaman)

F2P WSG game 3 Mage pov - YouTube
AP 5 man: Çer(druid), Dankfury(shaman), Deadvulcano(mage), Felbar(paladin), Vattwenty(rogue)

F2P WSG game 4 Mage pov - YouTube
AP 5 man: Çer(druid), Dankfury(shaman), Deadvulcano(mage), Felbar(paladin), Vattwenty(rogue)
-Very close game

F2P WSG game 5 Mage pov - YouTube

AP 8 man: Çer(druid), Cloak(rogue), Dankfury(shaman), Deadvulcano(mage), Igork(mage), Jazzmusic(priest), Mccxvi(paladin), Shfthappens(druid)

AP F2P WSG mage pov - YouTube
3 games in one ... boring stuff ;p

DV-WSG Partial Premades p1 (F2P WoW) - YouTube
A partial AP premade, the first night I "officially" came back to F2P after several months off. All wsg clips are from a single game.

Movies made by Nevmind:

Mage series
Movies made by Xansey:

Druid series
Hunter series
Mage series
Paladin series
Priest series:
Rogue series
Shaman series
Warlock series
Warrior series
Movie Library - all times F2P videos

Made by Swagcleavic/Swagstabbic:

AP Horde V AP Alliance - YouTube - Thread: http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f43/ap-horde-v-ap-alliance-stream-44811/ // (Twitch recording version (no sound delay): swagcleavic - Wizkids stream!

Swagcleavic III - YouTube
- Thread: http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f43/swagcleavic-iii-aerie-peak-arena-video-43197/

[Swagcleavic] F2P World of Warcraft Level 20 Arena - YouTube

Swagcleavic and Wizkidone F2P level 20 World of Warcraft Arena - YouTube

Level 20 Arena Six - YouTube

Made by Salfir:

WoW F2P 2v2 Arenas by Salfir - YouTube
-First game, Kahr and I playing against Veinte and Wizkidone

WoW F2P 2v2 Arenas by Salfir - YouTube
-Second game, And this game went on forever. Sped it up and slowed down for the crucial parts. Also /facepalm at the brutal beginning. As for the final kill, I have gone over that few seconds a million times and still have yet to understand it completely; was an incredibly fun game.

Salfir - WoW F2P Warlock - YouTube
- Click here if you have copyright issues viewing the video on YouTube.

Salfir 2 - WoW F2P Warlock - YouTube
- Click here if you have copyright issues viewing the video on YouTube.

Made by Hue:

WoW [f2p] arenas 3v3 Ft. Moo and Sliceyall - YouTube

WoW 20-24 bracket pvp Ft. Mø~Holy Paladin Trial Twink - YouTube

[WoW] Gurubashi arena f2p twink warlock - YouTube

[WoW] Battlegrounds level 20 affliction warlock Trial twink [F2p] - YouTube

[WoW] f2p Warlock 2v2 arenas trial account - YouTube

[WoW] f2p Warlock 3v3 arenas trial account - YouTube

WoW 20-24 bracket pvp 2v2 arenas Hue Ft. Sliceyall Trial Twink - YouTube

WoW 20-24 bracket pvp 2v2 arenas warlock warrior comp trial twink - YouTube

[WoW] Fire Mage PoV "Scorch" - YouTube

[WoW] ICC 25 heroic run with trial account level 20s - YouTube

[WoW] 5.2 Just having fun. ft. Ret, Destro, Boomkin PvP - YouTube

Made by Footman/Footmanfree:

Thundershock the Lumbermill - Arathi Basin F2P Trial - YouTube

Dominate Mind in Arathi Basin F2P Trial - YouTube

World PvP in Ashenvale - F2P Twink - Warcraft - YouTube

World PvP in Ashenvale Part 2 - F2P Twink Warcraft - YouTube

Battle for Southshore: Part 1 F2P Warcraft PvP - YouTube

Battle for Southshore - Part 2 - World PvP - YouTube

Made by Yeko:

F2P WoW: Yeko Arenas Episode 1 - YouTube

F2P WoW: Yeko Arenas Episode 2 - YouTube

F2P WoW: Yeko Arenas Episode 3 - YouTube

F2P WoW: Yeko Arenas Episode 4 - YouTube

F2P WoW: Yeko Arenas Episode 5 - YouTube

F2P WoW: Yeko Arenas Episode 6 - YouTube

F2P WoW: Yeko Arenas Episode 7 - YouTube

F2P WoW: Yeko (Holy Paladin) Arenas Episode 8 - YouTube

F2P WoW: Yeko (Retribution Paladin) Duels Episode 1 - YouTube

F2P WoW: Yek (Protection Paladin) Battlegrounds Episode 2 - YouTube

F2P WoW: Thunderstorm Fun - YouTube

Made by Lolipop:

WoW [MoP] 5.2 - Protection Warrior vs Frost Mage

WoW [MoP] 5.2 Mage - Lolîpop gets Trolled by Two Hordies

WoW [MoP] 5.2 - Lolîpop [Frost Mage] vs Bloodslicer [Protection Warrior]

Made by Rainnydays/SPQR:

WoW - Level 20-24 PvP - Rainnydays (Lvl 20 Rogue) F2P - YouTube

WoW - Level 20-24 PvP - Rainnydays (Lvl 20 Rogue) F2P (Part 2) - YouTube

Made by Kilah:

Kilah F2P - Lvl 20 Hunter Twink - YouTube

Gnomeregan Kilah F2P 5.2 - YouTube

Made by Ginger/GingerF2P:

[F2P WoW] Gingerpally - Prot Paladin PvP 1 - YouTube

[F2P WoW] Gingerpally - Level 20 Prot Paladin crits 5K! - YouTube

[F2P WoW] Gingerlock - Destruction Warlock PvP - YouTube

[F2P WoW] Gingerlock Duels 1 - YouTube

Made by Frostdawn:

[F2P] Frostdawn-Frost Mage Twink PvP - YouTube

[F2P Frostdawn3-Arcane Mage Twink PvP - YouTube

World of Warcraft F2P ICC Event Frostdawn&Bloodyguy - YouTube

World of Warcraft My Blink Trick - YouTube

WoW MoP F2P Frostdawn 4 Fire Mage PvP - YouTube

WoW [MoP] F2P Frostdawn 5 Fire Mage PvP - YouTube

Made by Namath:

Twink Mage F2P Bùùh - YouTube

Twink Mage F2P - YouTube

[F2P] War fury F2P Oowerz Part1 - YouTube

Nocrit - f2p Fury Warrior PVP - YouTube
-Part 2

[F2P] Shinera Hpal - YouTube

Made by Broken:

Broken f2p Series - Aggramar 2vs2 Arenas (Part 1) - YouTube

Broken f2p Series - Aggramar 3vs3 Arenas (Part 1) - YouTube

Broken f2p Series - Aggramar 5vs5 Arenas (Part 1) - YouTube

Broken f2p Series - Twisting Nether 5vs5 Arenas (Part 1) - YouTube

Broken f2p Series - Twisting Nether Premade (Part 1) - YouTube

Made by Licholas:

Licholas - f2p Prot Warrior PvP - YouTube

Licholas - f2p Prot Warrior 2v2 - YouTube

Licholas - f2p Prot Warrior 3v3 - YouTube

Licholas - f2p Prot Warrior PvP 2 - YouTube

Licholas - f2p Prot Warrior 3 - YouTube

Licholas - f2p Fury Warrior PvP - YouTube

Licholas - f2p Fury Warrior Duels - YouTube

Made by Mykx:

F2P WoW Starter Edition PVP: Epic Flag Returns (lvl 20 Fury Warrior) - YouTube

F2P WoW Starter Edition PVP: Epic Flag Running (lvl 20 Fury Warrior) - YouTube

F2P WoW Starter Edition PVP: DEATHS (lvl 20 Fury Warrior) - YouTube

F2P WoW Starter Edition PVP: WSG Throwdown (lvl 20 Fury Warrior) - YouTube

F2P WoW Starter Edition PVP (lvl 20 Arms Warrior - YouTube

F2P WoW Starter Edition PVP (lvl 20 Arms Warrior) CRITS AND KILLS - YouTube

F2P WoW Starter Edition PVP - Prot 5.2 - YouTube

Made by Purse:

[WoW F2P] Hordies have some fun on AB weekend - YouTube

[WoW F2P] A day at Darkmoon Faire - YouTube

[WoW F2P] Free-2-party - YouTube

Made by Greyware:

Greyware Balance Druid MoP Duels ep1 (F2P WoW) - YouTube

Greyware Balance Druid MoP BG's (F2P WoW) - YouTube

Made by Neryan:

WoW F2P Neryan Holy Paladin PvP - YouTube

WoW F2P Neryan Holy Paladin PvP 2 - YouTube

WoW F2P Neryan Holy Paladin PvP 3 - YouTube

WoW F2P Neryan Holy Paladin PvP 4 - YouTube

Made by Hogman/Dubia:

[F2P] Hogman Arcane Mage PvP - YouTube

[F2P] Dubia - Resto Druid Arena - YouTube

[F2P] Hogman Frost Mage PvP - YouTube

[F2P] Asnil - Holy Paladin PvP - YouTube

[F2P] Balance Druid - YouTube

[F2P] Resto Druid / Holy Paladin - YouTube

[F2P] Protection Warrior - YouTube

[F2P] Hogman 2 - Arcane Mage PvP - YouTube

Made by bigheals/Nitrosham:

F2P Resto Shaman Gameplay - YouTube

F2P Resto Shaman Gameplay 2 - YouTube

F2P Resto Shaman Gameplay 3 - YouTube

Made by Lennyw:

Borean Tundra F2P Killing Alliance (Me and Enio) - YouTube

Me Rogue in Arathi with SpewFeel and his team - YouTube

Made by Metricfox:

World of Warcraft (F2P) Fun Times on Lothar - YouTube

World of Wacraft (F2P) Lothar Premades! - YouTube

Made by Acronus:

The Goon Squad vs Team Swag - YouTube

Made by Flamelis:

F2P WoW Paladin Shadowfang Keep solo - YouTube

Made by MyNameIsBob:

WoW F2P Premade vs 24 Premade - YouTube

Made by Alkazar:

WoW F2P Destruction Warlock PvP 5.2 - YouTube

Made by f2pnubee/Greenx1x:

[Free to Play World of Warcraft] Twink try out - YouTube

Made by Chasee/ChaseQT:

ChaseQT F2P Guardian Druid Duels - YouTube

Made by Argusu:

Argusu - Drek'Thar Hunter F2P - YouTube

Made by Oneshot:

WoW MoP: lvl 20 F2P BM Hunter PvP - YouTube

WoW F2P Lvl 20 Hunter PVP Oneshot Reborn - YouTube

WoW F2P Hunter PvP lvl 20 - YouTube

Made by Kerriikin:

WoW Balance Druid F2P Kerriikin - Aggramar - YouTube

Made by Billymays:

Introducing Captstauf - Warsong Gulch PvP with Billymays feat. Captstauf (Ironman) - YouTube

Made by Felix:

Just A Premade - YouTube

Made by Eminemx:

Eminemx 1 - 20 F2P Aerie Peak - Rogue / Druid / Priest - YouTube

Made by Êlis:

F2P wow || Survival Hunter PvP 4.3 - YouTube

F2P wow || Survival Hunter PvP 4.3 : Healers - YouTube

F2P wow || lvl 20 Hunter solo Gnomeregan - YouTube

Made by Aezaror:

Priest , Twink F2P Wow - YouTube

Arène Twink F2P - YouTube

Ballade en Outreterre, raid Twink F2P - YouTube

Made by Tooh87/SplitbyTheShadows:

Level 20 Hunter vs Bro'Gaz the Clanless (66 OL Rare) - YouTube

F2P Hunter vs Interrogator Vishas (SM:GY) and Gnomer Solo - YouTube

F2P (lvl 20) Hunter vs 82 Croc in Uldum - YouTube

Made by Medan/Medanx:

Rogue+ Restosham vs Disc+ Balance - YouTube

F2P Arena vs Jazz and Mialo - YouTube

Made by djobemaz:

World of Warcraft - WC solo 20 trial hunter - YouTube

World of Warcraft - Deadmines solo. 20 Trial Hunter - YouTube

Made by Huntarded:

Hunter pvp video - YouTube

Made by 20retpally:

Warcraft level 20 Paladin Free to play twink WSG - YouTube

Made by Movements/popatheart:

Movements | 20 F2P Rogue | WSG WEEKEND - YouTube

Made by suntimehappy:

Suntimehappy lvl 20 hunter pvp trail account - YouTube


Why did you make this thread?

I made the F2P Movie Thread to encourage more people to play arena and/or make more videos to support the f2p community.

I have made a video, how do I add it to the library?

By simply posting a reply to this thread with your video linked in any way and with enough standards I will add it to the library. Also, you can link a F2P video that you liked that I haven't added to the library yet.

How do I get my own section like Atychiphobia, Dubbs and Deadvulcano?

To get your own section you need to release atleast 10 quality videos for F2P twinking with atleast 15-20k channel views. This rule might be changed soon but the purpose is to not have a overflow of private movie sections.

How do I get into the Featured Movie section and how does it work?

I will choose the 1 video that will be up at the featured section for about a month. To get your video here you need to have a very good quality movie and be skilled (Example: Swagcleavic and Wizkidone F2P level 20 World of Warcraft Arena - YouTube). I also plan to write a short thought from my perspective everytime I publish a new video to the featured section.

Where can I find the terms and conditions for this thread?
Good that you asked because it's your own responsibility to read them. You can find it here: Terms and Conditions for F2P Movies Thread on Twinkinfo

Why are lvl 19 videos featured in the thread? (On Hold)

These chars are not 19 twinks, this is 19 wargame project. Check out 19wargame.com and for example my character of this: Atychiphóbia @ Aerie Peak - Game Guide - World of Warcraft As conclusion, this is still F2P.

Stored videos and information for 19wargame project: -19 Wargame project- BEST INFORMATION HERE: http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f - Pastebin.com

Terms and conditions has been added to this thread. Make sure to read them! 130401

Big updates on the all time library and sorted out Dubbs section. 130126

Several updates with the library and thread got STICKY! 121112

Library updated and 19 wargame project videos are featured at the bottom of the thread. 050612

Library updated and the REAL videos in the feature section are up for the week. 020612

Thread revamped and list sorted! Made Dubbs his own movie section, updated movie library, added FAQ at bottom. 310512

List sorted and soon fully revamped. Also, welcome to the all new movie library! 300512

Started working on links. Will update the list with new movies and a library in the coming days + featured one of Dubbs videos! 300512

List updated with a featured list, will add some more to the list soon 290512

List sorted (text bugs fixed for now) 281011

List updated and sorted, Hellfire event video up from Deadvulcano! 231011

List updated and sorted, Deadvulcanos naked videos are up, make sure to check them out!101011

List updated and sorted, Tooh87 PvE videos up! Atychiphobias 3v3 video up! 061011

List sorted. 051011

List updated, Huntarded movie up. 041011

List updated and sorted for new Twinkinfo theme! Topic tags added. 011011

List updated, New videos from Deadvulcano! 240911

List updated and sorted, Atychiphobias 3rd and 4th 2.0 arena videos are up! 230911

List updated and sorted, Atychiphobias 2nd 2.0 arena video up. 210911

List updated, Medan/Medanx arena video up. 200911

List updated and sorted, sneak peak for Atychiphobias new arena videos. Deadvulcanos videos moved up abit because of contributing the thread. 190911

List updated and sorted.
Terms and conditions

I like it.

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