F2P Horde guide to reaching Bloodmyst Isle without P2P help



Why would I want to go to Bloodmyst Isle as Horde?

  1. [*=left]Small Venom Sacs for Anti-Venom (explained in more detail below).
    [*=left]Moth or ravager pet for hunters.
    [*=left]Killing Blood Elves for Silvermoon Robes for Transmogrification. Or just because you like killing Blood Elves.
    [*=left]Exploration achievements for the Draenei (or en route: the Night Elf) zones.


Small Venom Sacs for Anti-Venom

I like being able to use Anti-Venom.

Small Venom Sac drop rates according to wowhead:

(Alliance / Horde territory)

9% - Myst Spinner - level 16-17 - Bloodmyst Isle
9% - Myst Leecher - level 17-18 - Bloodmyst Isle
6% - Forest Lurker - level 11-12 - Loch Modan

0.16% - Vicious Night Web Spider - level 9-10 Tirisfal Glades

And the percentages only get smaller further down the list. I refuse to accept that I should have to farm in Horde territory with those drop rates.

I tried Loch Modan first, with negligible success, and have moved on to Bloodmyst Isle.

I am very satisfied with the results and thought I might share for any Horde who hasn't found their way to Bloodmyst yet. All you intrepid explorers, Lunar Festival junkies and BB Kings will already know this, of course. :)


How to get to Bloodmyst as Horde without P2P help

Example route, see comments for the Stormwind alternative, which I believe takes longer.

Fly to Zoram'gar Outpost in Ashenvale, ride north through Darkshore. Sticking to the road is fine, except for around Auberdine; there are some Sentinels there that will one-shot you.

The challenge is to get through deep water to Rut'theran Village where the boat to Azuremyst Isle leaves. This was easy with the water-jumping bug, but is a bit more complicated now.

I'd be interested to hear how non-healing classes manage! I've only done this on my pally without a swim speed buff, so others might have it easy if using the Hook, Sea Turtle, or one of the other buffs described here:
Getting the most out of your F2P character. by Haliaeetus


Start from the shallow water closest to Rut'theran. I aimed a bit too far to the right.
Usually no death necessary for a healer. Next Spirit Healer is outside Lor'danel.


If you don't time it right you might have to corpse run twice.


Sentinels on the boat will ignore you.


Abandon ship and reach Azuremyst Isle.


Bring empty bags! Those spiders also drop quite a few greens for disenchanting.

Just for fun: Spirit Healer if you die in Rut'theran Village is here, if you die in Darnassus you land in Dolanaar.


Good luck! ^^
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Very interesting and well thought-out post Yde, i would do it but i just cant bring myself to go that far for something i dont find useful personally :(

That's okay, I have to admit I only got around to trying it when BG queues were bugged for me. I couldn't zone in without being sent back from the loading screen with deserter, and I had a cold and didn't want to do anything else.

Hasn't been useful incredibly often, because with most rogues you'll just get poisoned again. I do tend to end up as FC more often than I'd like, and so far I've made two caps that I definitely wouldn't have made without Anti-Venom. That has made it worth it for me. ^^
I'm pretty sure the only poisons you're going to face in PVP are a rogue's crippling poison, which will be instantly reapplied if you remove it, and a hunter's serpent sting which isn't that big a deal. Personally I'd much rather spend that time gathering herbs for potions/elixirs and visiting the NPCs that sell level level 12/14 healing/mana potions, respectively.
I'm pretty sure the only poisons you're going to face in PVP are a rogue's crippling poison, which will be instantly reapplied if you remove it, and a hunter's serpent sting which isn't that big a deal. Personally I'd much rather spend that time gathering herbs for potions/elixirs and visiting the NPCs that sell level level 12/14 healing/mana potions, respectively.

Scatter, remove crip, kite.

Fear, remove crip, kite.

Nova, remove crip, kite.

Psychic Scream, remove crip, kite.

Hammer, remove crip, kite.

Earthbind, remove crip, kite.

Kill hunter, remove Serpent, stealth (kitty, rogue, NE)
very good post... you might be able to do it without dying if you have the turtle mount (i don't so can't test). druids can make it just fine with one speed pot though.

and not that its easy to get, but there's also this trinket for you non-shape-shifting scrubs (although that still puts you slower than the turtle mount).
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Best way to get to Bloodmyst for sac farming - reroll AP and wait for a P2P summon which happens once every few weeks.

:p One day soon.

And good uses for Anti-Venom.

very good post... you might be able to do it without dying if you have the turtle mount (i don't so can't test). druids can make it just fine with one speed pot though.

and not that its easy to get, but there's also this trinket for you non-shape-shifting scrubs (although that still puts you slower than the turtle mount).


I do want that trinket, almost had that contest twice already. :/
I'd be interested to hear how non-healing classes manage!

It is very simple even if you play on dead realms. :cool:

Just go to Stormwind Harbor (I swim usually there from Westfall). Then die near first pier (You need to pul some guard). After that a long trip from Eastvale Logging Camp waits you. You just must resssurect on the coming ship to Teldrassil then guards will kill you again BUT! don't press "Return to GY" button.

The ship will leave Harbor with your corpse, but when it comes to Kalimdor you will be alive. So you you need quickly to jump off the ship when the logging screen fades. After that just swim to boat to Azuremist.

That's all! You don't need any potions, buffs, heals or insane trinkets.
It is very simple even if you play on dead realms. :cool:

Just go to Stormwind Harbor (I swim usually there from Westfall). Then die near first pier (You need to pul some guard). After that a long trip from Eastvale Logging Camp waits you. You just must resssurect on the coming ship to Teldrassil then guards will kill you again BUT! don't press "Return to GY" button.

The ship will leave Harbor with your corpse, but when it comes to Kalimdor you will be alive. So you you need quickly to jump off the ship when the logging screen fades. After that just swim to boat to Azuremist.

That's all! You don't need any potions, buffs, heals or insane trinkets.

have you tried this in the last month??
I never went into bloodmyst isle but this is how I got into tedrassil

Take zeppelin to Gromgul in Northern Strangle thorn
Follow the river upwards into Westfall
Go to the Northern point of westfall and then start swimming till you get into stormwind harbor
Drown urself next to where the ship to rutheran village
Once ur dead release spirit and go to corpse
Res inside the ship when it gets there near the gnome
After u get there try to get out before u reach the docks
If u die take res sickness and then take the path by the rocks to where the ship arrives
Last time I checked there r no guards so ull probably dieing once

If u want to get into tedrassil there is a portal in rutheran guarded by lvl 85s
Try to get in before u die
Once u get in u will be dead probably killed by a guard
Release spirit and accept res sickness

I did all this to tame rare whitesaber and an owl lol
My threads were getting stale, and weren't really diabolical enough for my character concept, so I though a mog makeover was in order. I checked out Mogit and found that the Silvermoon Robes possesed the most yoloswag. My mind was made up I had to have them, now all that was standing in the way of getting them was ignorance of how to obtain them.

Wowhead was down all that day, so only through the extensive use of WoWDB and WoWPedia, I found that in order to obtain the desired attire, I would have to delve deep into into the heart of darkness, Bloodmyst Isle, and track down a deadly rogue assassin know to possess the desired goods.

Luckily, I remembered that some considerate someone put one together a guide awhile ago about how to get to the Azuremyst Ises, but I had to search hard for it because it wasn't in [MENTION=10336]Yde[/MENTION]'s http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f43/faq-f2p-info-guides-index-33386. Luckily, Yde's guide had an entry about how to search TI, so I was good to go.

I ended up here in this thread, and knew I was safe when I saw who wrote it :)


p.s. Using Reins of the Azure Water Strider I got across the fatigue area in with plenty of time at +60% speed. Suck it druids.
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Although I am alliance, I can see the effort you put into that guide. Getting screenshots, checking that all by yourself, making map, coding it all to look nice... nice work :)

The Alliance misses out on so much fun. :)

It's that sense of entitlement of this younger generation of f2p twinks. Gearing is too easy nowadays! They don't work for their hit rating. They don't even know the value of 10 gold..Can't fish worth a damn to save their lives. Why back in my day prot pallies benefited from Int... ;)
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The Alliance misses out on so much fun. :)

It's that sense of entitlement of this younger generation of f2p twinks.Gearing is too easy nowadays! They don't work for their hit rating. They don't even know the value of 10 gold.. Can't fish worth a damn to save their lives. Why back in my day prot pallies befitted from Int... ;)

Kind sir, you hurt me with those words :) My paladin is not "younger generation", it was made deep in the middle of cataclysm.
Luckily, I remembered that some considerate someone put one together a guide awhile ago about how to get to the Azuremyst Ises, but I had to search hard for it because it wasn't in Yde's http://www.twinkinfo.com/forums/f43/faq-f2p-info-guides-index-33386. Luckily, Yde's guide had an entry about how to search TI, so I was good to go.

I ended up here in this thread, and knew I was safe when I saw who wrote it :)
Thank you! Hehe. :)

That screenshot is beautiful! Wonderful mog indeed, and it fits perfectly with the waterstrider!

It felt awkward linking to my own threads in the F2P FAQ, I wonder if I should add it, maybe in a section on travel / exploration?

Although I am alliance, I can see the effort you put into that guide. Getting screenshots, checking that all by yourself, making map, coding it all to look nice... nice work :)

Thank you! Wasn't too much effort since I was going there anyway for my Antivenom and just took screenshots on the way. I remember having fun fighting to right the injustice of horrible drop rates for Horde. ;)

Yeah, waterjumping was fun. I still find myself doing it! >_<

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