F2P Gearing Up Guides!

Playroom said:
I could also help you with both rogue set ups or feral druids if you'd like.

This is heading down an extremely interesting road.. if everyone adds a bit of their knowledge, something good is bound to come out.

That is what I'm hoping for! I'll keep updating each thread as I get information. There's no way I'm going to know nearly as much as all of you combined know. My interest is in helping newcomers get to 90-95%, and I think you all can help with that tremendously. This is stuff that a lot of us know, but has never really been written down anywhere.

If anyone wants to send me a PM with a gear list, especially with Wowhead links built in, that would be great!

EDIT: I have edited the first post of the thread to make it clear that this is a community effort. I'm just an organizer, you guys have the expertise on your class!
I'm finishing the Warrior Guide thanks to input in my PMs, and I'm working on the Rogue Guide next. The most labor intensive part is the links from Wowhead. I'd love help with that if anyone's willing, I can PM you the data.
For the warrior section, horde use Boots of the Hero from Hillsbrad Foothills, have the option of Kalecgos' Gift for pants (same stats) from Azshara, and Deathstalker Pauldrons are their version of the SFK shoulders.

edit: Kalecgos' Gift does have a few less armor, so in a BiS list its not worth it, but for gearing up its worth knowing about.
Thanks for the input, especially on Horde side differences! Progress continues, I think I have the Warrior guide all set now so please look it over. I'm working on the Rogue guide next. While I have used and appreciated Shadowpanther for my whole career, I wanted to have something here that was more concise.

I've been getting a lot of help in my PMs, and I will eventually get to all the classes! I will post notifications if there is anything I need specific help with... a lot of the grunt work is coding, linking, and formatting. I laid down the fundamental framework for each of the other classes which should speed things up a bit.
I would LOVE to, but I'm already up too late... got 3.5 hours of sleep last night due to WSG and will now get 5 hours of sleep tonight due to working on these guides. Thanks for thinking of me though! I'm going to go fall over in a heap now.
hey ink any chance of getting a 20 twink guide section?
This is gonna be a really dumb question, but who do you determine BiS items? I have a wowhead and a chardev account but cant seem to figure it out >.>
Vashen said:
edit: Kalecgos' Gift does have a few less armor, so in a BiS list its not worth it, but for gearing up its worth knowing about.

Note that on top of my head it does require you to give up on one's green BFF.
AmericanGeeksta said:
This is gonna be a really dumb question, but who do you determine BiS items? I have a wowhead and a chardev account but cant seem to figure it out >.>

I take it you mean how, and not who. You use your own judgement. Sometimes it's not as simple as BiS. Infact BiS isn't really the most important thing. You want the best overall stats. Pure heal or FC sets don't require hit cap, everything else does. So while some items might be better in a certain slot, the most important thing is that your overall stats are best.

An example of this would be the BoA mail shoulders compared to the quest shoulders. The BoAs are much better but you lose hit rating and cap. To keep it, you'd need 2xDemon Band hordeside. Sure, there are better rings, but the ring/shoulder combination is best with BoAs.

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