F2P Gearing Up Guides!

Aradiel said:
I take it you mean how, and not who. You use your own judgement. Sometimes it's not as simple as BiS. Infact BiS isn't really the most important thing. You want the best overall stats. Pure heal or FC sets don't require hit cap, everything else does. So while some items might be better in a certain slot, the most important thing is that your overall stats are best.

An example of this would be the BoA mail shoulders compared to the quest shoulders. The BoAs are much better but you lose hit rating and cap. To keep it, you'd need 2xDemon Band hordeside. Sure, there are better rings, but the ring/shoulder combination is best with BoAs.

Ok so BiS is more determined by what combination gives you the best stats for your spec/role?
You guys are all so generous! I have a TON of awesome information in my PM box, I appreciate it so much! Some folks even included the Wowhead links! You rock!

I promise I will make time to continue to convert these into links and color coordinate them and post them so you can all check them over! I promise to make time over the weekend, thanks for your patience!

Exclamation points!

EDIT: This just in! I have posted a Druid Guide for Feral spec, kindly donated in whole (links and colors and everything!) by Shfthappens! Please check it out! Thank you very much, Shft!
AmericanGeeksta said:
Ok so BiS is more determined by what combination gives you the best stats for your spec/role?

Yes. :) Of course some items are rare drops, but even BoE blues can be farmed. I have 2xDemon Band, Magician's Mantle and Silver-Linked Footguards. All hard to get, not impossible to get.
Question, why are none of the trinkets AGM? Seems like that would be a good item that doesn't fall under the BoA/random world drop heading.
Kearbear said:
Question, why are none of the trinkets AGM? Seems like that would be a good item that doesn't fall under the BoA/random world drop heading.

Because on Aerie Peak you aren't going to get an AGM without 85 help for less effort than it takes to get a boa
Yes, along with random world drops and BoA's, the AGM takes a load of time, effort, and luck to obtain, and that's outside the scope of this guide, which is to get a person 90-95% of the way "there". I hesitate even to put the Lucky Fishing Hat on these lists for that reason, but at least in that case, it's a matter of luck as much as the Foreman's Leggings are.
Looking at the rogue section, I see that the one ring is listed as taking Band of Argus (5 str 4 stam) as opposed to Signet of Argus (6 agi 3 stam). Is that really the way to go? Don't rogues get 2x AP from Agi and only 1x from Str? I would think an extra 7AP is worth 10HP, although I am not a rogue expert.

Same question with the pants. I see Hoggers Trousers (9 agi 9 hit) as the listed pants, but Ferals show Smelting Pants (8 agi 4 stam 4 crit). Is this simply for the hit value? What if you are already capped, is it still worth the extra hit for white dmg?

Again I'm fairly new to playing a rogue so I would just like some clarification. Thanks!
Monkman said:
Looking at the rogue section, I see that the one ring is listed as taking Band of Argus (5 str 4 stam) as opposed to Signet of Argus (6 agi 3 stam). Is that really the way to go? Don't rogues get 2x AP from Agi and only 1x from Str? I would think an extra 7AP is worth 10HP, although I am not a rogue expert.

Same question with the pants. I see Hoggers Trousers (9 agi 9 hit) as the listed pants, but Ferals show Smelting Pants (8 agi 4 stam 4 crit). Is this simply for the hit value? What if you are already capped, is it still worth the extra hit for white dmg?

Again I'm fairly new to playing a rogue so I would just like some clarification. Thanks!

The ring is just a mistake, you should use the signet.

The pants situation is more complicated because horde gear choices are inferior. Alliance will hit cap against 20s with just Ello's band and the eyepatch. For horde, you need the trousers pre-boa to hit cap. However, being that you're pre-boa you probably don't have an agm and really need all the stamina you can get. Thus I would suggest wearing smelting pants and give up the hit cap. The first boa you should get (both alliance and horde) is the chest, it provides a whopping +5 Stamina and +7 hit in exchange for 1 Agility. With the chest and the hit from spaulders of the hero you will cap horde side.
I do play Horde on my Rogue, so that is good to know. I remember seeing discussion that more hit is till good for Rogues because of the white damage and chance to apply poisons, so I wanted to clarify. Thanks Shift!
Now that I think about it, for rogues the Trousers might be better until otherwise capped since they have such a large percentage of their damage as white hits, whereas it is less for ferals
Thank you gentlemen, this is just the sort of feedback I need. Any errors are on me, and not the people who were kind enough to submit the help, as I'm ultimately responsible for the final accuracy. I will change the ring, and I'll make a note of the pants options.

EDIT: Currently taking FEEDBACK in PMs or messages here for Warrior, Rogue, and Druid guides! Next to come: Hunters!
AmericanGeeksta said:
Loving how these are coming together! First random dungeon on my warrior, got the BiS cape from the good sack ;)

Congrats, I'm still fighting for mine after about 30 dungeons. : /
Tinkerton said:
Note that on top of my head it does require you to give up on one's green BFF.

Turns out that in a stealth-change by 4.0.3 they've made it possible to pick up the Kaleczos' Questline in Bligewater Harbor without having done the previous ones in Azshara Azshara Blues - Quest - World of Warcraft Azshara Blues.

(Considering the utter linearity of Questing in Cataclysm being one of the major gripes of people, Blizz might do well to say they've somewhat adressed this issue.)
Please accept my apologies for the lack of updates, I have a lot of information to post up, but I just haven't had time to format it and all! Mainly because a full group of us spent last night running all the way to Netherstorm for vanity pets... Even if I have to keep myself logged out of the game, I WILL get some updates posted tonight! Yubikiri!
Allright, I am now doing updates!

I have finalized the Rogue Guide based on the feedback I've gotten. Please keep in mind that anyone is welcome to give me further feedback on anything they see in the guides.

I posted a Hunter Guide, based almost entirely on the Rogue Guide, as a few people said they are essentially the same. That was my experience as well when I levelled up a hunter on a different server. But if you have other notions, please let me know either here or in my PMs.

Next steps: I will be completing a Mage Guide soon. I will probably need some cross-faction help with this. I also was given a name by someone in-game to use for a resto druid BiS, and I wrote the name down that they told me, but I couldn't find any characters with the name I wrote down, so if that was you who told me that in game please send me a PM here and tell me again.


EDIT: Oh, I'm also looking for feedback from hunters on what they use as their melee weapon, if they don't use the Impaling Harpoon. And please, no trolls about "it doesn't matter what melee weapon a hunter uses lol"... this is intended to be a useful guide for new players so let's keep the hunter argument elsewhere, if at all. I would personally really appreciate that.

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