F2p ffa


F2P Community Leader
F2p ffa
Fire Mage > Your face
You guys are all faggots, and i low key never liked any of you.

Props to original for never winning a game if he got caught out by my ele shamans hunter tracking, you are a pussy.

TSC actually cheated and MFR wins, everyone go back to fcing lenny ur warrior skills are worse then my grandma's arthritis.

LOL u killed me with the girl commentating xD.

U suck so much dick I thunderstorm u away and u keep coming for more.


Hahahhahahaha, There is manny, the shaman that tstorms before rogue even opens on blades edge arena. Gets palmed in a middle of a cast, then silenced by arcan torrent --- lost 5 sec of non healing already, ew- trash!!!
By far the worst commentator, idk what was i hearing when someone died "Oh he actually died" and didn't even scream or make it dramatic ewwwwwwwwww
and Rob, u tstorm and he doesnt slow the rogue enough, disgusting ew
Wastes like 20 secs to cc me up on blades edge and we still get kill on priest ewwwwwwwwwwwwww
CCs me and doesnt lock bop when hes dealing massive amount of dps into priest, and then silences all into a kil

Lenny if you quaking palm when rend is about to tick it doesnt really work bud.

Stay good.... oh wait, u fucking can't

What's f2p ffa mean?

freee to play free for all threads possible, not the ones offending tho

its an easy way for TI mods not to delete threads and if they are not informative as mine they could throw em here

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