F2P Community on Moon Guard


Hey guys,

Come join our F2P community on Moon Guard! We've got a fairly big alliance community on this server now, grew really fast in the recent couple of months.

I always see at least 10-15 people active on any given weekend. Don't know about the horde on this server though. Most of the F2Ps on alliance are really strong players, plenty of fun premade games and duels.

If you're a new alliance player, I urge you to come to our server! People here are quite nice too, always willing to run you through dungeons and help level and gear up new members.

Our chat channel is F2Ptwink. If you're a F2P you must download Yasueh's addon and type in /join f2ptwink in order to chatting with us!

Thanks for the reply, klinda. I am originally from AP alliance, but switched over to Moon Guard as my main server now. At first it was really because it's so damn hard to get AGM on AP, but now with how big the community has become here I decided to stay :D.
I actually have an IRL friend that plays on moon guard who I might be able to convince to help you guys out with P2P services and such :eek:
Thanks for the reply, klinda. I am originally from AP alliance, but switched over to Moon Guard as my main server now. At first it was really because it's so damn hard to get AGM on AP, but now with how big the community has become here I decided to stay :D.

Yeah that's cool, I'm glad to see more and more f2p communities being created. Don't worry about gear though as it can't compare to the community itself and now that i think about it i have been seeing more people from moongaurd on ally side bgs so it's no doubt you guys really are growing :)
The one person I've seen from moon guard ally spammed bg chat and /s the entire game and it was the most filthy things imaginable. I reported him in game and hope he gets banned because it was clear he was there to be a hindrance instead of a help to the team.

That said I have a ton of resources on MG on my p2p account but sadly all of it is horde =P
awesome! so many servers are growing
And I thought norgannon(my server) was atleast in top 3 ally population but i guess not! :) guessing there is much more server with f2ps
I actually have an IRL friend that plays on moon guard who I might be able to convince to help you guys out with P2P services and such :eek:

Cool thanks! whats your friend's name?

Forgot to mention that is another perk of our community, we do have a couple P2P alliance in our community that help us with grouping and such. But if your friend is willing to join he will be very welcome!
Pretty sick. F2Ps on an RP server? I might head over there sometime.
RP f2p lol the future of trial
The one person I've seen from moon guard ally spammed bg chat and /s the entire game and it was the most filthy things imaginable. I reported him in game and hope he gets banned because it was clear he was there to be a hindrance instead of a help to the team.
I'm sorry you had to experience that! However, I can assure you, as well as anyone who's interested in joining us, that our F2P community (i.e. within the F2PAddon channel) is full of nice and helpful people who do not condone such behavior.
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wow, definetly gonna head over there, in fact, may as well start an account now :) see you in three levels :D
Hey zaxxo if you need help gearing or leveling dont be afraid to ask. if i m on i ll def help new comers run throught dungeons and stuff.

Also, about goldshire on Moon Guard. Their is a reason it's refered to as pornshire, def an... "interesting" attraction on this server. Our F2P community is primarily PVP based and don't have much to do with the RP that goes on here. Although some of you guys' comments are dead on, people on this server take RP to the Xtreme. If nothing else you guys got to cum see our Pornshire during peak hours ;).
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Hello all,

My first post! I love moon guard, it's a great community for alliance f2ps. Just wanted to give you all an idea of whats it like on MG.

For some strange reason we have A LOT of ret paladins. Besides wind and reflex (who are great guys) I know five other Ret pallys that are active here. We dont have ANY locks in our group and only one rogue and one warrior that I know of. in terms of races, we have no dwarves in our group at all (one of the coolest races ever). So if you thing is a dwarf rogue lol come join us.

If you prefer horde, my sense is their f2p community is not as strong on mg. I always see tons of our alliance f2ps at the arena but only once seen a horde f2p there. Wish we can get a horde player on mg to comment on their perspective.

Agm is not as easy to get as b4. Bexause of the influx of new f2p twinks it's become pretty competitive. But the competition is pretty friendly since we all know each other. 85s are a factor on this server but not as much as other big servers. Being an rp server makes it a bit easier.

Goldshire... All I ll say is, it's messed up.

Well Thats all I can think of for now.
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