unless im mistaken hunters will have access to high level scopes such as lord blastingtons scope of doom
I have been hearing that assassination is going to be op with the elemental force procing so fast unless that was changed.
Evisc with mongoose procs will be pretty much insta kills tho (in combat). I also am thinking hunters will be behind with no enchants on their guns/bows.
112 agi proc scope?
Please tell me this is wrong, blizz can't nerf hunters for more than a few weeks. -_-
when was the last time hunters where nerfed besides 5.1? that wasnt even completely a nerf, i mean whats with hunters getting sprint and moving steady shot right as rogues lose sprint...and shadowstep...and gouge....and have crip poison nerfed.
Rogues can still kill hunters but its definitely harder!
provided that either you kill them in3-4 GCD before they stop tunneling something else, or that evasion and trinket is up and they backpedal
I'm a gnome so I have gnome racial, insignia, evasion, and speed pots. That pretty well puts them in the grave. (I don't use all those at the same time though lol)
oh nice! yeah my rogue is troll > i also have two copies and swiftness and two copies of agi pot recipes sitting in my bank, havnt gotten around to herb/alch yet :/
Oh that was on my 19 twink rogue not F2P haha.
Haha I'm good as long as speed pots are around. /cross fingers:'( keep a stiff upper lip little devious gnome, life without crippling poison is tough #thestruggleisreal
Haha I'm good as long as speed pots are around. /cross fingers
i really hate being dependent on CDs to be simply viable
I agree! Do you play rogues a lot?
I just got back to rogue about 4 months ago. Hadn't played them much since early Cata?some times more then others, i tend to play a class all hardcore for a while and then do another one and back and forth and all around. I have all classes and most specs somewhere between preBoA and BiS
but yeah, my rogue is one of the top 3 f2ps i play for sure, most HK of mine
Doesn't need to be that many if 1 or 2 are in a BG then next patch they might be able to demolish a small group of F2Ps by themself. Plus we are in the XP off bracket if they don't have decent gear that's just sad in less they are trying to purposely even the playing field a little.Thing is, how many 24s do you see with gear or half a brain? Not too many.
Doesn't need to be that many if 1 or 2 are in a BG then next patch they might be able to demolish a small group of F2Ps by themself. Plus we are in the XP off bracket if they don't have decent gear that's just sad in less they are trying to purposely even the playing field a little.
All in all blizz is trying to make their money and 24 twinks are mostly looking for easy hks.
I just got back to rogue about 4 months ago. Hadn't played them much since early Cata?