F2P account dinged after winning a BG

Good news! It's definitely possible. Deleveled has happened to many people. Even myself included when I thought I had my Xp off and wanted to test something on my 85 twink back in the day and it hit 86 mid content and I instantly Altf4'd out of the game and hit up blizz. He said he noticed I logged out immediately after doing so and never logged back in that toon till the ticket was answered so he was happy to delevel for me.
Good news! It's definitely possible. Deleveled has happened to many people. Even myself included when I thought I had my Xp off and wanted to test something on my 85 twink back in the day and it hit 86 mid content and I instantly Altf4'd out of the game and hit up blizz. He said he noticed I logged out immediately after doing so and never logged back in that toon till the ticket was answered so he was happy to delevel for me.

I actually did a bunch of testing in Nagrand and Spires after I dinged and they still set me back so I feel extra lucky.
They told me it's something they dont do. This was yesterday.
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Sorry for bumping this thread again but you should really make another ticket. I don't know how you spoke to the GM or the circumstances of you leveling but if I've had success (with mad amounts of GF gear) then there is zero reason for you to just accept that they won't help you.

Also the GM I spoke to didn't refer to it as a 'grace period' he said it was an issue with cache folders (which would explain why you need to reset the client after your membership runs out).

Again I have no idea how you leveld or if you vomited autistic sentences at the GM but you need to try again.
There is no “grace period” what are you guys talking about?

if you goof up and level because you forgot to lock your xp, they arent going to give you a “grace period”

but if it levels you without a sub, it’s extremely uncommon for them to NOT delevel you.
Same thing happened to me in April. I levelled in a BG about 15 mins after my sub ran out. I had to open three consecutive tickets but eventually, the set my shaman back to 20.

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