F2P 19s

roudy said:
i actually play a 20 prot warrior but im p2p so my enchants are slightly better so i seem to do ok, i still hate hunters >.<

and i do mean slightly, i didnt go all out becuase i didnt want a huge advantage over everyone, just wanted to have a chance against the 5 hunters who seem to que every game

I was actually thinking about that recently; if lower-tier classes at 20 were P2P enchanted, would that help keep F2P 20 healthy? I can't imagine being a warrior without fury's slowing. How do you manage to keep hunters in range without Piercing Howl?
Spryness said:
I was actually thinking about that recently; if lower-tier classes at 20 were P2P enchanted, would that help keep F2P 20 healthy? I can't imagine being a warrior without fury's slowing. How do you manage without a slow?

stay near the healers, but really i just dont wonder off solo and i do ok, alot of the hunters are bad enough to try casting aimed/steady to start a fight so i can get a charge+sheild slam and rend up then i just try to stick to them, the only way i have ever killed a non s key hugging hunter at 20 was with a pocket healer..my 19 is fury and i enjoy it but it seemed like 20's needed fc's so i went prot... i may try fury sometime in the future i just really wanted something a bit diffrent but i do miss peircing howl :(

quick edit, i really considered going lvl 21 for 2/2 in heroic throw, a silence gaurantee would be nice
here's the deal, if someone likes the 19s bracket and chooses an already too OP class like a hunter to F2P, sure it may slightly gimp his team, but its an auto-balance effect for the burst of the bracket that you complainers are always railing about. it puts his hunter, which wouldl have been stupid to play regularly in 19s on a more challenging and even playing field with other classes, challenge = fun.
Spryness said:
Damn, you're making me wish my 20 warrior was on my p2p account. I'd try prot for that.

yeah its a shame you have to be 21, i get enough crap for having some enchants that f2p dont have... but so far even at 20 im viable on a team so its ok
mighty said:
f2p 20s are in the xp-off 20-24 bracket, so the 24s there have paid to xp-off and have appropriate gear. here are some serious twink 24s exploiting the current scene:

Bracketruinr @ Arthas

Yim @ Duskwood

Jawsome @ Kael Thas

Colläteräl @ Spirestone

Swagl @ Arthas

Kó @ Firetree

there are even organized guilds of 24s


Ridin On Twenty Fours

you dont understand, where not here to ruin your bracket, where here to take it over.

f2ps are nothing but free players who brought this bracket to life to me, a new bracket for twinks which pops everyday regardless of time zone (i live in new zealand so my 19s que times suck) is a GOD SEND, its so much like BC its unbelievable ( by that i mean 3/4 of your team are scrubs rest are twinks who actually do something) its as simple as that, 24s will continue to be made just like trials will continue to be made, so this bracket cannot die!

thanks for bringing a dead bracket to life guys and we appreciate it.

/end douchebaggery

also our guild motto is I pay I win !
mighty said:
f2p 20s are in the xp-off 20-24 bracket, so the 24s there have paid to xp-off and have appropriate gear. here are some serious twink 24s exploiting the current scene:

Bracketruinr @ Arthas

Yim @ Duskwood

Jawsome @ Kael Thas

Colläteräl @ Spirestone

Swagl @ Arthas

Kó @ Firetree

there are even organized guilds of 24s


Ridin On Twenty Fours

Hey don't forget me and my esteemed colleagues that will be joining the fight soon.

Ipayiwin @ Arthas - Game - World of Warcraft

Deadeyezz @ Arthas - Game - World of Warcraft

Devirginator @ Durotan - Game - World of Warcraft

Mathematix @ Arthas - Game - World of Warcraft

Fcingftl @ Durotan - Game - World of Warcraft

We heard that the games were unbalanced with 10 alliance hunters every match so the call went out far and wide, we are the tink's wrath, the sons of scotland that have come down from the hills to deal with your arrogance, the vengeance of those that pay for the game so that scrubs can play...

...We come back to you now, at the turn of the tide to crush the alliance where they sleep. We call on our Horde brothers to bring forth fire and brimstone for we will either be victorious or lay down scorched earth, these alliance scum will perish before our feet and squeel for mercy on the forums or just do a lot of qq, hmmm the sweet taste of bitter tears...

We here to put you on blast son!




IpayIwin said:
Hey don't forget me and my esteemed colleagues that will be joining the fight soon.

Ipayiwin @ Arthas - Game - World of Warcraft

Deadeyezz @ Arthas - Game - World of Warcraft

Devirginator @ Durotan - Game - World of Warcraft

Mathematix @ Arthas - Game - World of Warcraft

Fcingftl @ Durotan - Game - World of Warcraft

We heard that the games were unbalanced with 10 alliance hunters every match so the call went out far and wide, we are the tink's wrath, the sons of scotland that have come down from the hills to deal with your arrogance, the vengeance of those that pay for the game so that scrubs can play...

...We come back to you now, at the turn of the tide to crush the alliance where they sleep. We call on our Horde brothers to bring forth fire and brimstone for we will either be victorious or lay down scorched earth, these alliance scum will perish before our feet and squeel for mercy on the forums or just do a lot of qq, hmmm the sweet taste of bitter tears...

We here to put you on blast son!



Noone likes you.
Sàxxon said:
you dont understand, where not here to ruin your bracket, where here to take it over.

f2ps are nothing but free players who brought this bracket to life to me, a new bracket for twinks which pops everyday regardless of time zone (i live in new zealand so my 19s que times suck) is a GOD SEND, its so much like BC its unbelievable ( by that i mean 3/4 of your team are scrubs rest are twinks who actually do something) its as simple as that, 24s will continue to be made just like trials will continue to be made, so this bracket cannot die!

thanks for bringing a dead bracket to life guys and we appreciate it.

/end douchebaggery

also our guild motto is I pay I win !

20s aren't like TBC twinking at all.

i have no idea how a person playing on an actual WoW account who had a real twink, 24 or not, with real enchants and BOAs, could possibly have fun in this bracket. i understand that some people really, really get off on "pwning noobs" at a massive advantage, but i'm pretty sure that it would get old after a while in this bracket.

let me tell you: the people in this bracket are BAD. a big chunk of these guys are legit first-time wow players, who are just trying out the game for free to have fun. i'm having a lot of fun in this bracket because pvping on a clothie with such crappy gear is an extreme challenge, and i love challenges. if i would have rolled a hunter or rogue instead, i would have already quit.

you're going to get bored of rolling first-timers after about a week. i'm not even trying to deter you from doing it - just warning you so you don't waste your time.
IpayIwin said:

These new trolls aren't even trying :/

I wouldn't waste my time rolling F2Ps on my p2p account, because I'm not a bad. I'd play a REAL P2P bracket.

Enjoy Farmville: GY Camp edition & WSG: CTF - Camp then Farm.
Quelfep said:
ok really the word troll has undergone a semantic shift to some degree and i think its gay

how ?
iaccidentallytwink said:
These new trolls aren't even trying :/

You are giving trolls a bad name. That's not a troll.

Some might say he's a giant squid monster, others might say he's a butthurt lamer. I think he's a 4chan wannabe who fails on that site hard and must try to produce the same steaming pile of shit in a less professional environment in order to gain a little bit of recognition to feed his ego.

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