power word shield is unlocked at 5 on the ptr right now, I've heard people talking about it being changed to 28 sometime in the future but I haven't seen any reliable sources on thisIn ptr im pretty sure bubble is lvl 28
@Hunnybuns I'm sorry but bunz has no success. Just because people enjoy messing around doesn't mean you have to get salty over it. The true reason you want to quit the shitty shitty bracket is because it isn't fun and there is no future for anything in life there, and you have just realised this.
kanye ego or whatever they are called.
I have absolutely no clue who you guys are since I quit playing after twink cup, you seem like a bunch of idiots that are not that good at the game and play the most broken classes and stack any consumable you can get a hold of.Quit acting a ducking fool. You know exactly who we are when our name just came out of your mouth with easedon't act like you don't know the name when you clearly know.
<KANYE EGO> On the rise bitches. Taking over the 19 bracket ya hurddddd
You're describing every game ever.90% of the players who play are braindead.
Disc has always been a spec best played aggressively. What do you see as inherently wrong with a healing spec that has an aggressive nature?They might even pick another talent altogether and actually play like a healer? Possibly too hopeful.