big pwner never small pwn
Hello Pwners
In this thread i'll be guiding you through everything u need to know about twink cup 2019 including all your favorite twink superstars like wendy and all current strats by each team.
Current Strats -
[LSN]: Looking at LSN's current gameplay it seems like they think it's still 2018 where mid matters, they like to all in mid using their amazing frontlining disc priest Darkxd and their equally impressive arcane mage Capstone who doesnt have blink bound, not much originality coming out from our current defending champs who's strategies seem to be ineffective against every team including plebmades
An inside source has told me that within 3 minutes of the first games they lost to a plebmade Yowza was on the phone to Pizza asking him to play again, the results of such phonecall remains unknown.
[Scope's team (ppl call them S P I T but it's still not official)]: Evidently their strategy this year is to recruit every awful player in the bracket and see how far they can reach (Neebler and Bailey are currently awaiting an invitation), we saw this strategy implemented last year by JCP.
I've tried to contact Roula to see if he deems this blatant breach of copyright worthy of a court case but I keep getting through to the receptionist at his dentistry and the only english she knows is 'book appointment?', going to try again after the holy month.
Nothing special in their gameplay but that's to be expected, another boring mid comp team in which they average 1-2 HKs per game.
[Racial Inequality]: I'm sitting here wondering if they're going to name change seeing as Alliance is the most dominant faction at 19s now, then I remembered they should change 80% of their roster as that's a more pressing matter, in 2018's cup they were arguably the worst team in mid, since then they've practiced mid so much they've become one of if not the best team in mid, unfortunately mid is useless if BFA is played properly. Maybe 2020 is their year (if they practice objectives as much as they practiced mid) as their objective classes are absolutely atrocious.
Most recently they merged with Mvq's team (because he pissed off the gays) which must've seemed like an absolute dream to HairyTreeMan as his current FC was the worst anyone in the bracket had seen, to the point where even Mvq the bracket's biggest meme seemed like an upgrade.
[GSC]: Very hard to judge this team currently as they keep dodging teams and hiding, another rumour circulating is that they are paying the organisers to make the 3-Heal rule however I have insider knowledge that it was LSN's team leader (Darkxd) that suggested GSC try it out against RI one weekend.
From the rare appearances we've seen this past month it seems that they're the most advanced team when it comes to the current meta, inventing a gamebreaking running up tunnel strategy that nobody seems able to deal with and also a mid tactic involving swiftmend that even went over my 700iq head.
The roster has significantly changed as they have lobbed some weak links that i've been calling for since 2017, maybe if they listened sooner they would've won Twink Cup 2018 (not powered by ResurgentESB), the players lobbed are as follows: Saka, Repulsed, Flamer and Ras. It's unknown whether any team wants to pick them up but after their perfomances prior I doubt it.
The Rosters -
[sidenote: if i missed players they're either not filled or they're so shit i forgot them]
Priest (Darkxd): The leader of LSN and simultaneously their worst player, while every other team leader is playing chess he's playing snap and only capable of copying tactics he plays against which is why he's desperate to play vs GSC, his priest gameplay is comparable to his leadership skills in that he has 0. He frontlines so hard sometimes i'm not sure if he's going to cast a heal or start meleeing the other team's backline healers, absolutely 0 mechanics and 0 awareness. The other members of LSN would find it very beneficial to make their own team without him. Especially knowing his parents could pull his router mid twink-cup like has happened previously in RBGs.
Priest (Rookere): Honestly LSN's best player by an absolute mile, don't get me wrong he's still bad, it's just the rest are that far below average it's unreal. Best healer in the bracket? probably, yes this all seems contradictory but just trust me the level of healers is so low it makes sense. He's good because he knows who and when to heal which everyone else in the bracket cant manage to grasp the concept of, he's let down by his map-knowledge and awareness, usually the first in the team to drop combat while pushing towards ramps/tunnels in situations where he should be able to keep combat, also either seems to tunnel into his raidframes while healing and often runs into traps that he should know are there.
Druid (Seth): Lord help LSN if this is your replacement for Pizza, made an absolute idiot of himself last twink cup when he died 1v1 to a hunter pet as Mistweaver, big respect to him for trying to learn to FC with no guidance but at the current rate he's improving he'll be ready to cap a flag in 15 years time when WoW Classic is on BFA. He's currently making Ripduck and Vet look like good FCs, put this guy on another class or on the bench.
Druid (Yowza): Absolute mid monster in a meta where boomkins shouldnt be in mid, unfortunate. Nothing much else to say except needs improvement on objectives.
Shaman (Notae): Probably only in the team for his kickbot and clickbot, if there's another reason it's not evident, really needs improvement on his kickbot as its set to kick any spell from any class including smites, get that fixed and it'll bump you up to a 3/10 shaman.
Shaman (Matty): Had to be rushed onto a new class after seen wearing a Green Lens on a hunter, doesnt have a kickbot so is stuck doing 12 shears a game. Heard rumours that most of them are misclicks anyway, only on the team because the rules say they have to bring 10 players.
Mistweaver (Murphz): New addition to the team from last year, threw him on a class you cant play wrong so not much to say really, needs practice.
Mage (Nickcx): Don't even really know this guy, doesnt do anything special i guess, just another mage that presses missiles instead of blast being an absolute idiot.
Mage (Capstone): Before his first game he was introduced as LSN's secret weapon this year but looking back I guess that was just sarcasm from the crazy funny guys on the team as he's absolutely atrocious, heard he's a rank1 mage at endgame (maybe even multi r1) but it's evident that he doesnt have poly on his bars, always out of position which most people will excuse by lack of practice or knowledge of 19s but after dying 5-6 times a game you'd think someone of that skill level would learn, guess not.
Hunter (Nickx): The only hunter in the bracket who doesnt call when he's casting aimed shot, which pretty much makes him useless in all aspects as he isnt being used on objectives either. Really funny guy who namechanged to my name as a meme to say i'm on the winning team, but then he went and lost to Racial Inequality in practice games, not sure what that was about.
RDruid (Dan): Used to be the slowest reactions in the bracket but then he built a new pc, on a new desk he built, in a new room he built and he's very proud of the fact, Some say the only thing he can't build is the courage to tell HB how he wants his team to be and to play, very hard to judge how he's playing as i'd need to see his PoV to really tell (Fancy's words) but all I know is he's not good at using racials.
Druid (Nature): Probably the most mechanical player going into the tournament, has great awareness and knowledge. Only downside is he's not the most vocal or able to communicate well, performs absolutely terribly if there's a wasp in his room.
Priest/MW (who fkn knows at this point - Blurz): Completely washed, don't know what happened to him, warmed a bench for LSN last year and it's all downhill from there, still makes 95% of the brackets healers look bad but definitely nothing like he used to be, might turn up to the cup playing good but who even knows at this point.
Shaman (Fancy? Bastu? can you decide? ? ? ok lets say its Fancy): Get this guy off shaman, he focuses on damage 100% of the game even asking his other healers why they didnt heal him when he's casting lightning bolts, completely forgetting he's a fkn healer that can top himself in a global, his main account got banned and gsc should've helped him set up a new hunter instead of this shaman he's using.
Mage (Vet): Probably the least mechanical player going into the tournament, he has decent awareness and knowledge, follows leadership well and always tries to improve but holy fk GSC must be glad he's willing to play mage, the only class dumb enough for him to be able to press spells on.
Mage (Lucas): Imagine trying to force this guy to play MW, what the actual fuck were you thinking? legit the only mage (other than me) that knows how mage works and you were gonna pick Flamer over him on mage, god bless whoever finally grew the balls to tell HB he's an idiot, the problem with Lucas is he's a little bit stupid in the brain 90% of the time and asleep the other 10%, hopefully he's awake during the cup or else he'll do something really dumb like recycle his AK on rust (twice), also make sure some girls are offline while the cup is happening otherwise he might queue pugs with them instead.
Rogue (Saxx): Easily the most overrated rogue in the bracket (except Mvq and Phobia's weird love story) 'how does he always know where to be' - Fancy, i dont know man, might be the 2-3k wsg games as rogue he has, might be the fact EFCs taking the same path 20 times in a game, not sure though. If you don't know how to position as a rogue when you can see nameplates from any range/through any terrain and see where the enemy team is heading to meet then idk what to tell you all.
Hunter (HB): Couldn't handle Fancy getting all the praise last year he had to make himself the centre of the team again while performing way below the standard Fancy set, he might be the backbone to GSC's communication but gameplay wise he's nothing special on hunter, GSC would do far better if they moved Fancy back onto hunter and either put HB on shaman or back onto druid and switched around the healers' classes. Making some very very questionable choices when it comes to roster, but it seems to be fixed now.
Hunter (Stabilt): It's frustrating to watch Stabilt on hunter since the way hunters are played has changed significantly to the way Stabilt perfected in previous metas, hunters are needed to be very vocal in GSC's strats and Stabilt is pretty much the opposite, still very mechanically gifted but this strat doesn't work for his playstyle at all which makes him underperform.
no clue who their last fill is or if they even have one yet.
[Racial Inequality]
lord help me remember whos confirmed just gonna check the latest vod so if this lineup is wrong idc.
Priest (Whenindoubt): The only thing im doubting is whether he has his monitor on, he plays so badly I initially thought it was Saka filling for RI, so you can imagine just how useless this guy really is, I think he's new to 19s so there's a possibility he might improve.
RShaman (Wendy): Probably the worst player in the tournament, sometimes I wonder if he thinks he's playing CandyCrush not WSG, clearly doesnt have shear bound, clearly doesnt have any healing spell bound, probably has S key bound. Definitely needs a working keyboard, a working mouse and a working brain.
Shaman (Xooch): A new player to 19s, possibly a new player to WoW. Very respectable of HairyTreeMan to fund a guy he met in Dun Morogh on his first character, not sure if there's any plans to fund his laser eye surgery to improve his awareness but definitely a work in progress.
MW (Jay): The only thing this guy has done right since he made the monk is pick the right race, goes oom within 20secs of the first mid fight and then doesnt do anything for the rest of the game, I guess it's one of those deals where the rules states you have to bring 10 players, pretty sure he heals using BGT too which is weird and disgusting to see.
Hunter (HairyTreeMan): Can't really say much bad about this guy seeing as his team runs a mid comp and he carries their mid on his back, I could write 15 pages about his fucking UI though holy shit, can someone hack his PC and fix it before the tourney.
Hunter (Stunar): I taught this idiot everything he knows so if he wins twink cup I should get a badge, in all honesty seeing as hunters are the ones who hold flag the most often and Fancy is playing shaman, doesn't that make Stunar the best FC in the bracket? Honestly the most improved twink of the last 2 expansions (i havent improved i've always been perfect) still has a lot to improve on though, needs to clean his room to racechange before the tourney and stop accepting werther's originals from certain people.
Mage (Trigs): Very risky of him to join this team looking at the healers, he might get frustrated of being in the GY all game and go fully bald, has decent communication and somewhat decent knowledge of the game, not great mechanically but not bad by any means.
Druid (Mvq): Meme all you want about this absolute freak but he will definitely contribute to RI, especially looking at who he's replacing as 'FC', his only problem is when he's leading strategy he has 1000 ideas of what to do and 999 of them are stupid. Mechanically he's a good FC it's just a shame when it comes to strats his brain is absolutely fried, also wont ever listen to other ideas or arguments against his failing plans.
no clue who the other two are on the vod (2nd mage and druid)
Phobia: I think he's on the team since the merge, no idea what he's playing but it doesnt matter coz he's dogshit at every class, I guess he has ok knowledge and awareness but absolutely no idea how to play any class, also judging by his facecam on his stream he either severely needs sleep or someone needs to report the kids he teaches to the police for constantly giving him black eyes.
only gonna comment on a few coz they played like 2 games (not sure if any are confirmed, just gonna comment on whos been playing every game with them)
Shaman (Arty): Not sure if he's even confirmed or what's going but this idiot can't even say scone properly, not a bad player but nothing special, doesn't seem to be taking this seriously at all which is probably the best thing to do when you're playing with spit, although he's hyping classic so much he might not even show up and nobody will miss him anyway.
Druid (Juan): He's been playing in wargames/plebs for 2 years now and it's 2019 and i've only just heard his voice, congrats on your mic dude, next thing to improve is your gameplay. Start by putting bear form on your bars. Also just a headsup, if you press shapeshift you are immune to polymorph.
Hunter (Burg): Easily the nicest guy in the bracket but holy fuck can someone else target call so we don't have to hear your accent, if I was on your team i'd be wanting to kill myself if I had to listen to that for hours at a time, maybe that's part of the reason your team is underperforming in mid, maybe something to think about.
Mage (Puemp): No idea what happened, you were performing well in Legion then BFA came out and made mages even easier but somehow you got worse?? If anyone has an explanation i'd love to hear it, have a quick look at your UI I think someone took poly off your bars and you havent noticed or something?
[Free Agents] (idiots who dont have a team obviously)
Priest [Saka]: Trying to set the record for how many teams he can be lobbed from leading up to a twink cup, currently tied 1st place with the next entry. If your team is looking for a priest who can singlehandedly throw mid by pressing smite instead of flash heal, look no further than 3 time (4?) Twink Cup runner-up Saka, GSC Reject, The Elite (mvq's team) Reject and LSN Rejected (lmao he begged) currently seeking a team, downside is you have to also accept Repulsed and listen to the two idiots flaming your team every game even though they easily played the worst.
Shaman [Repulsed]: Somehow this trash player convinced every other Rsham to spam lightning bolt and flame shock for 0 results by accident, for some unknown reason everyone thinks that's how Rsham is supposed to be played lmao, I have a theory that the reason Repulsed jumps around 90% of the time in mid is because nobody told him you can put spells on your action bars and he's jumping around while scrolling the spellbook pages and clicking his spells, just a little tip for you Repulsed, Healing Surge is the top spell on the 2nd column and Wind Shear is the bottom spell on the 2nd column, you should start pressing those ones. Don't press the big red one that says Lava Burst, that one sucks.
Monk [Neebler]: Someone should sign this guy up before he dies of old age waiting for the next one, just mute him in call and you should be fine. Has the reaction times of a snail on opioids but he's always willing to listen and learn, it's just a shame you could teach him everything there is to know but he doesnt have the mechanics to put it into practice, probably one of the most patient twinks in the bracket, evident as he's the only person able to call Mvq a friend. Just expect him to roll into walls more often than that one Conq clip that nobody can find.
End Note
Anyone else as fking hyped for TC as I am, looking at the amazing talent our bracket has to offer how can't you be?
I've already ordered my GSC Jersey
In this thread i'll be guiding you through everything u need to know about twink cup 2019 including all your favorite twink superstars like wendy and all current strats by each team.
Current Strats -
[LSN]: Looking at LSN's current gameplay it seems like they think it's still 2018 where mid matters, they like to all in mid using their amazing frontlining disc priest Darkxd and their equally impressive arcane mage Capstone who doesnt have blink bound, not much originality coming out from our current defending champs who's strategies seem to be ineffective against every team including plebmades
An inside source has told me that within 3 minutes of the first games they lost to a plebmade Yowza was on the phone to Pizza asking him to play again, the results of such phonecall remains unknown.
[Scope's team (ppl call them S P I T but it's still not official)]: Evidently their strategy this year is to recruit every awful player in the bracket and see how far they can reach (Neebler and Bailey are currently awaiting an invitation), we saw this strategy implemented last year by JCP.
I've tried to contact Roula to see if he deems this blatant breach of copyright worthy of a court case but I keep getting through to the receptionist at his dentistry and the only english she knows is 'book appointment?', going to try again after the holy month.
Nothing special in their gameplay but that's to be expected, another boring mid comp team in which they average 1-2 HKs per game.
[Racial Inequality]: I'm sitting here wondering if they're going to name change seeing as Alliance is the most dominant faction at 19s now, then I remembered they should change 80% of their roster as that's a more pressing matter, in 2018's cup they were arguably the worst team in mid, since then they've practiced mid so much they've become one of if not the best team in mid, unfortunately mid is useless if BFA is played properly. Maybe 2020 is their year (if they practice objectives as much as they practiced mid) as their objective classes are absolutely atrocious.
Most recently they merged with Mvq's team (because he pissed off the gays) which must've seemed like an absolute dream to HairyTreeMan as his current FC was the worst anyone in the bracket had seen, to the point where even Mvq the bracket's biggest meme seemed like an upgrade.
[GSC]: Very hard to judge this team currently as they keep dodging teams and hiding, another rumour circulating is that they are paying the organisers to make the 3-Heal rule however I have insider knowledge that it was LSN's team leader (Darkxd) that suggested GSC try it out against RI one weekend.
From the rare appearances we've seen this past month it seems that they're the most advanced team when it comes to the current meta, inventing a gamebreaking running up tunnel strategy that nobody seems able to deal with and also a mid tactic involving swiftmend that even went over my 700iq head.
The roster has significantly changed as they have lobbed some weak links that i've been calling for since 2017, maybe if they listened sooner they would've won Twink Cup 2018 (not powered by ResurgentESB), the players lobbed are as follows: Saka, Repulsed, Flamer and Ras. It's unknown whether any team wants to pick them up but after their perfomances prior I doubt it.
The Rosters -
[sidenote: if i missed players they're either not filled or they're so shit i forgot them]
Priest (Darkxd): The leader of LSN and simultaneously their worst player, while every other team leader is playing chess he's playing snap and only capable of copying tactics he plays against which is why he's desperate to play vs GSC, his priest gameplay is comparable to his leadership skills in that he has 0. He frontlines so hard sometimes i'm not sure if he's going to cast a heal or start meleeing the other team's backline healers, absolutely 0 mechanics and 0 awareness. The other members of LSN would find it very beneficial to make their own team without him. Especially knowing his parents could pull his router mid twink-cup like has happened previously in RBGs.
Priest (Rookere): Honestly LSN's best player by an absolute mile, don't get me wrong he's still bad, it's just the rest are that far below average it's unreal. Best healer in the bracket? probably, yes this all seems contradictory but just trust me the level of healers is so low it makes sense. He's good because he knows who and when to heal which everyone else in the bracket cant manage to grasp the concept of, he's let down by his map-knowledge and awareness, usually the first in the team to drop combat while pushing towards ramps/tunnels in situations where he should be able to keep combat, also either seems to tunnel into his raidframes while healing and often runs into traps that he should know are there.
Druid (Seth): Lord help LSN if this is your replacement for Pizza, made an absolute idiot of himself last twink cup when he died 1v1 to a hunter pet as Mistweaver, big respect to him for trying to learn to FC with no guidance but at the current rate he's improving he'll be ready to cap a flag in 15 years time when WoW Classic is on BFA. He's currently making Ripduck and Vet look like good FCs, put this guy on another class or on the bench.
Druid (Yowza): Absolute mid monster in a meta where boomkins shouldnt be in mid, unfortunate. Nothing much else to say except needs improvement on objectives.
Shaman (Notae): Probably only in the team for his kickbot and clickbot, if there's another reason it's not evident, really needs improvement on his kickbot as its set to kick any spell from any class including smites, get that fixed and it'll bump you up to a 3/10 shaman.
Shaman (Matty): Had to be rushed onto a new class after seen wearing a Green Lens on a hunter, doesnt have a kickbot so is stuck doing 12 shears a game. Heard rumours that most of them are misclicks anyway, only on the team because the rules say they have to bring 10 players.
Mistweaver (Murphz): New addition to the team from last year, threw him on a class you cant play wrong so not much to say really, needs practice.
Mage (Nickcx): Don't even really know this guy, doesnt do anything special i guess, just another mage that presses missiles instead of blast being an absolute idiot.
Mage (Capstone): Before his first game he was introduced as LSN's secret weapon this year but looking back I guess that was just sarcasm from the crazy funny guys on the team as he's absolutely atrocious, heard he's a rank1 mage at endgame (maybe even multi r1) but it's evident that he doesnt have poly on his bars, always out of position which most people will excuse by lack of practice or knowledge of 19s but after dying 5-6 times a game you'd think someone of that skill level would learn, guess not.
Hunter (Nickx): The only hunter in the bracket who doesnt call when he's casting aimed shot, which pretty much makes him useless in all aspects as he isnt being used on objectives either. Really funny guy who namechanged to my name as a meme to say i'm on the winning team, but then he went and lost to Racial Inequality in practice games, not sure what that was about.
RDruid (Dan): Used to be the slowest reactions in the bracket but then he built a new pc, on a new desk he built, in a new room he built and he's very proud of the fact, Some say the only thing he can't build is the courage to tell HB how he wants his team to be and to play, very hard to judge how he's playing as i'd need to see his PoV to really tell (Fancy's words) but all I know is he's not good at using racials.
Druid (Nature): Probably the most mechanical player going into the tournament, has great awareness and knowledge. Only downside is he's not the most vocal or able to communicate well, performs absolutely terribly if there's a wasp in his room.
Priest/MW (who fkn knows at this point - Blurz): Completely washed, don't know what happened to him, warmed a bench for LSN last year and it's all downhill from there, still makes 95% of the brackets healers look bad but definitely nothing like he used to be, might turn up to the cup playing good but who even knows at this point.
Shaman (Fancy? Bastu? can you decide? ? ? ok lets say its Fancy): Get this guy off shaman, he focuses on damage 100% of the game even asking his other healers why they didnt heal him when he's casting lightning bolts, completely forgetting he's a fkn healer that can top himself in a global, his main account got banned and gsc should've helped him set up a new hunter instead of this shaman he's using.
Mage (Vet): Probably the least mechanical player going into the tournament, he has decent awareness and knowledge, follows leadership well and always tries to improve but holy fk GSC must be glad he's willing to play mage, the only class dumb enough for him to be able to press spells on.
Mage (Lucas): Imagine trying to force this guy to play MW, what the actual fuck were you thinking? legit the only mage (other than me) that knows how mage works and you were gonna pick Flamer over him on mage, god bless whoever finally grew the balls to tell HB he's an idiot, the problem with Lucas is he's a little bit stupid in the brain 90% of the time and asleep the other 10%, hopefully he's awake during the cup or else he'll do something really dumb like recycle his AK on rust (twice), also make sure some girls are offline while the cup is happening otherwise he might queue pugs with them instead.
Rogue (Saxx): Easily the most overrated rogue in the bracket (except Mvq and Phobia's weird love story) 'how does he always know where to be' - Fancy, i dont know man, might be the 2-3k wsg games as rogue he has, might be the fact EFCs taking the same path 20 times in a game, not sure though. If you don't know how to position as a rogue when you can see nameplates from any range/through any terrain and see where the enemy team is heading to meet then idk what to tell you all.
Hunter (HB): Couldn't handle Fancy getting all the praise last year he had to make himself the centre of the team again while performing way below the standard Fancy set, he might be the backbone to GSC's communication but gameplay wise he's nothing special on hunter, GSC would do far better if they moved Fancy back onto hunter and either put HB on shaman or back onto druid and switched around the healers' classes. Making some very very questionable choices when it comes to roster, but it seems to be fixed now.
Hunter (Stabilt): It's frustrating to watch Stabilt on hunter since the way hunters are played has changed significantly to the way Stabilt perfected in previous metas, hunters are needed to be very vocal in GSC's strats and Stabilt is pretty much the opposite, still very mechanically gifted but this strat doesn't work for his playstyle at all which makes him underperform.
no clue who their last fill is or if they even have one yet.
[Racial Inequality]
lord help me remember whos confirmed just gonna check the latest vod so if this lineup is wrong idc.
Priest (Whenindoubt): The only thing im doubting is whether he has his monitor on, he plays so badly I initially thought it was Saka filling for RI, so you can imagine just how useless this guy really is, I think he's new to 19s so there's a possibility he might improve.
RShaman (Wendy): Probably the worst player in the tournament, sometimes I wonder if he thinks he's playing CandyCrush not WSG, clearly doesnt have shear bound, clearly doesnt have any healing spell bound, probably has S key bound. Definitely needs a working keyboard, a working mouse and a working brain.
Shaman (Xooch): A new player to 19s, possibly a new player to WoW. Very respectable of HairyTreeMan to fund a guy he met in Dun Morogh on his first character, not sure if there's any plans to fund his laser eye surgery to improve his awareness but definitely a work in progress.
MW (Jay): The only thing this guy has done right since he made the monk is pick the right race, goes oom within 20secs of the first mid fight and then doesnt do anything for the rest of the game, I guess it's one of those deals where the rules states you have to bring 10 players, pretty sure he heals using BGT too which is weird and disgusting to see.
Hunter (HairyTreeMan): Can't really say much bad about this guy seeing as his team runs a mid comp and he carries their mid on his back, I could write 15 pages about his fucking UI though holy shit, can someone hack his PC and fix it before the tourney.
Hunter (Stunar): I taught this idiot everything he knows so if he wins twink cup I should get a badge, in all honesty seeing as hunters are the ones who hold flag the most often and Fancy is playing shaman, doesn't that make Stunar the best FC in the bracket? Honestly the most improved twink of the last 2 expansions (i havent improved i've always been perfect) still has a lot to improve on though, needs to clean his room to racechange before the tourney and stop accepting werther's originals from certain people.
Mage (Trigs): Very risky of him to join this team looking at the healers, he might get frustrated of being in the GY all game and go fully bald, has decent communication and somewhat decent knowledge of the game, not great mechanically but not bad by any means.
Druid (Mvq): Meme all you want about this absolute freak but he will definitely contribute to RI, especially looking at who he's replacing as 'FC', his only problem is when he's leading strategy he has 1000 ideas of what to do and 999 of them are stupid. Mechanically he's a good FC it's just a shame when it comes to strats his brain is absolutely fried, also wont ever listen to other ideas or arguments against his failing plans.
no clue who the other two are on the vod (2nd mage and druid)
Phobia: I think he's on the team since the merge, no idea what he's playing but it doesnt matter coz he's dogshit at every class, I guess he has ok knowledge and awareness but absolutely no idea how to play any class, also judging by his facecam on his stream he either severely needs sleep or someone needs to report the kids he teaches to the police for constantly giving him black eyes.
only gonna comment on a few coz they played like 2 games (not sure if any are confirmed, just gonna comment on whos been playing every game with them)
Shaman (Arty): Not sure if he's even confirmed or what's going but this idiot can't even say scone properly, not a bad player but nothing special, doesn't seem to be taking this seriously at all which is probably the best thing to do when you're playing with spit, although he's hyping classic so much he might not even show up and nobody will miss him anyway.
Druid (Juan): He's been playing in wargames/plebs for 2 years now and it's 2019 and i've only just heard his voice, congrats on your mic dude, next thing to improve is your gameplay. Start by putting bear form on your bars. Also just a headsup, if you press shapeshift you are immune to polymorph.
Hunter (Burg): Easily the nicest guy in the bracket but holy fuck can someone else target call so we don't have to hear your accent, if I was on your team i'd be wanting to kill myself if I had to listen to that for hours at a time, maybe that's part of the reason your team is underperforming in mid, maybe something to think about.
Mage (Puemp): No idea what happened, you were performing well in Legion then BFA came out and made mages even easier but somehow you got worse?? If anyone has an explanation i'd love to hear it, have a quick look at your UI I think someone took poly off your bars and you havent noticed or something?
[Free Agents] (idiots who dont have a team obviously)
Priest [Saka]: Trying to set the record for how many teams he can be lobbed from leading up to a twink cup, currently tied 1st place with the next entry. If your team is looking for a priest who can singlehandedly throw mid by pressing smite instead of flash heal, look no further than 3 time (4?) Twink Cup runner-up Saka, GSC Reject, The Elite (mvq's team) Reject and LSN Rejected (lmao he begged) currently seeking a team, downside is you have to also accept Repulsed and listen to the two idiots flaming your team every game even though they easily played the worst.
Shaman [Repulsed]: Somehow this trash player convinced every other Rsham to spam lightning bolt and flame shock for 0 results by accident, for some unknown reason everyone thinks that's how Rsham is supposed to be played lmao, I have a theory that the reason Repulsed jumps around 90% of the time in mid is because nobody told him you can put spells on your action bars and he's jumping around while scrolling the spellbook pages and clicking his spells, just a little tip for you Repulsed, Healing Surge is the top spell on the 2nd column and Wind Shear is the bottom spell on the 2nd column, you should start pressing those ones. Don't press the big red one that says Lava Burst, that one sucks.
Monk [Neebler]: Someone should sign this guy up before he dies of old age waiting for the next one, just mute him in call and you should be fine. Has the reaction times of a snail on opioids but he's always willing to listen and learn, it's just a shame you could teach him everything there is to know but he doesnt have the mechanics to put it into practice, probably one of the most patient twinks in the bracket, evident as he's the only person able to call Mvq a friend. Just expect him to roll into walls more often than that one Conq clip that nobody can find.
End Note
Anyone else as fking hyped for TC as I am, looking at the amazing talent our bracket has to offer how can't you be?
I've already ordered my GSC Jersey