Evacuate this garbage.

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Please don't include political/punishment views in this forum/thread. I'm Australian, we do not have the death penalty here.

Nah, but you are forced to vote in elections, lol. If you are of age, anyway.
Oh, what's in a name? Again proving that you, and other inhabitants on this forum, just simply don't get it. I'm sure you've spent the time to read both posts regarding what I share briefly about "Cinderella". It's just too must for you to understand I suppose.

Please, enlighten me on how I've contradicted myself. I've shared my opinions with both of you, on two separate subjects. One being the way you act, the other being the very nature and purpose of this thread. So, yes, unrelated. The only tie being Agonist. Responding doesn't mean I feel as though this thread serves any purpose. It's simply become a place for discussion.
''justifiability'' is conveyed in the purpose of the thread which is ''19s are a more competitive bracket''. What the actual fuck are you even trying to say as your argument? Please enlighten me because I feel like I'm reading a different argument every single post.
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His description of the bracket was fairly accurate. Don't get butthurt just because you recently came back to it.
It's funny how you seem to still be stuck on the idea that anything actually pertaining to either bracket is still present in this thread. The name of this thread should be "How long can a thread of personal attacks on members of a happy community by the three asshat amigos continue until it's closed and the victims of the personal attacks are banned unjustifiably while said three asshat amigos roam the internet looking for more people to harass." That just about sums it up, though it may be a bit long.

It's also amusing that the same people who drove people away from the bracket by camping and harassing them are now asking them to return, and doing so in the most rude and counter-intuitive manner possible.
After reading my post a second time, I'd like to clarify that I wasn't a victim of camping or harassment, because I aint no b**ch, but my point still stands.
hahaha u call a nearly dead bracket from gy camping competitive..... the only thing competitive in the 19 bracket is who has the biggest ego
Not sure why this is not deleted yet and I deserve at least a short ban for poking fun off 19s AFK'n on life. When I posted that btw I was under the impression all the suicides were fake.

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The real reason 19's faltered back in during 3.4 was xp on. Eventually we got scheduled games going. The bracket made a come back. Then the AFK cancer took over. And now it has infested other brackets as well. Just like the end of every expansion twinks get a nice influx of new players. We have all seen it time and time again. Let's all just enjoy these last few months MoP, because we should have shorter queue times instead of bickering like old ladies. When the new expansion hits many twinks will be put on the back burner and our queue times will just get longer.

Not sure why this is not deleted yet and I deserve at least a short ban for poking fun off 19s AFK'n on life. When I posted that btw I was under the impression all the suicides were fake.

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stop caring about the "suicides" cuz no one else does...
Not sure why this is not deleted yet and I deserve at least a short ban for poking fun off 19s AFK'n on life. When I posted that btw I was under the impression all the suicides were fake.

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Hey man, look, as part of the unofficial spokespersons of 19s, I forgive you. Was a joke that came too soon but we're all human. We all say ish that comes straight off the dome piece like Jerome's niece. I get that you're sorry for what you did and I respect you for putting aside your ego for one second and manning up. Words get said, actions happen, lines get crossed.

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