Europe's First Level 50 Raiding and PvP Guild - recruiting!

good luck europeans
Rune of Perfection - Item - World of Warcraft Rune of perfection lvl 40 now gives 20 hit instead of 20 spell penetration which makes it viable again! making Druid, Mage, Monk, Priest, Shaman, Warlock able to reach higher hit ratings! that one + flashlight! and it still gives the 7stam.

and I just thought I had the max hit rating with the GF rune of the guard captain, but now rune of perfection beats that one :p but more hit for all is better than of course :)
Rune of Perfection - Item - World of Warcraft Rune of perfection lvl 40 now gives 20 hit instead of 20 spell penetration which makes it viable again! making Druid, Mage, Monk, Priest, Shaman, Warlock able to reach higher hit ratings! that one + flashlight! and it still gives the 7stam.

and I just thought I had the max hit rating with the GF rune of the guard captain, but now rune of perfection beats that one :p but more hit for all is better than of course :)

Nice find mate :)
Nice find mate :)

Found accidentally in my bank on Andrakla today when I was looking for my hit gear to test some dps.. I can say I did 400 and a little less both as enhance and elemental. He is lvl 51, and 1 lvl does some difference itself of course but I don't know how much maybe 1,5-2% hit? and gear is pretty much the same. Hand of justice and ironfoe aren't any better as white hits are far from main damage against lvl 60, at least for enhancement. And for elemental I did 400 even without using pyrium weapon chain (40hit).

EDIT: It is the first time I check for a long time, and I don't know if it is good or bad. Anyone want to share how much you do on the 60 dummy? Maybe it is also something different on the real raid bosses and so on, maybe it is better to test on the raid boss dummy?
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I rolled a gnome priest 2 days ago.
Springheals @ Doomhammer - Community - World of Warcraft
Atm I leveled engineering to 240 and skinning 162.
Need to ding 30 to get a new engineering perk.
I guess this evening I'll mange to get to level 35 or more and level up my profs alot more.
I'm out of money on my main atm so could't afford the heirloom pants yet :(
So c you soon!
I rolled a gnome priest 2 days ago.
Springheals @ Doomhammer - Community - World of Warcraft
Atm I leveled engineering to 240 and skinning 162.
Need to ding 30 to get a new engineering perk.
I guess this evening I'll mange to get to level 35 or more and level up my profs alot more.
I'm out of money on my main atm so could't afford the heirloom pants yet :(
So c you soon!

Sounds good mate, welcome to the bracket :)

Level 38
Engineering 315/315
Skinning 252/300

Need to be 50 to get to next engineering perk.
I'm guessing i get 50 end of weekend
When are you guys planning to raid for the first time. I would advise that as soon as you get a bis tank and some healers you jump into AQ10 and do some testing.

Level 38
Engineering 315/315
Skinning 252/300

Need to be 50 to get to next engineering perk.
I'm guessing i get 50 end of weekend

engineering 390 and x2 54int trinkets here now :)

I also hope for some trying soon.. because I will have a break for wow from 14 of december because of family, christmas holidays and stuff etc.
engineering 390 and x2 54int trinkets here now :)

I also hope for some trying soon.. because I will have a break for wow from 14 of december because of family, christmas holidays and stuff etc.

Cheer !

Got mine from AH, was 100g for 2 trinkets, so saved me trouble getting mats etc :)
still 9 levels to go, i'm planning them for this evening!

I noticed i get +15% hit in most holy spells in discipline spec.
But how much hit exact you need to make sure you can hit a raid boss enough to be a dps?
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Cheer !

Got mine from AH, was 100g for 2 trinkets, so saved me trouble getting mats etc :)
still 9 levels to go, i'm planning them for this evening!

I noticed i get +15% hit in most holy spells in discipline spec.
But how much hit exact you need to make sure you can hit a raid boss enough to be a dps?
Idk if you're planning on going disc dps, but I am quite sure that you will loose that 15% hit if you go shadow... but idk the hitcap sorry

Level 50, egineering maxed out and 300/300 skinning

Got alot of stuff !

Gogles, trinckets and some good drops from Temple !
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Took me a small week to complete my 50 priest.
I'm very happy with the result in such a short period.

For the moment I'm looking to get + 20 spell on gloves (too expensive on AH)
Also the epic robe is on my list "robes of insight" but also way too expensive on AH 12k !!! XD

Also changing my rings to more int/spirtit oriented.

So after these minor tweaks I'm totaly rdy to go :)

Springheals @ Doomhammer - Community - World of Warcraft

So if any can help me out, AsEeL is the battletag !
I'm thinking of giving this ago - i've looked at the bis chardevs for Spriest, which is what i'd be rolling. BoA's excluded as i have those, how long would it take to fully gear? Secondly is there a particularly sserver to roll on, or would it just be easier to roll on my main server and raid via realid/xfer to a main realm somewhere?

Anyone could give me some answers, would be nice :)

Edit: Why alchemy as a second profession over say herblore for lifeblood?
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Took me a small week to complete my 50 priest.
I'm very happy with the result in such a short period.

For the moment I'm looking to get + 20 spell on gloves (too expensive on AH)
Also the epic robe is on my list "robes of insight" but also way too expensive on AH 12k !!! XD

Also changing my rings to more int/spirtit oriented.

So after these minor tweaks I'm totaly rdy to go :)

Springheals @ Doomhammer - Community - World of Warcraft

So if any can help me out, AsEeL is the battletag !
Looks very nice! and Gz on 20 sp enchant :)
I'm thinking of giving this ago - i've looked at the bis chardevs for Spriest, which is what i'd be rolling. BoA's excluded as i have those, how long would it take to fully gear? Secondly is there a particularly sserver to roll on, or would it just be easier to roll on my main server and raid via realid/xfer to a main realm somewhere?

Anyone could give me some answers, would be nice :)

Edit: Why alchemy as a second profession over say herblore for lifeblood?
Well I can answer on some of it; the guild would prefer people to roll on Draenor Ally as that is where the guild is located, but surely, if there is no way that will happen, you can create your twink on your own server, I think they will be more than glad to have another 50 twink, no matter the server :) Another solution could be to lvl/gear on your main server with gold/herilooms from your main and then xfer to Draenor :)

And by gearing up do you then include lvling? Cause if so, it depends on all sorts of stuff, how much time you got a day, if you got BoAs. And as for the actual gearing it depends on your RNG I guess :p
How many have you got right now, enough to raid?
As I said earlier you probably want to get a small raid group together to do some testing, a major part of the US <Fifty> has been testing. All you have to do is pull the first add in AQ10 (the one that moves into the room every minute or so) the pull is complicated due to there being only 1 location that you wont agro the gladiators. Then you can test what you want. I would advise a minimum of 1 Tank and probably 2 Healers. Oh also try to get a pally to tank it, When US <Fifty> brought a prot pally in with 8k hp he was 1 shot. As always good luck guys hope you have fun.
How many have you got right now, enough to raid?
As I said earlier you probably want to get a small raid group together to do some testing, a major part of the US <Fifty> has been testing. All you have to do is pull the first add in AQ10 (the one that moves into the room every minute or so) the pull is complicated due to there being only 1 location that you wont agro the gladiators. Then you can test what you want. I would advise a minimum of 1 Tank and probably 2 Healers. Oh also try to get a pally to tank it, When US <Fifty> brought a prot pally in with 8k hp he was 1 shot. As always good luck guys hope you have fun.

you mean we should try NOT to bring a pala to tank it then? :p.. but yeah I strongly agree with you! as sooon as it is possible we should be going guys.. and I wont be able to go for christmas holiday. So if we could get some testing done in 2012 this year would be nice.
How many have you got right now, enough to raid?
As I said earlier you probably want to get a small raid group together to do some testing, a major part of the US <Fifty> has been testing. All you have to do is pull the first add in AQ10 (the one that moves into the room every minute or so) the pull is complicated due to there being only 1 location that you wont agro the gladiators. Then you can test what you want. I would advise a minimum of 1 Tank and probably 2 Healers. Oh also try to get a pally to tank it, When US <Fifty> brought a prot pally in with 8k hp he was 1 shot. As always good luck guys hope you have fun.

I'm guessing this was before patch?
Now all tanks get -6% chance to get critten?

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