Eureka! A Good Idea

Wall of Text Inc

I started thinking last night why is it that huntards always get top KB, HK, and damage? First I decided to think about kiting. It seemed as if this would be a reasonable solution for the huntard problem. Then it occurred to me that good players will always be good and it would be pointless to try to nerf kiting. So my thoughts trailed off into something else. Huntards pets usually do a good chunk of damage right. Well why not decrease their attack range so it isn't so ridiculous for people that aren't huntards. A decent idea, but that would the fuck the already gimped level 80 huntards even more. Even better, why not lower, lower level huntard pets resistances so that you can just put some sort of hinder on them and not have to worry about them for awhile. This would answer the question of the huntard pet to a certain degree, but it still doesn't answer the original question. Finally, I got it. 29 huntards do all that damage because they can stand behind the melees and healers and land back to back to back 400+ crits. The solution to this could not gimp 80 huntards so talents and skills are out of the question. But what else is there? Master Hunter Gun/Bow. If these weapons were placed down a few levels on the food chain huntards couldn't get these insane numbers. This is just my idea, and I have to say I think it would work pretty well.

Related: A few weeks ago I stumbled upon a more powerful Master Hunter Gun/Bow. It turns out it had been nerfed once already. I thought it was humorous to some degree.
It won't solve the issue. You could still deal insane damage without them, seriously. It might take you one or 2 shots more. The actual problem is the amount of instant damaging attacks on low CD.

Although, excellent idea. it would go a long way towards putting an end to the dominance of huntards in the 29 bracket.
OMG definately nerf huntards pets, well at least there resistance that just gets so annoying.
Hunters suck......that is finnal =p
You don't have to write the word "huntards" eleven thousand times in one post. And it's hardly an issue since we don't have any bgs up in the first place.

I just get tired of getting dismissed as a simple "huntard", I'm more like Rambo whenever I play my 29 hunter.

The way I use my hunter: if someone is mean to my other chars, I log my hunter, just like people log onto their mains when their alts are getting ganked.
Yeah, you really make friends behaving so! Keep it up, playing Huntards is fun!
Imo, reduce backpedaling speed by 80%, remove MS, and pet deals 50% less dmg if its not attacking the hunter's target.

That'd fix 29 somewhat.
Arinth said:
Imo, reduce backpedaling speed by 80%, remove MS, and pet deals 50% less dmg if its not attacking the hunter's target.

That'd fix 29 somewhat.


Arinth said:
Imo, reduce backpedaling speed by 80%, remove MS, and pet deals 50% less dmg if its not attacking the hunter's target.

That'd fix 29 somewhat.

I also lol'd.

My idea focuses on the fact that this would not effect level 80 huntards that are from what I have heard are very weak. Blizzards main focus will always and forever remain on endgame. This is understandable of course as the majority of players are involved in this. The solution for evening 29 huntards will have to stay within the bracket. As I said in my first post talents and abilities can not be part of the solution because it would gimp 80 huntards even more. WSG LoS stumps is a good idea but it must go along with the rule as well and can not be put into place because it would effect all brackets and not just 29.

Related: Huntards will keep being called huntards as long as they pick easy mode instead of looking for a challenge.
NickeQuick said:
Related: Huntards will keep being called huntards as long as they pick easy mode instead of looking for a challenge.

You keep calling level 80 hunters "huntards" aswell. You have no idea how much we've struggled throughout the years, seems like you picked the easy mode.

I agree that hunters are very strong at 29, but they diminish in strength by each level they gain, whereas other classes grow stronger. Just avoid them, or engage them in tight areas where they can't use ranged weapons. I had to melee a resto shaman to death on my hunter because he exploited some tight areas in wsg. Any other class would have been able to go full dps in the same scenario, but the hunter just can't due to game mechanics.
Struggling in WoW seems pretty srs. I play a hunter at 60+, and I do agree that they used to be pretty terrible until recently.
Well, I can say this: the top rated arena hunters would have gained 500+ rating by just rolling another class.

Oh, and what do you mean by saying that you play a hunter at 60+ btw? :confused:
Subpar said:
just add LOS to the WSG stumps, imo

Yeah seriously. The LoS difference in PvP verses PvE makes no sense at all. My main hunter gets LoS issues when questing, raiding etc. if there is a branch in the way. She also doesnt even know to angle her body to aim up staircases in VH, UK, UP--while standing on the ground or any other step.

Buuuuut. . .

My priest can be aimed shotted by a hunter through a dead tree 6 times the width of her body, through hills of dirt, corners of buildings, outhouses, blacksmith anvils, giant sawblades in lumbermills. . . and a variety of other things I cant even SEE through--but somehow are permeable by arrows and bullets.

Hunters make people miserable in low level pvp and are themselves miserable in endgame.
Arinth said:
Imo, reduce backpedaling speed by 80%, remove MS, and pet deals 50% less dmg if its not attacking the hunter's target.

That'd fix 29 somewhat.

This would make Hunters at endgame, already so insanely weak in pvp, almost impossible to play.


Reduce backpedaling speed: At 80, we need to kite/get away, because things can kill us in a snap. Plus, there are already DK death grips (which for some inexplicable reason cannot be broken out of with beastial wrath), ret stuns, a million and one rouge stuns, and a hundred other cc abilities we are already getting hit with.

MS I assume you mean as multi-shot? This is an important part of the BM hunter's pve rotation--and yes, I know BM isnt top raid spec, but some people still play it--myself for one--and I am top dps in my guild.

Pet deals 50% less damage if not attacking the hunter's target? Part of end-game pvp is to use your pet as a tool, which occasionally means splitting your damage--especially since pets play a large roll in hunter CC.


I, for one, would be cool with making the reduced healing part of aimed shot a trainable aspect of the skill--that can't be trained till level 50 or 60. So aimed shot is there (which means SV and BM hunters can still use it at 80--which wouldnt happen if you moved it further down the tree), but it wouldn't reduce healing until level 50 or 60--when hunters stop being so OP in pvp.

I would also be ok with moving scatter shot further down in the SV tree, so it wouldn't be accessable to level 30 or 40.


BTW calling hunters "huntards" is a cheap shot. And really rude. If hunters werent so OP in 29s, there would be another OP class to take their place. Retardins are also pretty OP--they just aren't quite as OP.
Rapt0R said:
Hunters are crap at 49.

I keep saying solution has to stay within bracket. I guess nobody reads my posts. /feels ignored

BTW this is the internet. All classes has nicknames that are "rude". Oh noes!

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