@ EU Horde Guilds

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You are obviously talking about things you dont know about, mixing even everything up to make some sort of point. You even drag me into things "because of you guys" whem in not even in his ally guild nor play an alliance toon atm.
leotseddap said:
You are obviously talking about things you dont know about

Idd I got no idea who you are, but for the other part, I know what I've seen. Im not basing this on hearsay...

leotseddap said:
You even drag me into things "because of you guys" whem in not even in his ally guild nor play an alliance toon atm.

I didnt drag you into anything as much as you jumped in to protect your friend, which made me assume you are one of those holy paladins from his guild that just happens to come in to the same BGs as he does every time...

leotseddap said:
Also vincent its not really nice to edit your post to make yourself less look like you were nerd rageing towards me 2 without a reason.

Haha what did I edit? I removed the "because of you guys" cause first of all, its not completely true, second, I didnt want to give you that satisfaction. And why do you have to call every little sentence nerd raging? feeling defensive much?
guess you're one of those "you gotta stop playing your twink cus blizz buffed it" types who has nothing positive to add since youre not likeing the changes and then keep bitching about it on the forums .

and for the record:

wos playing a glasscannon fire mage some years ago before the blackout merge when damage / healing / health / Mana / focus / spell power @ STATS wos totoally diffrent and semi viable unlike now when youre dead within 10 seconds if you have below 900 hp.

and i said i perfered playing my paladin , never said i dident play my alts .
And btw, how i know he doesnt play only his paladin is becaue he got toons in my guild and i got him on real id. We are talking about stuff concerning 10-19 even the amount of palas for example and the other unbalance.
Sylvictus said:
guess you're one of those "you gotta stop playing your twink cus blizz buffed it" types who has nothing positive to add since youre not likeing the changes and then keep bitching about it on the forums .

Nothing positive to add? Im positive/neutral to everything except for the fact that no brainers, such as yourself, now thanks to these changes actually can carry the team solely based on your character. And thats not even enough for you, when people still succeed to kill you/when your mates dont roll paladins too, you still have to leave... to me that's both sad and hilarious

Im not trying to tell you what to do as much as I am trying to preserve the bracket, enjoy playing 5 hunters 5 paladins mirror teams every bg, what are you then gonna use to keep an edge?
realiseing now that you have to be one of those players with 900 health , who keeps spamming the bg chat with stupid sentences while not being much use for the team, then you realised that people started to ignore you.

so you decided to make a account on Twinkinfo , and start quoteing people's post to make them look bad and trolling threads as a replacement for bgs .

but to all disapointment people still think you're a "Wast of time"


so vincent... u basically want him to play on his other twink because his paladin is too *op* ? or w/e .. y ofc i can understand u at some point... cuz many ppl rolled rogues when they were so op with ambushes.. same goes for hunter maybe for paladin too.. i must say phonebook is not one of 'em.. he plays his pala for god knows how long. the recent buffs paladin got is no reason for him to stop playing his paladin.. blizz is the one who buffed pala.. go call them and qq there.. if u dont like the 19 bracket anymore then gtfo and stop qqin, kcya

- Ã￾dontcare
Sylvictus said:
realiseing now that you have to be one of those players with 900 health , who keeps spamming the bg chat with stupid sentences while not being much use for the team, then you realised that people started to ignore you.

so you decided to make a account on Twinkinfo , and start quoteing people's post to make them look bad and trolling threads as a replacement for bgs .

but to all disapointment people still think you're a "Wast of time"

One of my twink friends just told me "We Rise You Fall" is still going strong doing their usual 4 man holy team as we speak, freaking pathetic haha

Decoidz said:
if u dont like the 19 bracket anymore then gtfo and stop qqin, kcya

Like I've said a million times by now, Ive already "gtfo'd" the 19 bracket for now, but Ill speak my mind about the people ruining the bracket nonetheless. I understand how you gotta defend the people carrying your sorry ass though

And if I ever am to change my mind and put any kind of value to worst rogue eu's opinion, you'll be the first to know
Vincent said:
One of my twink friends just told me "We Rise You Fall" is still going strong doing their usual 4 man holy team as we speak, freaking pathetic haha

Like I've said a million times by now, Ive already "gtfo'd" the 19 bracket for now, but Ill speak my mind about the people ruining the bracket nonetheless. I understand how you gotta defend the people carrying your sorry ass though

And if I ever am to change my mind and put any kind of value to *best* rogue eu's opinion, you'll be the first to know

k appreciate it ;)

PS: how can they carry me? im horde atm :/// l2think kthxbai qq moar bout a game btw :)) GL. <3333

Edit: i aint defending 'em btw just tellin the truth.. they arent ruining anything.. blizzard is the one that ruins it

no need to attack phonebook on this... he played pala way before the buff

btw fix'd somethin for u :) thank me later
Decoidz said:
k appreciate it ;)

PS: how can they carry me? im horde atm :/// l2think kthxbai qq moar bout a game btw :)) GL. <3333

Edit: i aint defending 'em btw just tellin the truth.. they arent ruining anything.. blizzard is the one that ruins it

no need to attack phonebook on this... he played pala way before the buff

btw fix'd somethin for u :) thank me later

ur just jelly of my awesome FC'ing powers :(
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