[EU Horde] Cross-Realm 80 Raiding


DK Twink (80 / 85 / 101)
These raids have ended. Thanks to everyone who participated.


This thread/raiding is only for level 80 twinks on horde side of the EU realms.

Whilst there's been a lot of discussion about doing cross-realm level 80 raids, patch 4.3.2 is now out and noone has stepped forward to organise it, so I figured I'd give it a shot :) None of the rules/decisions here are set in stone, so feel free to discuss anything you think should be changed.

Raid Times
The plan is to start with 1 raid per week (ICC) and then possibly expand to 2-3 raids. After asking around, the most popular raiding times seem to be Friday/Saturday evening (20:00-23:00 realm time), so we'll try those first. Once we get some more feedback about when people are available, the day might change to better suit the majority of twinks. If all goes well, we can hopefully get this up and running by next raiding week (8th Feb).

Invites may start up to 30mins before the raid starts, and the raid may sometimes be extended by 30mins if needed (only if people can stay).

How to sign up
Read the rules in my post below and if you agree to follow to them, copy the the following text and answer every question before posting it.
Armory Link:
Main spec:
Off spec:
Which days would you be able to attend an evening (20:00-23:00 realm time) raid?
Which weekend days would you be able to attend an afternoon (14:30-17:30 realm time) raid?
Would you be interested in doing 10mans?
Would you be interested in raids other than ICC?
If you have any alt twinks you wouldn't mind raiding on, list them below with an armory link and main/off spec for each:
If you're leader/officer of a twink guild or friends with other twinks that don't use TwinkInfo, you can submit this multiple times on their behalf (or get them to come here and fill it out themselves).

Latest Announcements
The next raid will be on: Saturday 17th March (20:00-23:00 realm time)
- Please make sure Mumble is installed and working. You have just under a week to Google any problems you have and get them fixed (this guide I wrote might help).
- Be online and ready for an invite at least 15mins before the raid starts.
- Make sure you know the tactics for all ICC25 bosses on heroic (especially Putricide, Sindragosa and the Lich King).
Anyone who has signed up and is on the Shadowmourne infusion (or shard) quests, send me a PM stating which stage you're on! Afaik, we don't have anyone who is on the shard quest atm, so we need to get someone up to that point next week if possible.
If you aren't in one of the twink guilds on the list, please send me your real id through PM/whisper (so I can invite you when we're forming the raid).
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  • I will raid lead (unless I can't attend, in which case I'll find someone to take my place). Any help will be appreciated though
  • All guildmasters (and possibly officers) will be in a real id conversation together, where any decisions/issues will be discussed

Voice Chat
  • You MUST have Mumble installed and working (or offer a 25+ slot vent server)
  • Voice chat will only be used if we wipe several times (or if people just want to be social)

  • Loot will be rolled for (Main Spec > Off Spec > Transmog)
  • Legendary shards/fragments will go to the person who currently has the most

  • Don't flame others (if you have a problem with someone, whisper your GM or the raid leader about it)
  • Don't spam raid chat (this includes linking Recount)
  • Keep voice chat clear when needed
  • Wipes will happen, so be patient

  • If we don't have enough people for a raid, we will vote on whether we should: call it, recruit random 80s in trade chat, invite level 85s, go 10man instead, try anyway and go normal mode on some bosses
  • If we have too many people for a raid, we will discuss who the last spots go to (based on gear, attendance, etc). If no decision can be reached, it will be left down to rolls

  • Any gear is allowed. This includes Cataclysm gear/enchants/gems/professions
  • You must have an average item level of 251 or higher
  • Reforging and mastery is allowed

  • Please learn the tactics for all ICC25 heroic bosses before the raid (especially Deathwhisper, Putricide, Blood Princes, Sindragosa and The Lich King)
  • It isn't required, but please consider getting a useful offspec (or levelling an alt twink) if you haven't already got one. It would help everyone if you were flexible in what role you can fulfill
  • Consumables are not required. If we feel flasks/food are needed, we will provide cauldrons/feasts
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Hey Aelo mate, fearedmuch here, i would be happy to do it on my 80 pala when i xfer him horde :)
Quite great job with thread, ill be glad to offer my own vent server.

Holy Paladin / Retri / Protection : Angelwings

Fire Mage : Liria

Raid times : avaible pretty much everyday at any hour.

Dont mind leading - co-leading, have multiple wotlk experience.
Armory Link: Here
Main spec: Holy (Chardev)
Off spec: Protection (Chardev), Retribution (Chardev)
Which days would you be able to attend an evening (20:00-23:00 realm time) raid? Any
Which weekend days would you be able to attend an afternoon (14:30-17:30 realm time) raid? Both Saturday & Sunday
If you have any alt twinks you wouldn't mind raiding on, list them below with an armory link and main/off spec for each: Not yet, warrior inc.

As for experience, look at my main; Here.

Just for further info, we already spoke about it. I've got a friend who is likely to want to do this too, will have to ask him what char he wants to play though.
Is that the same friend of yours that I met on The Maelstrom? :p

Indeed, he has a few 80s scattered across servers, a Mage (whom you met I think), a ret/holy paladin and a frost/blood dk. I'll speak to him when I get home from work, I can practically guarantee his interest.

EDIT: Oh, and whilst I'm at it, I have a 32 slot TS server that never gets used. If you need, naturally.
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Hi Aelo o/ I was in Legacy for a while, went by the name of Yavi while on The Maelstrom :)

Armory Link:
Vyxi @ Draenor - Game - World of Warcraft
Main spec: Retribution
Off spec: Protection
Which days would you be able to attend an evening (20:00-23:00 realm time) raid? Friday or Saturday
Which weekend days would you be able to attend an afternoon (14:30-17:30 realm time) raid? Sunday
If you have any alt twinks you wouldn't mind raiding on, list them below with an armory link and main/off spec for each: No alt 80 twinks
I have a 32 slot TS server that never gets used. If you need, naturally.

Dunno if it's just me but i tend to dislike TS compared to vent.

Hi Aelo o/ I was in Legacy for a while, went by the name of Yavi while on The Maelstrom :)

Armory Link:
Vyxi @ Draenor - Game - World of Warcraft
Main spec: Retribution
Off spec: Protection
Which days would you be able to attend an evening (20:00-23:00 realm time) raid? Friday or Saturday
Which weekend days would you be able to attend an afternoon (14:30-17:30 realm time) raid? Sunday
If you have any alt twinks you wouldn't mind raiding on, list them below with an armory link and main/off spec for each: No alt 80 twinks

Hands up for my 2's partner ^_^
Armory Link:
Geargrinder @ Kor'gall - Game - World of Warcraft

Main spec:
dps (currently enchanted to be a tank but if I get picket as dps i will change it all ofc)

Off spec:

Which days would you be able to attend an evening (20:00-23:00 realm time) raid?
I'm availeble any day of the week since i've quit levle 85 raiding

Which weekend days would you be able to attend an afternoon (14:30-17:30 realm time) raid?
Saturday and sunday

If you have any alt twinks you wouldn't mind raiding on, list them below with an armory link and main/off spec for each:
My shadow/disc priest (
Hoofdluis @ Bloodhoof - Game - World of Warcraft) but not the best gear so prefer on my dk

also I'm experienced with any of the icc hc fights and i'm experienced with playing DK as my main since the first day wrath of the lich king so i'm well known with both the content and my class.

my real id : the-unkillable@hotmail.com
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